volume equivalent

[ˈvɑljum ɪˈkwɪvələnt][ˈvɔlju:m iˈkwivələnt]


  • The simulation results show that the algorithm not only inherits the advantages of the original algorithm but also both volume of the navigation star database and recognition time are equivalent to 1 / 4 that of the original algorithm .

    仿真结果表明本算法不但继承了原算法的优点,而且导航星库的 容量和识别时间都是原算法的 1/4

  • Meanwhile the FE formula of volume integration is provided to calculate equivalent nodal loads of uplift and the effect of the scour pole behind dam on sliding stability studied .

    另外,提供了扬压力 等效结点荷载的 体积分有限元计算公式,探讨了坝后冲刷坑对抗滑稳定的影响。

  • In hydrocarbon potential evaluation a log interpretation method of movable hydrocarbon saturation is obtained by means of introducing the pore structure parameter and setting up the hydrocarbon bearing net rock volume and equivalent circuit models .

    在含油气评价中引进孔隙结构参数,建立含油(气)纯岩石 体积模型及 等效电路模型,推导出可动油气饱和度的测井解释方法。

  • This paper demonstrates on basis of Boltzmann relation on definite circumscriptions and on certain conditions the new proposition that the uncompensated spontaneous contraction of the volume of a uniform system in equilibrium is impossible and the principle of entropy increase are equivalent .

    本文根据玻耳兹曼关系论证了平衡态均匀系的 体积无偿自发收缩不可能的新命题,在一定范围内、一定条件下,和熵增加原理 等价

  • A large cask ( especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 hogsheads or 126 gallons ) .

    大的桶(尤其 容量 相当 大桶或加仑)。

  • According to a representative volume element this paper firstly describes a. finite element method for predicting the equivalent elastic modulus of 3-D periodic structures by using the homogenization theory .

    选取代表 单元,根据线弹性均匀化理论,结合有限元方法给出了三维周期性结构的均匀化有限元列式,建立了在细观体系下求解单胞宏观 等效弹性模量方程。

  • By numerical experiment measure the relation of volume stress and hole press-coefficient of equivalent hole press is studied .

    采用数值试验方法,研究了 体积应力以及孔隙压与 等效孔隙压系数的关系规律。

  • Two long-core displacement tests show that the recovery percent of reserves is 6.35 % when injected water volume is equivalent to 4 % pore volume . After converting to nitrogen injection recovery percent of reserves is 43.77 % at the point of gas breakthrough .

    两组长岩心驱替实验研究表明,先注0.04PV的水时采出程度为6.35%,转注氮气后,见气时的采出程度为 43.77%

  • Numerical Simulation of Air Spring Shock Based on Control Volume Method and Equivalent Viscous Damping Method

    基于控制 体积法及 等效粘性阻尼法的空气弹簧冲击数值仿真

  • It is also proved that the volume average of the rods'properties gives the accurate prediction of the equivalent property for a special type of truss material of which the unit cell has no general freedoms in the homogenization equation .

    最后,我们证明了对于一类均匀化方法求解中没有广义自由度的 桁架材料,其均匀化结果就是各构件性能按照 体积份数加权平均得到。

  • In the radiation computation the thickness of flames is different in different volume sizes and the equivalent blacken is different thus a new method of calculation fitting the furnace better is raised .

    在辐射计算方面,根据不同 容积尺寸的锅炉火焰厚度不同, 当量黑度不同,提出了更适合炉膛情况的换热计算方法。

  • The results show that when the fiber volume fraction is equivalent cutting down of yarns reduces the strength of the composites but has little effect on the initial modulus .

    结果表明,纤维 体积含量 相同时,减纱使复合材料的强度有所降低,初始模量变化不大;

  • The hardening function was formed by incorporating an equivalent plastic deviator strain and a volume strain . Equivalent Elliptic Nested Structure and Its Application in Variogram Nesting

    联合等效塑性偏应变和 应变构造硬化函数.空间变异函数 效应椭圆套合方法及其应用

  • Overall mean graft volume ( GV ) was398 g which was equivalent to37.8 % of the recipient standard liver volume ( SV ) .

    测得总体的平均移植肝脏 体积(GV)是398克,这 相当于受体标准肝脏体积(SV)的37.8%。

  • In this paper we discuss the concepts of laser mode enclosed-Cavity Mode photon state cell of phase space and the coherence Volume as well as the equivalent relationship between them .

    本文讨论了激光模式与封闭腔模式、 光量子态、相空间相格、相干 体积的概念及相互关系。

  • A large cask especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 butts or 252 gals . He ran off a bucket of water from the barrel .

    容量 相当 桶或加仑的大桶。他从大木桶中放出一桶水。

  • The traffic parameters are the main structure design parameters including traffic volume 、 traffic composition 、 standard axial load 、 axial-load conversion and growth rate of traffic volume or equivalent axle load action .

    交通参数是路面结构设计的主要参数,包括交通量和交通组成、标准轴载和轴载换算、交通 增长率或 当量轴次增长率等。

  • At the same time growth rate of equivalent axle load action is researched as well as wheel track lateral distributing rule and the method of transforming the traffic volume observational data into equivalent axle load action .

    同时对当量轴次增长率、车轮轮迹横向分布规律以及交通 观测资料转换为 当量轴次的方法等开展研究。

  • The diameters of riser outlet diameter of riser riser volume and riser height for gating system can be calculated based on the table of simplified castings sectional area from equivalent riser diameter .

    当量热节直径根据简化后的铸件截面尺寸通过图表确定后,可以计算出冒口颈直径、冒口直径、冒口 体积和冒口高度。

  • With these parameters - such as : Young 's modulus mixture ratio of aggregate and aggregate volume content of component materials to calculate the equivalent modulus of concrete is a reasonable method .

    从细观角度出发,由混凝土组成材料的弹性模量、骨料级配和骨料 体积含量等参数,计算混凝土复合材料的弹性 模量的方法是可行的。

  • Honda hopes planned hybrid versions of several other models including the Fit subcompact will push sales to 500 units early in the next decade a volume equivalent to about 10 per cent of its current production .

    本田希望,包括飞度(Fit)微型汽车在内的其它几款汽车计划推出的混合动力车型,能够推动 销量在2010年达到50万辆, 相当 当前产量的约10%。

  • The volume of the output filter can be reduced greatly used in cascade inverter with carrier-phase-shifted SPWM technology which has a high equivalent switching frequency and a good output sine wave . It is the base of the high power density of ASI .

    载波移相正弦脉宽调制技术有独特的消谐波优势,其 等效开关频率高,输出波形正弦度好,可以大幅减小滤波器 体积,为实现系统的高功率密度奠定基础。

  • Besides the authors advance a new calculation method that volume current density caused by saturation medium is turned into equivalent surface current density .

    提出了将媒质中由饱和引起的 电流密度化为 等效面电流密度的计算方法。

  • On the assumption of bi-directional and uni-lateral strain dynamic failure strain of two submarine representative structures were measured according to the volume equivalent principle .

    利用 体积 等效原理,得到了潜艇的两种典型结构在双向应变假设和单向应变假设下的动态开裂应变。

  • Ethanol group : 0.5 volume fraction ethanol ( selected according to the preliminary experiment results ) was infused by 4 g / kg daily ( equivalent to a 60 kg adult intake 30 g ethanol daily ) for 60 days .

    乙醇组:给予 体积分数为0.5的乙醇(根据预实验结果选用),按4g/(kg·d)剂量灌胃, 换算成60kg体质量成人 相当 摄入乙醇约30g/d,连续灌胃60d。

  • In the first district the trees are fully irrigated with water volume equivalent to 80 % of evaporation in the total growth period .

    在田间设置有两个处理,其一是在整个生育期以蒸发 80%进行充分灌溉;

  • In the past three years bilateral trade grew by 57 % 1300 times that of 40 years ago . One days trade volume is equivalent to that of the first three years of our diplomatic ties .

    中澳双边贸易 三年内增长57%,是40年前的1300倍,一天 相当 建交初期的3年。

  • Increased the default volume mix output should now be equivalent to original CoH .

    增加默认能发声的最小 音量,现在应该和原版英雄连 相同

  • The results show that Mori-Tanaka method has high accuracy in thick tube sheet which the fiber volume fraction is less than 0.5.We used double-tube sheet as the application example of micromechanics in structural analysis set up the equivalent model .

    结果表明,Mori-Tanaka方法在管束 体积分数小于0.5的厚管板中具有较高的计算精度。以双管板作为细观力学方法在结构分析中的应用实例,建立起 等效模型。

  • In the base of Whitaker 's local volume average equations and not adding new analyses the model of heat and mass transfer equivalent coupling diffusion of porous media is induced .

    基于Whitaker的 体积平均方程,在不附加任何新的假设的基础上,对多孔介质内部热质传递的 等效耦合扩散模型进行推导,得出了多孔介质内部热质传递的 等效耦合扩散模型。