He consumed vile gray Philippine ropes .
他只 抽 劣质的灰色菲律宾雪茄。
Behold I am vile ; what shall I answer thee ?
我是 卑贱的。我用什么回答你呢。
This food is vile !
这食物 糟 透了!
I 'm shocked at your vile language .
我被你 卑劣的语言所震惊。
Of all that is vile and hateful in life .
所有这些在生活中都是 卑鄙和令人憎恶的。
First He said holding up a vile of silver liquid We have unicorn blood .
首先,“他说,举行了一个 邪恶的银液体”我们有麒麟血。
Would do something as despicable as murder ; ugly crimes ; the vile development of slavery appalled them .
会做出像谋杀一样卑鄙的举动;可耻的罪行;奴隶制度的 卑鄙发展惊呆了他们。
He 's still got that vile little dog I see .
他还带着那些 讨厌的小狗,我知道。
He said something unprintable and vile but addressed to no one .
他说了一些 不堪入耳的脏话,但并非是针对任何人说的。
Late Emperor did your spirit in heaven witness this vile exchange ?
先帝啊!你在天之灵,看到了这 肮脏的交易了吗?
I think you are vile and mercenary said scarlett but her remark was automatic .
“我看你 这个 人 很 卑鄙,惟利是图,”思嘉说,不过口气是机械的。
This cheese smells vile .
这奶酪的气味 难闻 极了。
Because your sins were more vile than theirs they appear more righteous than you .
因你所犯的罪比她们更为 可憎,她们就比你更显为义。
Would you be so vile as to steal a coat from a blind man ?
你难道会 可耻到偷取一个盲人的外衣?
Oaths and vile language of any sort had always been repellent to me .
无论哪一种咒骂和 卑污的语言,我一向都讨厌的。
Oh how small how vile is man when one of his petty passions is wounded !
男人在他那狭隘的欲望受到伤害时,变得有多么渺小和 卑鄙啊!
He seemed to be enjoying the cool balmy breeze and the chirping of'those vile birds ' .
他似乎在享受凉爽宜人的微风和啁啾的'那些 卑鄙鸟。
The weather was consistently vile
天气一直很 糟糕 。
You are the dirty vile treacherous sod .
你是个卑鄙、 恶劣、奸诈的酒鬼。
How could Luigi have such a vile brother ?
鲁吉怎么会有一个这样 卑鄙的兄弟?
How dare he pry with dirty fingers making the one beautiful sacred thing in her life seem vile ?
他怎敢用他那肮脏的手指来搜刮秘密,使她生活中唯一美好而神圣的东西 反而显得 卑贱了。
It is a filthy and vile book said the priest .
那是一部 卑鄙龌龊的书,教士说。
Celia is my housekeeper . a vile woman . I hate her .
他是我的管家,是个 坏女人,我讨厌她。
You vile creature get out of my house .
你 这个 卑鄙的家伙,从我家滚出去。
Since lion vile hath here deflowered my dear .
Edward : You don 't know the vile repulsive things they were thinking .
爱德华:你不知道他们想的那些 卑鄙 下流的事情。
How dare the man treat his only child in such a vile way ?
男人怎么能用如此 卑鄙的方式对待他唯一的孩子呢?
You think I could do something so vile ?
你觉得我会做如此 卑鄙 之事?
Oh men were so vile and Rhett Butler was the worst of them all !
啊,男人都 坏透了,瑞德-巴特勒更是他们中最 下流的一个!
She was in too vile a mood to work .
她心情很 差,没 心思工作。