



  • There are various volcanoes and volcanic rocks on the surfaces of terrestrial planets .

    类地行星及它们的卫星表面普遍分布着多种火山和 火山岩。

  • The silicic volcanic rocks of Carboniferous times has similar REE and trace elemental geochemistry as continental rhyolite .

    石炭纪酸性 火山岩的稀土和微量元素地球化学特征与陆内流纹岩相似。

  • Volcanic ash filled the sky blotted out the sun and triggered hail and lightning .

    天空充满了 火山灰,遮盖了太阳,触发了冰雹和闪电。

  • Volcanic activity has created thermal springs and boiling mud pools .


  • Pyroclastic rocks are mainly composed of volcanic breccia and tuff .

    火山碎屑岩,包括 火山角砾岩和凝灰岩;

  • The volcanic eruption of the catastrophic event terminated the mineralization of the oil shale .


  • A group of volcanic and coral islands in the central Pacific .

    太平洋中部的一组 火山 和珊瑚岛。

  • The nearly black structures are almost certainly dunes made of volcanic ash-rich sediments .

    近黑色的结构是几乎可以肯定的 火山灰丰富的沉积物了沙丘。

  • Mount Unzen has been spewing out volcanic ash gas and rock today

    云仙山今天一直在向外喷涌 火山灰、气体和 火山岩。

  • Mounds of pumice and volcanic ash mark its center where the volcano remains .

    浮石和 火山灰的土墩标志着它的中心,是火山的遗迹。

  • The volcano spewed out more scorching volcanic ashes gases and rocks

    火山喷出更多灼热的 火山灰、气体和岩块。

  • This resembles volcanic ash which is predominantly composed of minerals such as pyroxene and olivine .

    这类似于 火山灰,这是主要组成矿物如辉石和橄榄石。

  • The city was entombed in volcanic lava

    城市被 火山熔岩掩埋。

  • Many oceanic islands are volcanic .

    很多海洋岛屿都是 火山 活动形成的。

  • The volcano vomited flames and molten rock . volcanic ash and lava build the mountains that we call volcanoes .

    火山喷出了火焰和熔岩。 火山灰和火山岩在喷射口堆积构成了火山。

  • Mimics the cooling effects of a volcanic eruption by spraying shiny sulphur compounds into the high atmosphere .

    这种方法通过对高层大气喷洒闪光的硫化物模仿 火山爆发的降温效果。

  • St Vincent is a lush volcanic island .

    圣文森特岛是座郁郁葱葱的 火山岛。

  • Over 200 people have been killed by volcanic eruptions


  • Pumice is produced in volcanic eruptions .

    轻石是在 火山爆发中产生的。

  • Accurate dating for volcanic and sub-volcanic rocks provided reliable data to constrain the tectonic setting for diagenesis .

    火山 和次火山岩的精确定年为准确厘定火山岩形成的时限和地球动力学背景提供了依据。

  • Sedimentary pyroclastic rocks are mainly sedimentary tuff and sedimentary volcanic breccia .

    沉火山碎屑岩,包括沉凝灰岩和沉 火山角砾岩。

  • In this region of convergence we find the deepest earthquakes great topographic relief and intensive volcanic activity .

    在这种聚合地区,我们发现了最深的地震,巨大的地形起伏和强烈的 火山活动。

  • So we are prone to earthquake and volcanic eruptions .

    如此,我们是有倾向的对地震和 火山爆发。

  • The vast volcanic slope was eerily reminiscent of a lunar landscape .

    开阔的 火山坡让人心生怪异地联想起月球的地貌。

  • The volcanic activity also provides a wealth of minerals geothermal energy and beautiful landscape .

    另一方面, 火山活动为人类提供了丰富的矿产资源、地热资源和旅游资源。

  • The volcanic rocks from Hanxia and Hongliuxia in Jiuxi basin are considered to be resulted from Cenozoic tectonic events .

    酒西盆地旱峡和红柳峡等地有基性 火山岩产出,它们曾一度被认为是新生代构造运动的产物。

  • Volcanic eruptions can cause great damage and the loss of life and property .


  • Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth

    气象卫星观测到一个环绕地球的 火山灰带。

  • A cloud of volcanic ash is spreading across wide areas of the Philippines


  • The Cainozoic period was a period of upheaval and extreme volcanic activity .

    新生代是一个充满了地壳巨变和剧烈 火山活动的时期。