
v.排泄使无效( void的现在分词 )宣布…作废取消

  • Effect of Preoperative Voiding Training on The Postoperative Rehabilitation of Urinating Function of Patients with Anorectal Diseases

    术前 排尿训练对肛肠病术后患者排尿功能恢复的影响

  • Methods : Free and pressure uroflowmetry results were analyzed in 50 females with voiding dysfunction .

    方法:对50例女性 排尿功能障碍患者自由尿流率测定和压力流率测定的各项指标进行比较分析。

  • This could cause a variety of solder defects ranging from solder balling to non-wetting to damaged devices to voiding to charred residues .

    这样会产生许多焊接缺陷,诸如 锡球、润湿不良、破坏元器件、空洞、碳化等。

  • Dyssynergia of detrusor-external sphincter occurred in 33 cases with voiding dysfunction .

    膀胱 逼尿肌与尿道外括约肌协调性良好者5例,协同失调者33例。

  • Objective To introduce an improved implantation for urethral stent with amphi-oncoides in patients with neurogenic voiding dysfunction and to evaluate its curative effect .

    目的制备个体化两端膨大式尿道支架治疗神经源性下 尿 功能障碍患者,对其疗效作评估。

  • Voiding cystourethrography demonstrated a dog-ear bladder herniation into the right scrotum .


  • The mass lesion protruded through the inguinal canal during voiding and disappeared after voiding .

    肿块在 解尿 经由腹股沟突出, 尿后就消失。

  • Methods Two patients with chronic voiding dysfunction received the therapy of sacral nerve neuromodulation .

    方法采用骶神经调节技术治疗2例慢性 排尿功能障碍患者,通过 排尿日记和症状改善评价疗效。

  • Background and purpose : neurogenic bladder is neurogenic bladder urethra dysfunction caused by the injury of nerve system that modulate and control the voiding physiologic activity and neurogenic urine incontinence is the major symptom of neurogenic bladder .

    背景与目的:调节和控制 排尿生理活动的中枢和周围神经系统受到损害而引起的膀胱和尿道功能障碍称神经源性膀胱。神经源性尿失禁是其主要症状。

  • Does supplier have the ability to plate the smallest microvias consistently and without voiding ? Show your evidence .

    供应商有无能力在最小的微盲孔上镀上均匀且没 空洞的镀层?拿出证据来。

  • The maximum detrusor pressure in synergia voiding was ( 6.77 ± 2.16 ) kPa .

    协调 排尿 过程中最大逼尿肌 排尿压为(6.77±2.16)kPa。

  • On voiding cystography only 1 case showed reflux in right ureter .


  • The lower urinary tract is responsible for urine storage and voiding .

    背景与研究 目的:下尿路的主要 作用是参与储尿和 排尿 生理 过程

  • Voiding a debt by annulling or paying it .

    以取消或偿付的办法使一笔债务 失效

  • Objective To improve the nursing for chronic voiding dysfunction treated by sacral nerve neuromodulation .

    目的探讨骶神经调节治疗慢性 排尿功能障碍的护理措施,为今后护理常规的制订提供依据。

  • Radiographic obstruction at the bladder neck was diagnosed when the bladder neck was closed or narrow during voiding .

    膀胱颈梗阻的影象学 证据 排尿时膀胱颈关闭、开放不全或狭窄。

  • His voiding was accompanied by severe burning and he was greatly inconvenienced at work .

    小便 有强烈的 烧灼感,当他工作时受到很大的困扰。

  • Patients suffered from postoperative voiding difficulty among them 2 patients were ISD with normal residual urine .

    术后有7例患者出现 明显 排尿困难,其中2例为剩余尿阴性的ISD患者,差异有统计学意义。

  • The results showed that voiding percentages had significant effects on heat dissipation .

    结果表明, 空洞率对散热有较大的影响。

  • In older boys ( between five years old and puberty ) dysfunctional voiding should also be taken into consideration .

    大一点的小孩(五岁至青春期)则同时也要考虑 排尿功能 是否异常。

  • The voiding function recovered well in 2 patients with urethral stricture after periodic dilatation of the urethra .

    2例尿道外口狭窄者定期尿道扩张 1个月, 排尿 顺畅

  • The effect of sparing pelvic plexus during radical hysterectomy on the voiding function of bladder Combined Neurolytic Block of Celiac and Superior Hypogastric Plexuses for Incapacitating Abdominal and / or Pelvic Pain

    宫颈癌广泛切除术范围与保留盆丛和术 膀胱功能恢复的探讨腹腔神经丛联合上腹下神经丛阻滞对顽固性腹部和(或)盆腔癌痛的作用

  • Objective : To recognize the significance of vesicoureteric reflux ( VUR ) happens at filling stage and voiding stage .

    目的:认识膀胱输尿管返流(VUR)出现在膀胱充盈期和 排尿期的意义。

  • Result : Voiding symptoms vesical volume and flow rate were improved significantly in all patients .

    结果:所有手术患者 自觉症状改善,术 膀胱容量、 尿流率 改变等方面均取得满意效果。

  • The Results of the T Regulatory Cells in the Mechanisms in the Pathogenesis of Aplastic Anemia ; The effect of sacral nerve neuromodulation on voiding dysfunction secondary to spina bifida occulta

    调节性T细胞在再生障碍性贫血发病机制中的作用骶神经调节治疗隐性骶椎裂 排尿功能障碍的探讨

  • Conclusion Urethral stricture bladder neck spasm dysfunction of bladder and rudimental gland are main causes which lead to obstructive voiding symptoms in postoperative BPH .

    结论尿道狭窄,膀胱颈挛缩,腺体残留,膀胱功能异常是良性前列腺增生术后 排尿 困难的常见原因。

  • Efficacy and safety of α - blocker agent therapy for neurogenic voiding dysfunction

    应用α受体阻断剂治疗神经源性 膀胱 排空患者的疗效和安全性

  • Results : The NNE patients were presented with abnormal daytime voiding besides nocturnal enuresis .

    结果: 神经 夜遗尿患者除表现为夜遗尿症状外,多伴有白天 排尿异常。

  • The diagnosis of bladder hernia can be confirmed by voiding cystourethrography or scrotal ultrasonography .
