voice box

[vɔɪs bɑks][vɔis bɔks]


  • By raising poor citizens ' voice through the ballot box and making information widely available .

    加强贫困居民的 发言 ,通过 投票以及广泛提供信息的方式。

  • Voice Mail Box Application Becoming Hot

    语音 信箱的应用悄然升温

  • That is because this professor has a disease which prevents him from speaking so when he speaks he has to use a computer and a voice box .

    这是因为这位教授得了一种病,使他不能讲话了,因此,他讲话时,只得借助计算机和 发声

  • This article has established an isolated-word speech recognition system and has carried on the simulation and analysis using MATLAB pronunciation toolbox voice box to the system .

    本文建立了一个孤立词语音识别系统,并利用MATLAB的语音工具箱 voice box对系统进行了仿真和分析。

  • Smoking also causes cancers of the larynx ( voice box ) mouth pharynx ( throat ) esophagus ( swallowing tube ) and bladder .

    吸烟亦可引起 、口腔、咽( 咽喉)、食道和膀胱等组织或器官的癌症。

  • Deduction of Calculating Formula for Phase-reversing Voice Box Design

    设计倒相式 音箱计算公式的推导

  • Cried the coachman in a warning voice looking down from his box . This was foreseen by the Russians who had had full warning and were ready .

    赶车的从座位上往下望着,用警惕的 口吻叫道。俄国人料到这一着,早已十分警惕,严阵以待。

  • A patient whose voice box was destroyed in an accident can now speak normally .

    有一个在事故 声带受伤的病人现在可以正常说话了。

  • Design of Instrument Ratings Survey Based on Voice Signal Analysis in Set Top Box

    基于机顶 语音信号分析的收视率调查仪设计

  • In this paper we utilize MATLAB Voice Box to abstract speech 's characteristic parameter use DTW to matching reference model with test model and obtain very high recognition rate .

    本文通过MATLAB 语音处理 工具箱,提取 输入语音的特征参数,采用动态时间归整算法来匹配参考模板和测试模板,获得了很高的识别率。

  • The private voice mail box is made up of 2 trunks 7 extensions and a speech processing unit as well as a call treatment program and mail box management software .

    介绍的专用 语音 信箱由2条中继线、7台分机、1个语音处理单元以及呼叫处理程序和语音信箱管理程序组成。

  • Data Acquisition and Processing of Private Voice Mail Box

    专用 语音 信箱数据采集与处理

  • Another name for the larynx is the voice box and it 's in the throat .

    喉的另一种名称是 声音 ,并且它在咽喉部分。

  • Cried the coachman in a warning voice looking down from his box .

    赶车的从座位上往下望着, 警惕的 口吻叫道。

  • This is done in the doctor 's office to look down the throat at the voice box and vocal chords .

    这是在医生的办公室,以俯视的 语音 信箱和声带的喉咙。

  • Then she pulled out the bear 's voice box attempted to crush it with her shoe and ultimately ran it over with her car .

    然后,她把泰迪熊 发声 拔了,想用鞋子把 盒子踩烂,不过最后开车碾才算了事。

  • This led to Chen finding his own style and voice . To attract the camera I tried thinking out of the box said Chen .

    这种想法使他琢磨出了自己的动作和 说话方式。为了吸引镜头的注意,我尝试着 打破常规独辟蹊径。

  • It also sets off a voice box which says Caution truck turning left .

    同时,它还会启动一段 语音 提示:注意,卡车左转。

  • To search by voice on desktops users will click on a microphone icon to the right of their search box then speak their query out loud .

    至于桌面 语音搜索功能,用户只需点击搜索 右侧的麦克风按钮,然后说出搜索内容便可。

  • Design of an intelligent voice mail box based on SOPC

    基于SOPC的智能 语音 信箱的设计

  • Roll to my voice box !

    请转到 语音 信箱

  • This paper introduced the technological characteristics of voice platform which based on voice / fax box system and some functions realised with the help of PABX 's network .

    介绍基于 语音/传真 信箱系统的语音平台的技术特点及借助交换机网络实现的功能。

  • The voice mail box has the feature of inquiry leaving a message and playing back public information and it is automatically turned on when the subscriber is busy or without answer .

    语音 信箱具有查询、留言和播放公众信息等功能,在被叫忙音或无应答时自动进入信箱。

  • You are welcome to voice your preference by clicking at the box next to the fruit of your choice .

    请点选你最喜爱的水果旁边的 空格表达你的意见。

  • The sources of professional voice box damage and their precautions

    浅谈专业 音箱的损坏原因与预防

  • To solve the problems of existing electric control box such as single alarm voice easy to trigger and no hand reset voice alarm of pre-pay electric control box was designed .

    为解决现有用电控制箱告警声单一、易误触发、无手动复位等问题,设计了预付费用电控制 语音告警器。

  • Then a question appeared by the way of voice and text . Subjects required to response according to the different types of problems after a box appearing .

    接着用 声音和文字相结合的方式呈现问题,要求被试根据不同的问题类型对出现的 盒子进行记忆判断、信念理解或者信念推理。

  • Voice platform based on voice / fax box

    基于 语音/传真 信箱的语音平台

  • There 's a big Image search button for taking photos and bar code scanning Voice Search to launch you guessed it voice search and a text-search box .

    在屏幕上,有一个图片和条形码专用的图像搜索按钮,有声音搜索选项,是的,是 声音搜索,还有一个段落搜索的 选项