viewing surface

[ˈvjuɪŋ ˈsɚfəs][ˈvju:iŋ ˈsə:fis]

[计] 视图面

  • A New Method of Viewing the Flow on the Body Surface Fluorescent Mini tuft Method

    观察物体 表面附近流谱的新方法& 萤光微丝法

  • Registration and fusion of 3D range data calculated in different view point When applied to wide viewing field or complex objects vision coordinate measuring system can 't cover whole surface in single measuring process .

    不同视点三维测量数据的拼接融合。视觉坐标测量系统在对大 视场范围的场景或 表面复杂的物体进行测量时,单次测量常常不能完整准确的采集整个 表面

  • CPC concentrators are used to adjust the viewing angles of LED and FF system could improve the efficiency of surface light source like LED-arrays .

    太阳能采集中使用的CPC集 器用于对LED光源光束 角度的调整,而FF双焦距光学系统可以提高 光源如LED阵列的光学效率。

  • The visible distance for objects at the sea surface when viewed by eyes is related to many factors such as viewing direction sea surface background spectral radiance inherent spectral radiance of the object optical parameters of the air molecules and aerosol .

    对海面目标物的目视观察,其能见距离与 观测方向、 海面背景光谱辐射、目标物固有光谱辐射和大气分子及气溶胶的光学参数等因素有密切关系。

  • Conclusions The method of volume viewing based on the voxels has great advantages over traditional surface reconstruction technology in visualizing the inner parts of objects .

    结论基于体素的 体视见方法在体视化客观事物内部方面具有传统 成像技术所无法比拟的优越性。

  • In this paper it briefly discusses the polarizing reflectance characteristics of the water surface and oil surface and the main factors such as the categories of liquid wave band azimuth angle viewing angle and incidence angle that affect the polarizing reflectance of liquid surface .

    简明地阐述了水、油等液体表面的偏振反射特征,分析得到影响液体 表面偏振反射的主要因素有液体的种类、波段、方位角、 探测角以及光线入射角。

  • Dynamic viewing is to analyze land tour route and surface landscape features tour route come to the plant configuration .

    动态 观赏中分为分析陆地游览路线和 水面游览路线下的景观特点,得出了相应的植物配置方式。

  • Suggest that as soon as the manufacturing of the testing model is completed fluorescent mini-tuft be stuck on it so that the force measurement and flow viewing on the body surface may be carried on simultaneously .

    故建议在风洞试验模型加工完毕时,即粘贴 萤光 微丝,以便随时观察流谱,并进行测力试验。

  • Since the convective cloud system is tilted and the viewing angle is oblique the area displacement between ice hydrometeor and the surface rainfall rate makes the relation between Tb and surface rainfall rate is relatively small .

    但亮温和地面降水强度之间的相关性较弱,这是由于该对流系统为倾斜的,冰相粒子和 地面降水强度之间存在着位置上的不一致,并且 观测角为倾斜的。

  • The force loaded on the specimen and the elongation of it are measured by the displacement sensor and the force sensor respectively . Meanwhile real-time image viewing device can observe specimen surface and its changes .

    施加在试样上的力和试样被拉伸后的伸长量分别由微力检测传感器和位移检测传感器测出,同时试样 表面 形貌及其变化可由图像 观测装置实时观测。

  • The terrestrial images measured successively by the airborne POLDER with a different viewing angle were converted to a series of surface albedo images by our atmospheric correction method in which the multiple scattering were taken into account for .

    通过这种算法, 连续的不同 视角的POLDER陆地图象转化为一系列 表面反照率图象,该过程考虑了多次散射。