voltage effect

[电] 电压效应

  • An attempt is made to explore self-induced EMF in theory by a quantitative means and to demonstrate the corresponding contents or its experimental design by using the instruments such as voltage effect and digital oscillograph .

    用定量研究的方法,从理论上对影响自感电动势产生和测量的因素进行了探讨分析,同时用 电压 效应和数字示波器等仪器对相应内容进行了演示或验证性实验。

  • The driving effect is accomplished by experimentation finally the relationship between driving voltage and driving effect is achieved .

    并通过实验对驱动效果进行了检验,得出了驱动 频率与驱动 效果的关系曲线。

  • It was concluded that concentration of polymer solution have a significant effect on the average diameters of PAN nanofibers while voltage have little effect .

    结果表明:溶液的浓度是PAN原丝平均直径的主要影响因子, 电压对原丝的平均直径没有明显的 影响

  • The voltage effect on ceramic PTC thermistors was measured by a self-developed circuit .

    用自行设计的电路测量了PTC热敏电阻器的 电压 效应

  • The quantitative analyses of a controllable triangular wave voltage effect on the sensitivity and linearity range of the sensor present .

    定量地分析了调控三角波 电压对传感器测量灵敏度和线性范围的 影响

  • NOTE 3 When deducing the working voltage the effect of transient voltages is ignored .

    在确定工作 电压的时候,不考虑瞬间电压的 影响

  • Accelerate voltage has less effect on these properties .

    加速 电压对两者 影响较小;

  • By Matlab software the DC-link voltage control effect is analyzed . The simulation results show the effectiveness of the fuzzy PI control .

    借助Matlab软件,对直流侧 电压控制 效果进行了仿真分析,仿真结果验证了本文所提出的模糊&PI复合控制的有效性。

  • Laser induced thermoelectric voltage effect in La_ ( 0.67 ) Pb_ ( 0.33 ) MnO_3 thin films doped with Ag

    Ag掺杂的La(0.67)Pb(0.33)MnO3薄膜中激光感生热电 电压 效应

  • In our first set of experiment we study the impact of bias voltage on modification effect .

    其次我们研究了偏压源的脉冲 偏压 大小对改性 效果的影响。

  • Therefore Study on the voltage stability effect of wind farm on network becomes an important issues to develop and design the wind farm .

    所以,风电接入对区域电网 电压稳定性 影响的研究,对规划和开发风电场都具有现实的指导意义。

  • Rotating Voltage Effect on the Micro Power Brushless DC Motor Behavior

    旋转 电压对小功率无刷直流电动机运行特性的 影响

  • Voltage Effect on the BaTiO_3-based Ceramic PTC Thermistor and its Measurement

    钛酸钡基PTCR的 电压 效应测量方法的研究

  • In this paper the structure and the mechanism of CMR materials are simply presented at first . And then the late development of the materials on device fabrication especially on the new laser induced thermoelectric voltage effect bolometer and sensors is discussed in detail .

    首先介绍了CMR薄膜材料的结构和机理,接着详细讨论了它们在器件应用上,尤其是在激光感生 电压热电 电压 效应(LITV)、Bolometer、传感器等有关方面的应用进展。

  • Research on Factors to Influence Negative Regulating Voltage Effect Critical Point of On-Load-Tap-Changing Transformer

    影响有载调压变压器负调 效应临界点因素的研究

  • On the basis of above experiments combining the positive-pulsed high voltage the effect of pulse peak voltage pulse repetition rate gas flow rate and initial NO_X concentration on the NO NO_2 removal characteristics is also discussed .

    在此基础上,采用正极性脉冲 高压电源供电, 研究了脉冲电压峰值、脉冲重复频率、气体流量特性和NOx的初始浓度等条件对NOx脱除的 影响,并探讨NO、NO2的脱除特性。

  • The study of the voltage effect on laser-induced electrochemical etching of silicon

    外加 电压对激光电化学刻蚀硅的 影响研究

  • Compared to AC transmission power transformer converter transformer not only to be under AC voltage effect also under DC voltage and polarity reversal voltage effect .

    相对于交流输电所用的电力变压器,换流变压器不仅承受交流 电压 作用,还承受直流电压和极性反转电压的作用。

  • Aiming at two main problems of SOI device the low vertical breakdown voltage and self-heating effect a novel SOI high-voltage power device with a variable-k dielectric layer ( VkD ) is proposed .

    针对常规SOI器件纵向 耐压低和自热 效应两个主要问题,提出了变k介质埋层SOI(variablekdielectricburiedlayerSOI,VkDSOI)高压功率器件新结构。

  • V-I characteristic includes static V-I characteristic and Zero-power V-I characteristic which is called Voltage Effect .

    其中,伏安特性可分为静态伏安特性和零功率伏安特性。零功率伏安特性也就是所谓的 电压 效应

  • The rocket 's motor will feature six power cells each of which will be seem to operate with a very powerful high voltage effect as seen here .

    该火箭的发动机将采用六功率细胞,将每个操作似乎与一个非常强大的 高压 影响,因为在这里看到。

  • The Grid Voltage Effect in Carrier Injection of Organic Field-effect Transistor

    对有机薄膜场效应晶体管中载流子注入的 影响

  • These theoretical results are consistent with the experimental results . They may provide a theoretical basis for designing and measuring the voltage effect of PTC ceramics .

    这些结果与已有实验结果相符,它们为PTC陶瓷 电压 效应的设计与测量提供了理论基础。

  • Brief analysis of voltage effect on HV differential protection based on channel of optical fiber

    浅析 电压量在高压线路光纤差动保护中的 作用

  • At last the DC / DC convertor was tested and the results shows that the constant voltage effect is good and has a high efficiency .

    最后对设计的电源转换器进行实际测试分析, 稳压 效果好,效率高。

  • The large ground current can create electromagnetic interference to the source and shorten the life of motor bearings by induced high shaft voltage effect reliability of the whole system .

    感应的轴 电压过高还会使电机轴承过早毁坏,从而 影响系统运行的可靠性。

  • Line side filter design for dynamic voltage restorer considering effect of damp resistance

    考虑阻尼电阻 影响的动态 电压调节器线路侧滤波器的设计

  • Optimum thickness for laser induced thermoelectric voltage effect in high T_c superconductor and CMR thin film

    高温超导体和巨磁阻薄膜激光感生热电 电压的最佳膜厚 研究

  • Voltage Effect of BaTiO_3-Based Thin Films and Miniature Bulk PTCR

    BaTiO3系薄膜和微型片式PTCR的 电压 效应

  • MnO_2-Pt / C Composite Electrode for Restraining Voltage Reversal Effect of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

    抑制质子交换膜燃料电池负差 效应的MnO 2-Pt/C复合电极研究