virtual memory address

[ˈvɚtʃuəl ˈmɛməri əˈdrɛs][ˈvə:tjuəl ˈmeməri əˈdres]


  • Expound the mechanism of access memory tell protected virtual address mode from real address mode and relation in conversion each other . Explain the method of access memory under real address mode .

    阐述内存的访问机制、保护方式与实 地址方式的差别,以及它们之间转换时的连代关系,说明实 地址方式下访问可达4GB 内存 空间的方法。

  • I discuss how AIX uses virtual memory to address more memory than is physically on your system .

    我将介绍AIX如何使用 虚拟 内存寻址比系统中物理内存更大的内存。

  • The first page of virtual memory in the kernel address space can be accessed by kernel code but is marked as read-only .

    内核 地址空间中的第一页 虚拟 内存可通过内核代码访问,但是被标记为只读。

  • This mechanism is often referred to as virtual memory and virtual address spaces .

    该机制通常称为 虚拟 内存和虚拟 地址空间。

  • Windows operating system using paged virtual memory management technology . The translation from virtual address to physical address is realized by establishing page mapping from virtual address space to physical address space .

    Windows操作系统采用请求分页的 虚拟 存储管理技术,通过在虚拟地址空间的页与物理地址空间的页之间建立映射,实现虚拟 地址到物理地址的变换。

  • Virtual memory address translation

    虚拟 存储器 地址转换

  • Memory management is one of LINUX 's important contents . Virtual memory technology can not only let us able to use more memory but also offer enormous area of searching address the memory reflection and fair assignment of physical memory .

    存储管理是LINUX重要内容之一, 虚拟 内存技术不仅可以提供更多的内存,还提供巨大的 寻址空间、内存映射、公平的物理内存分配等。

  • Finally the scripts modify the configuration file of the new virtual machine with the amount of memory number of CPUs and the MAC address that are specified on the command line .

    最后,这些脚本将修改新的 虚拟机的配置文件,包括 内存总量、CPU的数量,以及命令行中指定的MAC 地址

  • Virtual memory cannot be freed as base address is not the base of the region and a region size of zero was specified .

    基址不为区域基址且已指定0的区域大小时,无法释放 虚拟 内存

  • A mode where virtual addresses are not transformed through a memory map ; for example the virtual address is used as an actual address .

    一种地址转换方式,其中 虚拟地址不通过 存储映象进行转换,例如将虚拟 地址作为实际地址使用。

  • The development of multi-tasking application and architecture improvement introduce the need of virtual memory management in embedded processors . Virtual memory management is implemented through a hardware memory management unit ( MMU ) that supports address translation and protection on the fly .

    随着体系结构的不断发展和多任务嵌入式系统的开发,嵌入式处理器需要提供虚拟内存管理的支持, 虚拟 内存管理是通过内存管理单元硬件实现在系统运行时的 地址转换和地址空间保护。