Volterra dislocation


  • According to the elastic stress field in the isotropic medium and Mises yield rule the configuration of yield zone for the straight Volterra dislocation core was calculated .

    根据各向同性连续介质中的弹性应力场和Mises屈服准则,计算出直 Volterra 位错芯屈服区的二维几何构型。

  • Outside the core the stresses are the same as that of Volterra dislocation but inside the core the stresses of the screw dislocation approach zero when ρ goes to zero .

    在螺位错芯区外,其应力场与 Volterra 位错的应力场完全一样,而在芯区内,当ρ趋于零时,螺位错的应力场是有解的。