virtual page

[ˈvɚtʃuəl pedʒ][ˈvə:tjuəl peidʒ]


  • From the Workload Console select Patterns > Virtual System Patterns to go to the virtual system patterns page and press the green plus sign icon ( + ) to create a new pattern .

    在WorkloadConsole中,选择Patterns>VirtualSystemPatterns,进入 虚拟系统模式 页面然后点击绿色加号图标(+)创建一个新模式。

  • You can also log into the WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance navigate to the Virtual Systems page and see the successfully deployed virtual system there as well .

    您还可以登录到WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance,浏览 VirtualSystems 页面,这里也可以看到成功部署的虚拟系统。

  • Again this takes you to the Virtual Systems page and when the deployment process is complete and the virtual system is in the started state you login to the WebSphere Application Server administration console just as you did last time .

    这又会将您带到 VirtualSystems 页面,部署过程完成,且虚拟系统处于启动状态,您可以像上次一样登录到WebsphereApplicationServer管理控制台。

  • The Paper lucubrate the Web browsing and retrieval techniques based on ETG and bring a new service framework for Virtual Web Page based on ETG model . This framework includes the method .

    本文对基于ETG模型的Web浏览和检索服务进行了深入研究,提出并实现了一种切实可行的基于ETG模型的 虚拟 网页服务模式。

  • For a particular virtual page a page table entry will give a corresponding physical page or note that the page is not present ( indicating a page fault ) .

    对于一个特定的 虚拟 ,根据一条页表记录可以找到对应的物理页,或者是页无法找到的提示(说明存在一个页错误)。

  • You can now apply the emergency fix in the same manner that described earlier : Navigate to the Virtual Systems page select the desired virtual system and then click the Apply service wrench icon .

    现在可以按照前面所述的相同方式应用紧急补丁:导航到 VirtualSystems 页面,选择所需的虚拟系统,然后单击Applyservice扳手图标。

  • The syntax of virtual page the key algorithm of ETG auto - generating the system framework discussed in this paper .

    本文给出了具体的 虚拟 网页及其模块化语法,ETG自动生成方法,以及服务器框架。

  • Configure site quotas and locks from the Virtual Server List page

    虚拟服务器列表 页面配置网站配额和锁定

  • Click the configuration button on the virtual directory page of the properties dialog box .

    单击“属性”对话框中“ 虚拟目录” 上的“配置”按钮。

  • Go back to the virtual application pattern page by selecting the Patterns menu and clicking on the Virtual Applications link .

    选择Patterns菜单并点击VirtualApplications链接,返回 虚拟应用程序模式 页面

  • Back in the virtual system patterns page make sure your new pattern is selected and press the edit icon in the top right-hand corner to open the pattern editor .

    回到 虚拟系统模式 页面,确保您的新模式是选中的,然后点击右上角的edit图标打开模式编辑器。

  • The added pre-comparing circuits can greatly improve the efficiency of address translation when the processor needs to access the same virtual address page .

    通过在指令快表中增加预比较电路,提高了处理器连续访问同一 虚拟 页面时的地址转换效率。

  • The Linux kernel operates in a virtual memory mode : for every virtual page there is a corresponding physical page of memory in the system .

    Linux内核工作于虚拟内存模式:每一个 虚拟 对应一个相应的系统内存的物理页。

  • Improving virtual memory page replacement can reduce page fault rate and therefore improve the performance of the system .

    改进 页面置换算法,可以降低页面失败率,从而 有效地提高系统性能。

  • Use the report server virtual directory page to configure the virtual directory for the report server .

    使用“报表服务器 虚拟目录 可以配置报表服务器的虚拟目录。

  • Through the analysis and test of the Xen implementation page thrashing is found and verified in the VMM . This thesis put forwards the Virtual Page Cache to solve the page thrashing problem .

    通过对Xen的虚拟化实现的分析和测试,发现并验证了VMM系统中存在页面抖动现象,由此提出了解决VMM页面抖动的 虚拟 Cache思想。

  • WebSphere CloudBurst directs you to the virtual systems page where you can monitor the deployment status of your system .

    WebSphereCloudBurst转入 虚拟系统 页面,可以在那里监视系统的部署状态。

  • Virtual memory page replacement algorithm is an important component of virtual memory manager .

    页面置换算法是 操作系统请求 式存储管理中的一个重要组成部分。

  • Being a key technology in memory management virtual hash page table is a mechanism for the virtual-to-physical address mapping in high performance microprocessor systems .

    虚拟哈希 表(VHPT)是高性能微处理器系统实现虚拟地址到物理地址的转换映像,是存储管理的关键技术之一。