He pulled on a battered old crash helmet with a scratched visor .
他戴上了一顶破旧的防护头盔,上面的 面罩 已有划痕。
Ive tried other hair-washing accessories such as a visor a regular cup squirt bottle etc. but I had no success in avoiding my childs discomfort when the water and soap flowed into her eyes .
我曾经用过很多其它洗头发的工具,例如防水帽,普通的杯子,挤 水杯子等等,但是我从来没有成功的缓解我孩子洗头发时候水和肥皂进入眼睛的不适。
The automobile sound may dispose the visor curtain or the transparent rain curtain all-weather uses .
汽车音响, 陕西 电动 观光 车可配置 遮阳帘或者透明雨帘,全天侯使用。
Things like visor caps swords daggers buttons insignia medals shoulder boards collar tabs flags tress swallows nests and of course the cloth that Nazi uniforms are made of .
当然喜欢的东西 遮阳盖,剑,匕首,纽扣,徽章,奖章,肩章,领标签,旗帜,树木,燕子筑巢和,布的纳粹制服而作出调整。
When it drives toward you aim at its visor or under its turret to make it immovable .
如果 坦克是朝着你 开来的时候,瞄准 观察 窗或者炮塔的下部,使其不能移动。
A French military cap with a flat circular top and a visor . Under their dropped lids his eyes found the tiny bow of the leather headband inside his high grade ha .
法国军帽平圆顶的有 帽舌的一种法国军帽他垂下眼皮, 瞅了 瞅这顶高级 帽子 衬里上 绷着的那圈鞋皮的小小帽花。
A cap with a drooping leather visor partly concealed his face burned and tanned by sun and wind and dripping with perspiration .
一顶皮 檐 便帽 压 齐 眉心,把他那被太阳晒黑、淌着大汗的脸遮 去了一部分。
I 'm like to have a bowler hat . a cap with a flat circular top and a visor .
我想买一顶圆顶硬礼帽。有一个圆形平顶和 帽舌的帽子。
The automobile sound may dispose the visor curtain or obstruct the rain curtain transparently all-weather uses may make to order the trailer tractor carriage .
汽车音响, 陕西 电动牵引车可配置 遮阳帘或者透明遮雨帘,全天侯使用, 陕西 电动牵引车可定做牵引车拖板。
Why 'd he close his visor ?
他 干什么关上 面罩?
She had to wear a scarf under the sun visor because some of her hair was visible .
她穿在阳光下 遮阳围巾,由于她的头发有些可见。
Existing products include Roof lining Seat assembly Sun visor Floor mat Floor Carpet and Engine room & Trunk lining .
公司目前主要产品包括 汽车顶棚、座椅组件、 遮阳 板、车厢地毡和引擎室及行李箱衬垫。
My line of vision is above the sun visor .
我的视线在 防晒 板上方。
Felt bonnet made from hat forms hat bodies hoods or plateaux w_1262 a cap with a flat circular top and a visor .
无边女毡帽由帽模、帽坯、帽兜或平顶制成w_1291有一个圆形平顶和 帽舌 的 帽子。
A medieval helmet with a visor and a neck guard . Fencers must wear protective clothing including a padded jacket a wire mesh and a glove .
中世纪带 面罩和护颈的头盔。击剑运动员必须佩带护具,包括护胸、罩和手套。
I put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light .
我拉下 遮阳 板来遮挡 耀眼的阳光。
I forgot that my helmet 's visor was still down so when I spat the gum stuck against it .
我忘了头盔的 面罩 没 打开,所以我吐 她的时候,粘在上面了。
Visor energy conservation management ;
( 15-16th century ) any armor for the head ; usually ornate without a visor .
(-世纪)保护头部的盔甲;制造华丽但没有 面甲。
A cap with a flat circular top and a visor .
有一个圆形平顶和 帽舌 的 帽子。
A visor fastened about the head and used for protection against glare . Never forget to put on the lens hood after you use the camera .
眼罩用带子固定在头上,用来遮住强光的 护目镜 每次照相机用完以后,千万不要忘记把遮光罩盖上。
Having or provided with a visor or a visor of a particular kind .
有或者装有 帽舌或者特定类型的帽舌。
I had to stop at the traffic lights and put down the sun visor to shade my eyes from the light .
我不得不在红绿灯处停车,然后放下 遮阳 板来遮挡阳光。
Q.are you going to be wearing a cap or a visor this week ?
你这周是带有 顶的帽子还是无顶的?
This exceptionally comfortable motorcycle helmet has a wraparound visor and shock-absorbent rubber padding .
这个数目舒适的摩托车头盔有一个概括的 面颊和底胶的填充物。
The bad : The wire-spring visor clip is easily bent if handled roughly .
坏:钢丝弹簧 遮阳 板夹很容易弯曲,如果处理大约。
Where tight dredging depth tolerances are required to dredge contaminated materials the bucket-type closed-grab dredger shall incorporate a visor .
在挖掘受污染物料时,若严格规定了挖泥深度容限,则密封抓斗式的挖泥机应设置一个 护罩。
Clip-tune-and-go which hooks to the visor and can be taken from car to car .
剪辑调整和去,其中钩到的 遮阳帽,并可以采取从汽车到汽车。
A light open helmet without a visor or beaver .
没有 面甲的一种敞开式的轻型头盔。
He could not help thinking how uncanny the man 's squint eyes looked under its straight outstanding visor .
他不禁想到这个家伙的斜视眼,从 帽子的大 帽舌下望 出来是何等的 令人 毛骨悚然。