volume allocation


  • Soluble sugar and starch content of cucumber leaves increased with the decrease of rooting-zone volume it indicated that root restriction enhanced the carbohydrate allocation ratio in cucumber leaves .

    黄瓜叶片可溶性糖、淀粉含量均随根域 体积的降低呈增高趋势,表明限根增加了碳水化合物在叶中的 分配

  • ( iii ) the volume / value of requests for allocation or reallocation denied ;

    (ⅲ)予以拒绝的要求进行 分配或再分配的 数量/金额;

  • After China entering WTO the more flexible exchange rate system and greater volume of capital flow will not only help China participating in the allocation of global financial resources but also present a critical challenge to China 's monitoring capability of monetary policy and financial safety .

    中国加入WTO后,更为灵活的汇率制度、 规模扩大的资本流动既有利于我国参与世界金融资源的 配置,也是对中国货币政策调控能力和金融安全的一个严峻考验。

  • Under different population density level the relationship of Oat reproductive capacity with individual volume which has four aspects were as follows : 1.The change of reproductive allocation proportion was not distinct ; 2.There was a negative correlativity between individual volume and population density level ;

    在不同密度条件下,燕麦的繁殖能力与个体 大小等关系存在以下4个方面的表现:1繁殖 分配比例值变化不明显;

  • Prediction of the Volume of Injection Allocation Using Standard Curves of Water Storage Rate and Water Drive Index


  • The results show that knowledge spillovers can reduce speculate behavior and improve the investment volume . When the alliance profit is small alliance and the allocation model influence the investment strategies very conspicuously .

    研究表明,投资溢出能减少投机行为,提高联盟成员资源投入 ;联盟总收益较小时,联盟结构、利益 分配方式对于研发联盟投资策略影响较为明显。

  • The mathematical model of non-restricted volume traffic allocation and the mathematical model of restricted volume traffic allocation are discussed respectively .

    分别讨论容量无限制交通分配方法数学模型和 容量限制交通 分配方法数学模型。

  • However there are still some problems in achieving the designed project outputs due to influence of the various factors which are mainly known as water supply volume haven 't reach expected standards and water allocation haven 't been fully optimized .

    但是,由于各种因素的综合影响,工程在设计效益的发挥等方面存在一些问题,集中表现在供水 能力未能充分发挥、工程水 资源 配置没有实现最优化。

  • The determination of pressure of fuel gas pipe network the amount of recycle across the holder the volume of holder and the allocation of the holder in flow diagram were described .

    阐述了燃料气管网压力、过柜循环量、 气柜 容积及其操作位置的确定。

  • Then analyzes the model of parts consumption and inventory designs the algorithm of maximum and minimum inventory volume and optimizes the process if parts allocation improves the efficiency of process and management .

    然后,分析了备件消耗与库存模型,推导了对最大和最小库存 的设计算法。接着对备件 调拨流程进行了优化,提高了管理的规范性和审批流程效率。

  • The number of enterprise staff with amount of function have no functional relation and intervallic increase by degrees functional relation with volume of function but the opposite functional relation with personnel allocation proportion of unproducer .

    企业职工人数与职能数不存在函数关系,与职能量呈现为间断 递增函数关系,而与非生产人员的 定编比例却呈现为间断递减函数关系。

  • Water volume distribution with this method reflects the initial water right allocation priority of water source area and the waterfront . This program has simple and easy operation before any feasible water allocation scheme is brought out .

    采用此方法进行 水量分配体现了初始水权 分配 效益优先、水源地优先和近水区域优先的 分配原则,在没有可行性水量分配方案之前,此方案简单易行,适于操作。

  • In this essay it consists of five parts namely introduction law on international large volume electronic funds transfer merit tropism risk of allocation suggestions .

    全文分5章,包括绪论、国际大额电子资金划拨法、国际 大额电子资金划拨法价值取向、国际大额电子资金划拨中的风险 责任、对我国电子资金 划拨法律制度的构想。

  • The Gas Volume Controller will be responsible for dealing with gas nomination and allocation .

    气量调度员负责处理对气量的指定和 分配