volume charge

[ˈvɑljum tʃɑrdʒ][ˈvɔlju:m tʃɑ:dʒ]


  • In vivo the rat transient focal cerebral ischemia model was selected and infarction volume neurological scores the energy charge level and level of MDA were used for evaluation .

    体内实验中选取了暂时性局灶型大鼠中动脉缺血模型,通过对脑组织梗塞 体积、神经行为学分数、能 水平以及MDA水平几个指标对巴西苏木红素的作用进行评价。

  • Physical model of a volume charge must be used when electric field intensity of point charge and a line charge and a surface charge is discussed .

    当讨论点电荷、线电荷、面电荷所在处的电场强度时,应该使用 电荷 分布的物理模型。

  • The QSAR results showed that the DHP receptor affinity of these compounds increased with the increase of VDW volume of molecules and electronic charge at the nitrogen atom in the parent nucleus but decreased with the increase of improper energy and hydrophobicity of molecules .

    部分化合物的定量构效关系研究发现:DHP受体亲和力与分子范德华 体积及母核氮原子 电荷正相关,而与分子非正则能及分子疏水性负相关;

  • The unique structures within NiO nanospheres not only accommodate the volume change of charge / discharge process to maintain the structure integrity of materials but also shorten Li + diffusion pathways . 2 .

    这种结构的NiO纳米球不仅可以缓冲 放电过程中的 体积变化以维持材料结构的完整性,而且还缩短了锂离子的扩散路径。

  • A preliminary discussion is made on surface charge distribution on the borehole wall and volume charge distribution in the flushed zone in a borehole by using the theoretical results .

    应用所得理论结果,对裸眼井井壁的面电荷分布和地层冲洗带内的 电荷分布情况作了初步的探讨。

  • Study on Volume Efficiency and Distribution Evenness of Intake Charge in Multi-cylinder Gasoline Engines

    多缸汽油机 充气效率和 进气均匀性研究

  • The sensitive volume and the critical charge are determined on the basis of the device parameters .

    根据器件几何尺寸、掺杂浓度、偏压等因素确定灵敏 体积和临界 电荷,从而提出 粒子 效应的物理模型。

  • The detailed contents are summarized as follows : 1 . Transition metal oxides as anode materias for lithium ion battery show volume expansion in charge / discharge process leading to cycle performance drop .

    具体研究内容如下:1.过渡金属氧化物作为锂离子电池的负极材料,在 放电过程中,会发生 体积膨胀导致电池的循环性能下降。

  • Finally according to the research result of effective volume forecast and investment system and charge mode the measures of effective management have been established in this paper .

    ◆最后,本文综合有效 流量预测、投融资体制及 收费模式的研究结果,确定了高速公路实施有效经营的的策略。

  • When the magazine looked at the 10 biggest private equity groups ranked by announced deal volume for 2006 it found that together they boasted only four US-based partner-level women in charge of putting together deals .

    这本杂志在观察2006年所公布交易 排在前10位的大型私人股本集团时发现,在这些集团的交易 负责人中,一共只有4位合伙人级别的美籍女性。

  • Furthermore the graphene sheets with good electrical conductivity server as a conductor for fast electron transfer between the active materials and charge collector as well as buffered spaces to accommodate the volume expansion / contraction during discharge / charge process .

    另一方面,导电性良好的还原氧化石墨烯构成活性材料和集流体之间电子快速传递的媒介,并为 放电过程中 材料的膨胀/收缩提供了缓冲空间。

  • The problem of effective management of freeway deal with traffic volume of freeway operation system the system of investment charge mode and so on .

    高速公路的有效经营问题涉及面极广,除了涉及高速公路的运营管理以外,还涉及 得空了高速公路的交通 、投融资体制等各方面。

  • Achieved by advanced digit-PID method the whole control process can be provided the small affect of control volume the small charge of system the high reliability .

    整个控制过程,利用先进的数字PID算法来实现,能够实现计算误差对控制 影响小,无 冲击切换对系统 冲击小,可靠性高等优点。

  • The results showed that it is a complicated combined course based primarily on the principle of Adsorption Bridging and supplemented with Volume Sweeping Effect Charge Neutrality and Class Exogenous Flocculent Condensed Meal to achieve final sedimentation .

    结果表明,生物絮凝剂对煤泥水的絮凝作用是以吸附架桥、 中和作用的作用为主,以 扫作用、类外源絮凝聚素等作用为辅的一种复杂的综合作用结果。

  • This is similar to how Veritas Volume Manager can provide disk management tools but comes integrated with the AIX operating system at no extra charge .

    这与Veritas VolumeManager提供的磁盘管理工具类似,但它可以与AIX操作系统集成,且不收取任何额外 费用

  • Flywheel battery is a novel energy storage device which has many advantages : high specific energy and specific power volume small fast charge long cycle life non-pollution and so on .

    飞轮电池是一种新型储能装置,具有比能量高、比功率大、 体积小、 充电快、寿命长、无任何废气废料污染等特点。

  • The law that the volume of crater varies with the length of bottom air column is obtained when the charge is located at a fixed depth in borehole . Valuable reference is offered for the engineering .

    通过实验室的爆破漏斗试验,研究了底部空气柱 爆破效果,掌握了定量 在固定 深度情况下爆破漏斗 体积与底部空气柱长度的变化规律,对工程实践有一定指导意义。

  • The volume charge density of the powder emulsion explosives is up to - 2.62 × 10-6C / kg by the result of airflow conveying experiment .

    在气流输送试验中,粉状乳化炸药的质量 电量密度达-2.62×10~(-6)C/kg。

  • Average free path of ball movement was directly proportional to ball radius ball density and cylinder volume and inversely proportional to material mass and charge ratio .

    磨球运动的平均自由程与磨球半径、磨球密度、球罐 体积成正比,与粉碎物料质量、球 比成反比。

  • By increasing negative surface controlling the charge state of positive and negative and controlling electrolyte volume in cell we have solved the problem of oxygen combination during charge so that the internal balance pressure of charged battery was only 0.045 MPa .

    通过增大负极面积、控制正负极荷电状态和电液 ,较好地解决了 充电时氧气的迅速复合问题,使电池 充电平衡内压达到 0.045MPa

  • The factors like the structure of explosive blot chamber volume environmental pressure and kinetic coefficient influenced upon static safety factor and charge were researched by the calculation of structural parameters .

    通过对产品各个结构参数的计算,得到爆炸螺栓结构、药室 容积、环境压力、动力学系数等因素对静态安全系数、 药量的影响关系。

  • The Volume Density Distribution Functions of the Thread and Surface Electric Charge Models

    线、面模型的 电荷 分布函数

  • In the lab frame the total linear charge density of a current-carrying wire must be zero and while in the rest frame of the electrons making up the current the total volume charge density must be zero .

    在实验室坐标系中,载流中性导线的总体电荷线密度必然是零,同时在与形成电流的电子相对静止坐标系中总的 电荷 密度必然为零。

  • Evaluating Methods of Combustion Performance at Constant Volume of Deterred Propellant and Mixed Charge

    钝感火药和混合 燃烧性能的评定方法

  • The formula derived for determining the converter volume defines the relation to be kept among hath diameter oxygen flow nozzle number charge weight and converter volume so as to prevent splashing .

    确定炉子 容积的公式,该式揭示出在熔池直径、氧气流量、风嘴数目、 装入量和炉子容积之间必须保持一定的关系,以便防止喷溅。

  • It can estimate the detonation velocity of industrial explosive more accurately than the conventional volume addition formula at different formula and charge density or at the same formula charge density and different temperature of explosive .

    与传统的爆速 体积加和公式比较,该模型能更准确地估算工业炸药在不同配方、不同 密度下,或者在同一配方、相同装药密度、不同药温时的爆速。

  • According to space charge limited current ( SCLC ) theory the derivation of quantities such as mean volume density of space charge apparent trap-controlled mobility trap depth distribution and threshold stress were discussed .

    根据空间 电荷限制电流(SCLC)理论,通过公式推导求解了聚乙烯的平均 电荷 密度、视在迁移率、陷阱深度分布及阈值场强。