volume conductivity

[ˈvɑljum ˌkɑndʌkˈtɪvɪti][ˈvɔlju:m ˌkɔndʌkˈtɪvɪti:]


  • The electrical property mechanical property and launderability of the coated fibers were discussed and the results showed that the coated fibers prepared by the dissolving-coating method has the characters of lower volume resistivity and permanent conductivity .

    结果表明,溶解-涂覆型导电纤维具有较低 体积比电阻并基本保持基体纤维的原有特性,克服了传统涂覆法中导电涂层易脱落、 导电耐久性较差的缺点。

  • With actual measurement some thermodynamic parameters such as bulk specific heat volume C ρ coefficient of heat conductivity λ and coefficient of heat diffusion H were obtained .

    对计算中用到的材料参数如体积比 热容Cρ、 导热系数λ和热扩散系数H进行了实际测量和校正。

  • Partial coherency analysis can lower the interference of the crosstalk . Meanwhile some researchers proved that the imaginary part of coherency is not affected by volume conductivity .

    偏相干系数分析能降低信号串扰,同时,有研究者证明相干系数的虚部不受 容积 传导的影响。

  • The free volume the electric conductivity and their relationship of poly ( ethyl naphthalate )( PEN ) have been studied by use of the Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectrum ( PALS ) and the Thermal Stimulated Current ( TSC ) .

    用正电子湮没寿命谱( PALS)及热释电(TSC)方法相结合研究了γ-辐照聚(2,6萘二甲酸乙二酯)(PEN)。

  • By adding SiC @ SiO2 the heat stabilities of SiC @ SiO2 / PI were greatly increased and its volume resistivity was reduced to improve its conductivity . The mechanism properties including fracture strength rigidity and wear resistance were improved effectively .

    SiC@SiO2的加入,提高了SiC@SiO2/PI复合薄膜的热稳定性, 体积电阻的下降致使 导电 增强,机械性能,如断裂强度和断裂伸长率,硬度、耐磨性,得到有效的提高。

  • The small hollow concrete block using expanded perlite as aggregate has many advantages as follows : high volume density and small thermal conductivity excellent thermal insulation and sound insulation properties high monolithic strength less dry shrinkage and good freeze resistance .

    用膨胀珍珠岩作集料制成的混凝土小型空心砌块的 体积密度和 导热 系数小,具有良好的保温、隔热、隔音的特性,而且整体强度高,干燥收缩小,抗冻性能好。

  • The effects of volume fraction cross section shape of fibers and the relative thermal conductivity of fiber and matrix on thermal conductivity of composites are analyzed in this thesis .

    本文通过计算结果比较,分析了复合材料 分比、纤维截面形状、纤维与基体的相对 导热 系数对复合材料整体导热性能的影响。

  • Relation between Glass Compositions and Volume Conductivity in Electrode Glass

    电极敏感玻璃成分组成与 体积 电导率之间的关系

  • SEM figure shows the hole in pure copper foam were completely filled by liquid paraffin which guarantees enough filling volume for improving the thermal conductivity performance of composite materials .

    SEM图分析表明纯泡沫铜中的通孔被液体石蜡完全均匀填充,能够保证足够的填充 ,提高复合材料的 导热性能。

  • With the concentration increase of carbon nano-tube the surface and volume conductivity decreased and there were a conductive threshold .

    随碳纳米管含量增加,聚酰亚胺薄膜的表面电阻率和 体积 电阻率都有明显降低,并存在一个阈值;

  • With the increase of filler content the volume of wear and volume resistivity decreased and coefficient of thermal conductivity increased linearly .

    磨耗体积和 体积电阻率随填料用量的增大而减小, 导热系数随着填料用量的增大线性增大。

  • The PVDF-HFP / SiO_2 separator exhibits much higher electrolyte uptake conductivity and ductibility with an electrolyte uptake volume of 184.4 % a conductivity of 1.2 mS / cm and ductibility of 163 % .

    研究结果表明:PVDF-HFP/SiO2隔膜具有较高的吸液率、电导率和韧性,电解质吸收率达 184.4%,室温 电导率为1.20mS/cm,断裂伸长率高达163%。

  • It is concluded that the whole conductivity of mixture is the volume series of structure parallel of all composition conductivities and the whole conductivity .

    进一步分析得出结论,混合物整体电导率是各成分电导率与整体 电导率结构并联后的 体积串联。

  • The application and rectification of free volume theory in ionic conductivity of poly ( ethylene oxide ) - urethane / salt complex

    自由 体积理论在聚氨酯/ 掺杂盐体系中的应用与矫正

  • Ionic charge accumulation at microscopic interfaces and volume conductivity of filled composites

    复合绝缘材料微观界面处离子电荷的积累与 体积 电导率

  • The combined radiation and conduction heat transfer through fibrous and multi-layer insulations is investigated using a finite volume approach and a two-flux formulation the vary of effective thermal conductivity vs the vary of temperature will be gained .

    采用有限差分法和两通量方法来分析辐射和 导热耦合作用下多层隔热结构在不同温度下的等效 导热 系数

  • In this paper heat conduction in rigid polyurethane foam one kind of typical non-uniform porous media is analyzed and simulated in which finite volume method and interface harmonic average thermal conductivity are adopted .

    本文采用控制 容积法,界面调和平均 导热 数值以及图形处理方法对典型非均匀多孔介质硬质聚氨酯泡沫材料的导热过程进行了分析与模拟计算。

  • The conventional foaming modes and test devices including foam volume measurement electrical conductivity measurement and pressure measurement were presented .

    介绍了常用的起泡方式及检测手段,包括 体积法、 电导率法和压力法,讨论了各方法的优缺点;

  • Carbon aerogels are ideal supercapacitor electrode materials due to their sufficient specific surface area high ratio of mesopore volume good conductivity and stable physicochemical properties .

    碳气凝胶作为一种新型纳米多孔材料,具有高比表面积,高中孔 含量、高 导电 、稳定的物理化学性能等优点,是制备超级电容器的理想材料。

  • The test results of volume resistivity indicate that the conductivity of composites also decreases first and then increases with the increasing of O-MMT content .

    绝缘 电阻率的测量结果表明,复合材料的 电导也随蒙脱土含量的增加呈现出先减小后增大变化趋势。

  • In the case of high temperature and low fabric volume fraction the ionic conductivity changes dramatically which in turn has a significant influence on the resin curing process .

    在较高温度和较低纤维 含量条件下,离子 导电 变化较快,对树脂固化反应的影响较大;

  • The effect of volume fraction of Si_3N_4 on the thermal conductivity of the composite was investigated and the dielectric constant of the composite was evaluated .

    研究了Si 3N4含量对复合材料 导热 性能和介电性能的影响。

  • The TiB 2 / Cu composites which were fabricated by mechanical alloying method and conventional powder metallurgy method . The effects of fabrication processing and the volume fraction of the TiB 2 particle on the mechanical properties and electric conductivity and microstructure of the composites were studied .

    用机械合金化方法和常规粉末冶金工艺制备了TiB2/Cu复合材料,研究了制备工艺、TiB2加入 等因素对Cu基复合材料的 电学 性能、力学性能和显微组织的影响。

  • The surface conductivity and volume conductivity of nanocomposites are2 ~ 4 orders higher than that of pure epoxy resin respectively .

    电学性能测试表明当金云母含量为1wt%时,复合材料 体积 电导率和表面电导率分别比纯树脂提高了2个数量级和4个数量级。

  • For a given integration of thermal conductivity over the volume the least dissipation of heat transport potential capacity corresponds to conductivity being proportional to local heat flux that is the temperature gradient field is uniform .

    当域内导热系数的积分为定 时,最小热量传递势容耗散对应于 导热 系数与当地热流成正比,即全场的温度梯度均匀。

  • Based on the revised free volume models for fluid viscosity and thermal conductivity and the statistical thermodynamic theory for equilibrium properties an equation which correlates liquid viscosity with thermal conductivity by virtue of heat of vaporization has been proposed .

    将流体粘度和 导热 系数的自由 体积模型与平衡性质的统计力学理论相结合,导出用液体蒸发潜热表示的关联液体粘度与导热系数的基本方程。

  • The results indicate that the content of hydrogen is the main factor that affects the optical gap while the crystalline volume fraction is crucial to the dark conductivity .

    结果表明,薄膜的氢含量是影响薄膜光学带隙的主要因素,而薄膜的结晶 是影响薄膜暗 电导率的主要因素。

  • The change of conductivity of chitosan in the acid-base titration was studied . The deacetylation degree of chitosan can be calculated through the volume of sodium hydroxide used between two turning points of conductivity .

    研究了酸碱滴定中壳聚糖溶液电导的变化,利用 电导变化两个转折点之间碱的 用量来计算壳聚糖的脱乙酰度,消除了壳聚糖吸附的残留酸或碱的 影响