virtual parameter

[ˈvɚtʃuəl pəˈræmɪtɚ][ˈvə:tjuəl pəˈræmitə]


  • Study on Virtual Power Parameter Measurement and Automatic Electric Measuring Meter Verification

    虚拟 电能 参数测试与电测仪表自动检定技术研究

  • In this paper virtual instrument technique is introduced into dynamic electric parameter measuring . VI 's function units are constructed with structured software design method . A design and development method of virtual measuring instrument has been put forward .

    虚拟仪器技术引入动态电 参量测量,用结构化软件设计的方法构造虚拟仪器的功能组件,提出了一种虚拟测量仪表的设计与开发方法。

  • Calculation of Electric Field for a System with Floating Electrodes by Virtual Material Parameter Method

    虚拟材料 参数法计算含有电位悬浮导体的电场分布

  • It 's a mature technology that Virtual Instrument measure some parameter in PC technology .

    虚拟仪器技术应用计算机技术进行某些 物理 的测量,已是比较成熟的技术。

  • The Virtual Prototype Design and Technical Parameter Study with Forming-Filling-Sealing Packaging Machine

    粉粒制袋充填封口包装 虚拟样机设计及工艺 参数的试验研究

  • Through the analysis of motion control methods for the virtual human a control method of virtual human combined parameter keyframe and inverse kinematics is adopted . On the basis of above method the simulation of virtual human can be realized .

    通过对虚拟人运动控制方法进行研究,本文采用关键帧方法结合逆向运动学 原理虚拟人进行控制,在此控制方法的基础上实现了虚拟人行走模型、跑步模型的运动仿真。

  • It has defects of high energy consuming in pneumatic conveying but the application virtual instrument technology can measure parameter of energy consuming in pneumatic conveying .

    气力输送应用广泛,但存在着能耗高等缺陷。应用 虚拟仪器技术可实现气力输送能耗 参数的自动检测。

  • The virtual instrument system combining the functions of power parameter measurement and electric measuring meter verification is not reported in country and overseas .

    这种将电能 参数测试与电测仪表检定合二为一的 虚拟仪器系统,国内外未见同类报道。

  • The Application of RBF Neural Network Fusion Method in Virtual Flight Parameter Recorder

    RBF神经网络融合方法在 虚拟飞行 参数记录器中的应用

  • The way to generate three-dimensional virtual models of robot manipulators from a D-H parameter table was proposed to realize the visualization of robot .

    提出了采用D-H 参数表生成机器人三维 虚拟模型的方法,实现了机器人的可视化。

  • Study on Virtual Instrument of Electric Parameter Measurement

    电量测试 虚拟仪器的研究

  • Virtual Signal Analyzing Instrument of Multi - parameter

    基于VC(++)多 参量 虚拟信号分析仪

  • The simulation results showed that the virtual prototype designed could be used in dynamic checking parameter optimum regression design and demonstration verification and the motion analysis interference checking tracking and transfer experience for control .

    试验结果表明,所设计的 虚拟样机能用于动态校核、 参数优化、回归设计和演示验证,并能进行运动分析和干涉检测、跟踪以及交班试验等。

  • Human emotion behaviour was considered as a two layer random process in our artificial emotion model . We can construct different characters for virtual human by adjusting the initial parameter of the model .

    该模型将人类的情感过程视为两层随机过程,通过调整模型的初始 参数,能够构建具有不同 性格特征的心理模型;

  • Then combining the virtual structure control law the parameter condition guaranteeing the stability of formation is given .

    进而结合 虚拟结构控制律,给出了保证队形稳定的 参数条件。

  • Based on firing stability simulation of virtual prototype of a type of tank gun matching parameter analysis of armored chassis and gun is performed .

    以某坦克炮的 虚拟样机发射过程系统的射击稳定性仿真为基础进行了车炮匹配 参数分析。

  • Application of Virtual Instrument in Parameter Meter of Drilling Engineering

    虚拟仪器在钻井工程 参数仪中的应用

  • The first-order filter transfroms the sensor faults equivalently into virtual actuator faults . The parameter selecting principle for the filter is for the first time approached from the perspective of observability of system .

    利用一阶滤波器将传感器故障等效变换为 虚拟的执行器故障,并首次从能观性出发提出滤波器 参数选取的理论依据。

  • For the first time the method of virtual base coordinate system which belongs to robot geometric parameter calibration method is presented . This method not only realizes fast detection but has high accuracy . 5 .

    首次提出 虚拟基坐标系机器人几何 参数标定方法,不仅测量速度快,而且准确度高。

  • The application of virtual instrument in parameter testing of diaphragm spring clutch

    虚拟仪器在膜片弹簧离合器盖总成 参数测试中的应用研究

  • Virtual instrument parameter optimization with particle swarm optimization

    基于微粒群算法的 虚拟仪器 参数自适应配置方法

  • Development and application of virtual instrument for determination of kinetic parameter by colorimetry

    比色法测定动力学 参数 虚拟仪器的研制与应用

  • This paper proposed UPC algorithm that is based on virtual scheduling algorithm . The parameter of virtual scheduling algorithm are dynamically adjusted by a BP network .

    在分析文献1w_1090 时间表法不足的基础上,提出利用前向网络动态调整虚时间表法 参数的UPC算法。

  • A single virtual unknown parameter is used in the design of adaptive controllers and parameters update laws if the Lipschitz constant on the nonlinear function can be found while multiple virtual unknown parameters are adopted if the Lipschitz constant cannot be determined .

    当非线性函数的Lipschitz常数可以被确定时,只需引入单个 虚拟未知 参数来设计适当的控制器和参数更新律实现系统的有限时间同步。

  • Combining this access control scheme with a trust model the concepts of converting parameter and dynamic-role are introduced and applied to virtual organization ( VO ) in which converting parameter is designed to realize the reputation conversion among multi-domains .

    将该访问控制方式与信任模型结合,引入转换因子和动态角色的概念,应用到 虚拟组织中,形成了基于动态角色的跨域访问 控制系统。

  • Virtual experimental system for parameter determination of three-phase asynchronous motor

    三相异步电动机 参数测定 虚拟实验系统研究

  • A brand new method is presented to achieve virtual instrument parameter adaptive setting by using computational intelligence & particle swarm optimization ( PSO ) .

    提出了一种利用微粒群算法优化 虚拟仪器 参数设置的方法。

  • Given the fact that the virtual controllers in backstepping procedure are the functions of the parameter estimates and their higher derivatives the differential flatness algorithm is used to expand the dynamics of original systems .

    由于Backstepping的 虚拟控制量与未知 参数逼近 及其高阶导数有关,为此通过微分平滑算法对原系统进行相应的动态扩展。

  • Virtual calibration method of performance parameter for capacitive sensor

    电容式传感器性能 参数 虚拟标定方法

  • The virtual signal generator has been used as signal resource of piezoelectric parameter measurement system .

    该信号发生器已成功用作 虚拟压电 参数测量系统中的信号源。