volume distortion

[ˈvɑljum dɪˈstɔrʃən][ˈvɔlju:m dɪˈstɔ:ʃən]


  • It changes the conventional discriminating rule according to the intensities of the correlation peaks in volume holographic storage correlator and uses the multivariate discriminant analysis based classification method so that the distortion invariance recognition ability is improved .

    改变了传统的 全息存储相关器中以相关峰值强度作为判别依据的做法,采用基于多元鉴别分析的分类识别,增强了系统的 畸变不变性识别能力。

  • The volume level should not be turned up to the point of distortion .

    请不要把 音量 平调到 高于 失真点。

  • The results show that metallic glass has higher internal energy and bigger volume compared with crystal . The intrinsic stress field is induced by the distortion of lattice .

    与晶体铜比较,金属玻璃铜有较高的能量和较大的 体积,其内部晶格 畸变导致了本征应力的存在。

  • The limitation of volume scan mode possibly leads to the VIL distortion due to the increase of VIL errors caused by the identification of centroid of multicell storm .

    对于多单体风暴,由于风暴质心识别等因素会造成VIL数值误差增大,而雷达 扫模式的限制可能造成VIL数值 失真

  • Under the premise of formation craft analysis take the volume shrinkage the shape distortion the fusion mark the air bubble and the packing time as the goal carried on the best runner position analysis the flow analysis and the cooling analysis .

    在分析成型工艺的前提下,以 体积收缩率、 翘曲 变形、熔接痕、气泡及填充时间等为目标,进行了最佳浇口位置分析、流动分析和冷却分析。

  • It concluded that the sintering shrinkage is related tightly to the sintering extent of powder and the volume of distortion is proportional to shrinkage and the linear dimension of the sintering parts .

    发现烧结收缩与烧结程度密切相关, 翘曲 与烧结收缩率成正比,与零件线尺寸成正比。

  • Partial volume effect makes the image distortion reduce the radiation concentration enlarge the lesions size and blur the edge information .

    部分 容积效应不仅使 病灶放射性浓度降低,并且使病灶尺寸扩大、边界模糊从而 影响临床诊断。

  • Some measures such as adjusting element type increasing the stiffness of deformable objects and gap of parts were adopted to improve problems like negative volume penetration and mesh distortion .

    分别采取调整单元类型、增大变形体的刚度、增大部件之间的间隙等措施,改进了模拟中存在的负 体积、穿透、网格 畸变 严重等问题。

  • I can push the drivers to high levels of volume without distortion so safe listening volumes are well within the headroom of the drivers .

    我能将 音量开得特大而耳塞却不会听出 失真,而且在安全的听音音量下单元也能良好地发挥应有的水准。

  • This paper discussed the causation of asphalted road surface distortion along with city traffic volume increasing and study the measure to reduces road surface distortion .

    本文论述了沥青路面随着城市交通 的迅速增加,路面变形的主要原因,探讨了减轻路面 变形的措施。

  • Firstly starting with restriction of occluding contour based on the traditional volume intersect to realize the full expression of the restriction by using surface distortion technology then one simple way was get for modeling of sculpture .

    首先,从分析遮挡轮廓约束入手,在传统 相交方法基础上,通过曲面 变形技术实现约束条件的充分表达,得到一种简便的雕塑曲面重构方法。

  • A volume template-based method is proposed for the field calibration of the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of stereo vision sensor which adopts an ideal pin-hole model that ignores the nonlinear distortion of the cameras .

    给出了一种基于 立体标定模板的双目视觉 摄像机内、外部参数现场标定方法。

  • The properties of the pseudo-phase-conjugate array-the optical transfer matrix of the optical elements of the array the resolution of the array and the machanism of the compensation for distortions caused by a large volume of distortion medium are analyzed by using diffraction theory .

    本文利用衍射理论,计算了有大 对称 畸变介质下,赝相位共轭列阵的特性&单元的光学变换矩阵、分辨率和补偿各类畸变的机制。