void volume

[vɔɪd ˈvɑljum][vɔid ˈvɔlju:m]


  • By examples of free bulging of hemisphere and die bulging of cylinder parts the optimum pressure cycles are calculated respectively and the thickness distribution and void volume damage status are also demonstrated .

    分别以半球壳和圆筒形零件为例,给出了优化后自由胀形和充模胀形的加压曲线,预测了成形零件的壁厚分布及 空洞 体积损伤情况。

  • Porosity is defined as the ratio of the void space in a rock to the bulk volume of that rock multiplied by 100 to express in percent .

    孔隙度定义为岩石内的 孔隙体积占岩石总 体积的百分率。

  • Study on the Variation of the Void Volume Measured in Reversed-Phase Ion-Pair Chromatography

    反相离子对色谱中 体积变化特性的研究

  • On the basis of course aggregate void filling method the design method of proportion of crumb rubber modified skeleton dense asphalt mixture ( CRM-SDAM ) named volume design procedure of skeleton interlocking dense asphalt mixture is put forward .

    在主骨料 空隙填充法(CAVF)的基础上,提出了废橡胶粉改性骨架密实型沥青混合料( CRM-SDAM)的配合比设计方法,即骨架嵌挤密实体 法。

  • Plunge-cut gear-shaving process Void Fraction Distribution in Vertically Upward Two Phase Flow Vapor volume fractions under different mass flow rates and different radial tip clearances were compared respectively .

    分别对不同流量和径向叶顶 间隙下的蒸气相 体积份额进行了比较;

  • It has deduced the mathematical function of the sediment void ratio on the basis of stress and structure analysis and then the mass and volume conversion of deep bed filtration sediment is given .

    通过受力情况和结构特性的分析,推导出了沉积物 空隙率的函数表达式,在此基础上,给出沉积物质量与 体积的换算关系。

  • Effect of void volume on phase transformation of iron under laser shock loading

    强激光辐照下 孔洞 尺寸对铁相变过程的影响

  • Influences of initial damage on development of spalling damage have been indicated by analyzing the distribution of void number density the cumulative percentage of void volume and the volume fraction of the different-seize voids .

    通过分析孔洞数密度分布、 孔洞 体积累积百分比、不同大小孔洞所占体积份额的计算结果,指出初始损伤对损伤演化有直接影响。

  • The results show that the large scale voids nucleated in graphite particles grow insufficiently and final failure void volume fraction f f is smaller at a higher level of triaxial stress states .

    结果表明:在较高三轴应力状态时,石墨颗粒与基体分离形成的一级孔洞扩展很不充分,且断裂 孔洞 体积分数ff较小;

  • Based on the given value of the least void content two different definitions for the ratios of the paste volume to the void content are presented and discussed .

    根据最小 气孔率的给定值,分析讨论了浆 含量与气孔率之比的两个不同的定义。

  • Based on the analysis procedure proposed in this work the critical nucleation strain and relative void volume at the critical nucleation strain were determined .

    并根据本研究提出的分析程序,确定了空穴的临界形核应变以及在形核应变时的相对 空穴 体积

  • The corresponding hollow carbon spheres possess excellent structural characteristics including uniform particle size abundant pores and rather high specific surface area and void volume and so on .

    制得的空心炭球具有优良的结构特色,如尺寸均一,丰富的孔道以及较高的比表面积和较大的 体积等。

  • An asphalt mixture base with a high void volume was designed by volume design procedure and optimum asphalt content of mixture was determined by Marshall test .

    采用体积法设计高空 的基体沥青混合料并通过马歇尔试验确定其最佳沥青用量;

  • In horizontal stud soderberg cells the void volume the pulling of contact studs cause makes the effectively active area on the anode less thau the projected plan area which makes anode current density varying and causes instability of cells .

    在旁插自焙槽中,阳极拔棒出形成的 孔洞,造成阳极实际有效面积达不到设计面积,使阳极电流密度发生变化,造成电解槽不稳定。

  • The quantitative influences of the four parameters on the erosion void shape volume and length are analyzed and presented .

    对四个因素对侵蚀 的形状、 体积以及长度的影响进行了定量分析。

  • The internal structures of the composites were observed with a scanning electron microscope ( SEM ) and the void volume fractions of the three composites were calculated by an ASTM standard method .

    使用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对复合材料的内部结构进行了观察,并使用ASTM标准方法计算了材料的 孔隙率

  • We proposed that the micro-body model was constructed by ' solid ' and ' void ' 8-node volume elements . Through even combinations of variant proportions with those two elements we simulated the process of pseudo-density change .

    提出利用“实心”与“ 空心”两种八节点 单元来构建“微元体”模型,通过各种比例的“实心”和“空心”体单元的均匀组合,来模拟伪密度数值的变化过程。

  • The feature parameters including density of summits closed void area closed void volume etc can be used for assessing the 3-D surface texture of machine part .

    峰顶密度、封闭的谷周面积、封闭的 体积等评定参数可用于零件三维表面形貌的评定。

  • The results show that elastic modulus and yield stress decrease with increasing void volume fraction the plastic deformation occurs in advance .

    结果表明:随 孔洞 体积分数的增大,材料的弹性模量和屈服应力近线性降低,塑性变形提前。

  • Total porosity is the ratio of the total void space in the rock to the bulk volume of the rock ;

    有效孔隙度是 互相 连接 孔隙 体积与岩石总 体积的比值。

  • Undulations may be observed at the void volume if the diluent for the sample is different from the solvents ( proportion and type ) used in the mobile phase .

    如果样品的 稀释剂和移动相所有溶剂不同(比例和类型), 空白溶液也会观察到波动。

  • A set of cure pressures were applied to produce various void contents . Qualitative and quantitative characterization of porosity in terms of void distribution shape size and volume fraction was carried out by ultrasonic C-scan microscopic analysis and acid digestion methods .

    通过设置一系列固化压力历程以产生不同水平的孔隙率,采用超声C扫描、显微镜分析和酸解法对 孔隙的分布、形状、尺寸和 体积含量进行了定性和定量表征。