volume cost

[ˈvɑljum kɔst][ˈvɔlju:m kɔst]


  • The utility model has the advantages of high efficiency small volume low cost and water conservation and can greatly reduce the pollution of smoke dust .

    本实用新型效率高, 体积小, 成本低,省水,能大大减少烟尘的污染。

  • This paper demonstrates volume-cost-profit analysis model by a practice bank - operation opens out the inherence relation law of volume cost and profit and further strengthens management on basis of establishing fastness scale profit and intension manage .

    通过具体储蓄业务实例,论证了量本利分析模型,揭示了 、利之间的内在联系,有利于在牢固确立规模效益和集约化经营意识的基础上,进一步强化经营管理。

  • The paper presents a external starting device of CO2 laser . It can achieve to reduce the volume and cost of CO2 laser source .

    本文通过分析和试验,介绍了一种CO2激光器外触发起辉装置,以达到降低CO2激光电源 体积 成本的目的。

  • But they can not meet the demands for a portable target detector because of the restrictions such as heat dispelling power supply volume and cost .

    由于受到散热、供电、 体积 成本等因素的制约,高重频激光测距机无法满足便携式目标坐标测定仪的设计要求。

  • The butterfly valve has the advantages of small volume low cost little abrasion long service life good sealing effect high reliability convenient maintenance and bidirectional sealing .

    这种蝶阀的 体积小、 成本低、磨损少、寿命长、密封性好、可靠性高、维修方便,并具有双向密封。

  • The number of components mounted on the stable element may be decreased so that the volume and cost of the platform may be reduced too .

    它的优点是可以减少台体上安装的部件,有利于缩小 体积,降低 成本

  • The analysis of cost plan accomplishment includes total cost cost per unit production and the reduction volume of cost .

    在成本完成情况分析中,包括对总成本、单位成本、 成本降低 的分析。

  • MEMS devices with minimum volume and cost were realized by the embedded CMOS process .

    通过这种嵌入式CMOS工艺技术,可以实现具备最小 体积、最低 成本的MEMS器件。

  • However the node is limited by its volume and cost their computing ability communication ability and energy are greatly affected .

    然而由于节点 体积 成本的限制,传感器节点通常在计算能力、通信能力和能量等方面受到极大影响。

  • Thin Film Multichip Modules ( MCM ) are new assembly process of chips which can provide many advantages in improving system speed decreasing system volume and cost .

    薄膜MCM工艺是一种新兴的芯片安装工艺,它具有提高系统速度、降低系统 体积成本等优点。

  • Multiplying the cost driver rate times the volume of cost driver units consumed by each product does this step .

    在本步骤,以 成本动因分配率乘以每种产品消耗的成本动因的 数量,即可得出结果。

  • The vertical wind power generator with the wind covers has the advantages of simple structure small volume low cost good working stability high wind energy utilizing rate etc.

    具有结构简单、 体积小、 成本低、工作稳定性好、风能利用率高等优点。

  • It is necessary to adopt single-phase autotransformers in AC UHV system when taken account of volume cost and reliability etc.

    特高压变压器在考虑 体积造价及可靠性的情况下,采用单相自耦变压器成为必然。

  • For the BEV it is the amount of Watt hours that can be delivered per unit of weight volume or cost .

    对于十亿电子伏每一单位的重量, 体积费用可能被递送的事就是瓦特小时的数量。

  • It displays key details about the usage of a business service such as its volume cost per unit cost modifier and the total cost in a particular period .

    它显示关于业务服务使用情况的关键信息,比如使用 、单位 成本、成本修饰符和某一时间段内的总成本。

  • Ad can enlarge the sales volume but cost must exact .

    投入广告可以扩大商品的 销售量,但 投入必须恰当。

  • A decision model based on expert evaluation method with multi object is built which considered the system weight volume cost and technical risk . The simulation proves that the demonstration process and the decision making method is feasible .

    提出了以综合考虑系统重量、 体积成本与技术风险度等指标的多目标专家评估法为基础的决策模型.仿真结果表明,余度方案论证的流程和决策方法是可行的。

  • The test results of the system show that the digital protection not only enhances the visibility and operability for operators and effectively reduce the volume and cost but also enhance reliability of the protection system for the reactor .

    测试结果表明,数字化不仅可以提高保护系统的可视性和可操作性,减小保护系统的 体积和降低 成本,而且还提高了控制系统的安全可靠性。

  • Accumulator is commonly used as power-supply of Portable-Type Nuclear Data Analyzer at present which impose a limit on the Analyzer 's working time and increase its volume and cost .

    目前常见的便携式核数据测量分析仪电源供应为单一的蓄电池供电方式,这不仅影响测量仪器的长时间连续正常工作,而且增加了系统的 成本 体积

  • The proposal has a detail evaluation according to the cargo volume cost comparation terminal operation maneuverability profit-and-lose analysis ect .

    在案例中,通过货源和货 成本比较、码头可操作性、盈亏平衡分析等,对方案进行详细的量化分析。

  • Then the volume and cost of the massive-head dam is the best . This paper analyzes the temperature deformation stress leakage and uplift pressures under the dam in Huanren Concrete Buttress Dam .

    使得大头坝在稳定、应力、几何等约束条件下达到 体积最小,进而达到最低 造价。本文系统的分析了桓仁大头坝的温度、变形、头部应力、漏水和坝基扬压力。

  • The pump has such advantages as high displacement pressure ( 60 MPa ) high flow rate resolution ( 0 . 01mL / min ) small surge on displacement pressure ( 0 . 01 MPa ) regulated flow rate transmission easy operation small volume and cost effective .

    该泵驱替压力高(60MPa)、流量分辨率高(0.01mL/min)、驱替压力波动很小(0.01MPa),还可以定流量输送,操作简单方便, 体积小, 性价比高。

  • The air-gap flux can be increased while the rotor yoke flux can be decreased because its ' special distribution of the permanent magnetic material . The result can improve power density and reduce volume and cost of the motor .

    其特殊永磁体结构不仅可以增加气隙磁通,而且还可以削弱转子轭部磁通密度,这样不仅可以提高电机的功率密度,而且还可以降低电机的 体积 成本

  • Because of the development of the sensing technology of image and running up of resolution of the measurement now designers have higher requirement for not only transfer rate of the data but also storage capacity volume cost stability to the system etc.

    现在图像传感技术的发展,测量分辨率迅速增加,不仅对数据传输速率的要求越来越高,对系统的存储容量、 体积造价、稳定性等都提出了更高要求。

  • Using more powerful CPU will bring the increasing power volume cost and other issues .

    采用更高处理能力的CPU会带来功耗增大, 体积增大, 成本增加等问题。

  • This goal of minimizing the total number of apps you use is important for saving time because even if any one app has benefit volume produces a cost in clutter and complication .

    这种通过减少应用 总数来节省时间的方法其实是很重要的。因为即便某个应用的确具有某种好处,很多复杂的应用混杂在一起,也会产生一个时间 成本

  • Compute the equal-cost volume of two cost behavior patterns .

    计算两种 成本行为模式的等成本 产量

  • For every doubling in cumulative production volume the cost of modules has declined by about 20 % .

    相对而言,每次积累产量 增长了一倍, 价格便同时减低了20%。

  • In various Internet applications based on client / server architecture It is better to use embedded WEB server other than PC server for decreasing volume cost and power consumption .

    在各种基于客户机/服务器模式的Internet应用中,为了降低服务器的功耗、 体积 成本,提出了采用嵌入式WEB服务器代替传统的PC机服务器的方法。