voice noise

[vɔɪs nɔɪz][vɔis nɔiz]

[计] 语音噪声

  • Construction of real-time processing platform the development of digital voice processing system the algorithm is to shift the value of using relevant data are given in airborne environment digital voice system integrated noise reduction effect .

    构建实时处理平台,研制数字化音响中心实物硬件系统,对算法进行移值利用有关数据给出机载环境下数字 话音系统的综合 降噪效果。

  • Dual-channel Voice Activity Detection in Music Noise Environments

    音乐 噪声环境下的双声道 语音活动检测

  • Merry voice Infant noise merrily merrily to welcome in the Year .

    愉快的 嗓音,孩子们的 欢闹,欢天喜地,迎接新年到。

  • Research on the HNR Separation of Voice Source with Harmonic Noise

    音源谐波 噪声HNR分离方法研究

  • The main idea of the algorithm is that make first class judge on the speech signal in the time domain and detected part of determined voice and noise . Used spectral entropy for second judge the uncertainty signal detected by first judgment .

    算法的主要思想是,用时域能零积对语音信号进行一级判决,检测出部分确定的 语音 噪声;再用频域谱熵对一级处理后的疑似语音的帧进行二级判决。

  • Speech Enhancement : Using Burg-Based A Priori SNR Estimator to Eliminate Musical Noise Phenomenon VOICE ACTIVITY DETECTION IN NOISE SPECTRUM DOMAIN UNDER RAYLEIGH DISTRIBUTION

    语音增强:使用burg谱先验信噪比估计消除音乐噪声基于Rayleigh 噪声统计分布的有 音区检测

  • His voice was drowned in the noise of the train .

    他的 声音被火车的 声响淹没了。

  • Light burned my brain like wildfire and sounds were so loud and chaotic that I could not pick a voice out from the background noise and I just wanted to escape .

    亮光象野火一般燃烧着我的脑子,声响是那么的震耳欲聋,杂乱无章,我无法从背景 中分辨 嗓音,这一切使我只想逃脱。

  • A Normalized Kurtosis based Voice Activity Detection Method under non-Gaussian noise

    一种基于归一化峰度的抗非高斯 噪声 语音 VAD检测方法

  • His voice was barely audible above the noise of the machinery .

    机器的 噪声,他的 声音几乎听不见。

  • Your true challenge will be to learn to make your voice clearly heard above the noise of daily life and the dissonance of conflict .

    你的真正挑战会是,在每天生活中的 喧扰及冲突的不和谐中,学习让自己的 意见被清楚听到。

  • His voice was drowned in the noise .

    他的 声音吵闹 淹没了。

  • Her voice was scarcely audible above the noise of the wind .

    风声中,她的 声音几乎听不见。

  • His Aunt Petunia was awake and it was her shrill voice that made the first noise of the day .

    他的佩妮姨妈已经醒了,每天这里发出的第一声 噪音就是她的尖叫

  • Annex B introduce a voice activity decision ( VAD ) algorithm which class speech signal as voice signal and background noise signal .

    AnnexB提出了一种静音压缩算法(VAD),它将语音信号分为 话音信号和背景 噪声信号。

  • In order to eliminate noise as much as possible the interference caused by as much as possible to extract pure primitive voice we need to introduce voice noise reduction technology .

    为了尽可能多的消除噪声所带来的干扰,从中提取出尽可能纯净的原始语音,我们需要引入 语音 降噪技术。

  • Design leading-fishing folder of music instruments her sweetest beautiful can be very good voice and can inhibit the background noise .

    设计有领夹垂钓式的音乐仪器,音色清脆、优美,能很好的获得 声音并能抑制后台的 噪音

  • Don 't speak in a loud voice !; Dont 't make noise !

    不要 大声 喧哗

  • I could barely hear the sound of my own voice above the noise of the wind .

    风在呼啸,我几乎听不见自己 说话 声音

  • The chair 's voice now rose above the noise .

    这时候主席的 嗓门压倒了 闹声&。

  • The girl 's voice rose above the noise of the car 's braking .

    这个女孩的 嗓音超过了汽车刹车的 噪声

  • Her voice trailed away . The noise had died down .

    她的 声音逐渐弱了下来。 喧闹 逐渐消失了。

  • Her voice was barely audible above the noise .

    嘈杂,她的 声音只能勉强听得见。

  • His voice is soft against the background noise of undergraduates and retains the dark flavours of his native Hungary .

    在一 本科生的 喧哗 中,他的 声音 上去十分柔和,同时又保留着他老家匈牙利的阴郁味道。

  • The design of the voice signal real time noise cancellation software

    语音信号实时 降噪软件的设计

  • We can process real time disposal to the voice signal with noise and get pure voice signal .

    讨论如何通过改进的LMS算法,利用DSK上的资源对 混入 噪音 语音信号进行实时处理以得到纯净的语音信号的。

  • The contrastive and reduction of variability for voice onset time and frication noise duration were demonstrated in Putonghua-speaking children as older .

    嗓音起音时间和擦音 噪音时间随着讲普通话儿童年龄的增长变化而减小,并形成对比。

  • His voice drowned by the noise the speaker had to interrupt his lecture .

    噪音盖过了演讲者的 声音,他不得不中断自己的演讲。