


  • Chic elegance ; a smart new dress ; a suit of voguish cut .

    别致的优雅;漂亮的新裙子; 裁剪 时髦的套装。

  • Officials ignore the potential for innovation in consumer products or services and get seduced by the hype of voguish high-tech sectors .

    官员们往往忽视了消费产品和服务业的创新潜能,而被 一些 时髦的高科技部门的虚幻 前景所诱惑。

  • The global demand for gritty but voguish business strategies is now big enough to keep even a workaholic ronin such as Prof Tiffany as busy as he wants to be .

    全球对大胆却 时髦的商业战略需求之大,能让蒂法尼教授这样的工作狂浪人想有多忙就有多忙。

  • Another voguish theory is that there is not an oversupply of liquidity but a shortage of assets .

    另一个 风行一时的解释是,并不存在 什么流动性过剩,相反,是资产存在短缺现象。