visual area

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈɛriə][ˈviʒuəl ˈɛəriə]


  • Selection of Visual Attentive Area Based on Scale Space Representation

    基于尺度空间表示的 视觉注意 区域选择

  • Objective To evaluate the expressions of 5-HT_ 2c receptor ( 5HT_ 2c R ) in the different stages of development in the visual cortex area 17 of normal and strabismic cats and to elucidate the pathogenetic mechanism of the strabismic amblyopia at molecular level .

    目的观察在发育不同时限 皮层17 神经元5-HT2c受体(5HT2cR)的表达变化,从分子水平探讨斜视性弱视的发病机制。

  • Expression and Significance of GAP-43 in Lateral Geniculate Nucleus and Visual Cortex Area 17 of Monocularly Deprived Rats

    单眼剥夺大鼠 17 及外侧膝状体中生长相关蛋白(GAP-43)的表达及其意义

  • Correlation of Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect with Visual Field Area Difference between Both Eyes In Glaucoma

    青光眼患者相对性瞳孔反射传入障碍与其两眼 视野 面积差值的比较

  • Sparse coding as an artificial neural network method can model the receptive fields of simple cells in the mammalian primary visual cortex ( area V1 ) in brain and can effectively extract the internal features of the image .

    稀疏编码作为一种模拟哺乳动物初级 视觉系统主视皮层v1 简单细胞感受野的人工神经网络的方法,能够有效地提取图像的内部特征,同时还可以获得图像的最大的信息量。

  • Amygdaloid Influence on the Light Evoked Neuronal Response of Visual Area 1 in Rabbits

    杏仁复合体对兔 1 神经元光诱发活动的影响及其作用机制的研究

  • Conclusion : The differential microvascular density within frist visual area which accords with its function and action provides morphological foundation for cytodifferentiation and functional perfection of visual cortex before the infant macula flava vision development .

    结论:在黄斑视觉形成之前,婴儿第I 皮质 各段与功能活动相适应的血管密度差异形成,为视皮质细胞分化及功能完善提供必要的形态学基础。

  • The sparse coding algorithm was originally developed as a neural model for natural images in order to simulate the visual processing of simple cells in the primary visual cortex ( area V1 ) of mammals .

    稀疏编码算法最初是作为自然图像的神经编码模型而提出的,主要用于模拟哺乳类生物 视觉系统初级 皮层V1 简单细胞的视觉加工过程。

  • As the development of the world the Blue and white elements are not only used on the department of Blue and white porcelain but also wildly focused on the Visual Communication Design area .

    随着时代的发展,青花元素已经不再仅仅局限于青花瓷器上的应用,在 视觉传达 领域的应用也越来越广泛。

  • Traditional visual system can only get a limited field of view there is a larger visual blind area most of the vision field information was abandoned limited field of view can not provide a full range of decision-making information .

    传统视觉系统能获得的视场范围有限,次只能获取机器人 周围 环境 局部的视场信息,存在着较大的 视觉 盲区,大部分视场信息被放弃了,视场受限不能够提供全方位的决策依据信息。

  • For example it toys with the option of a 2560 x 1140 resolution edge-to-edge retina display which gives the allusion of a larger visual screen area .

    例如,该设计虚构出分辨率达 2560x1140的边到边视网膜显示器,可以形成更大 视域的屏幕。

  • In this context the vision element is largely promoted in the visual art area and monopolized the space of artistic presentation which caused vision monopoly ;

    在此背景下, 视觉艺术 领域中的视觉因素大为强化,独占了艺术表现的所有空间,造成了“视觉垄断”;

  • The stimulus selectivity and pattern adaptation of neurons in the primary visual cortex ( area 17 ) of young adult and old cats was for the first time comparatively examined using single-neuron in vivo recording techniques .

    运用在位细胞外记录方法比较研究 皮层V1 细胞的刺激选择和图形适应特性。

  • The panoramic vision acquires all visual information of the three dimensional space once the visual area could be more extensive than the hemisphere ( 360 ° x 180 °) .

    全景视觉是指一次获得大于半球 视场(360°×180°)的三维空间的全部视觉信息。

  • The experimental results show that the visual area histogram model and the quadtree histogram model are in better harmony with human spatial perception . ( 4 ) The linguistic descriptions approaches of spatial relation are proposed .

    实验结果证明, 可视 直方图模型和四叉树直方图模型较其他模型更符合人的空间方向认知,且具有更广泛的适用性。(4)提出了空间关系自然语言组合描述方法。

  • The car built-in mirror is helpful for expanding the visual range of a driver during driving and can reduce the visual blind area and effectively improve the driving safety .

    便于扩展驾驶员行车中的可视范围,减少 可视 盲区,有效提高行车安全性。

  • Expressions of 5-HT_ 2c receptor in the neurons of visual cortex area 17 of normal and strabismic cats

    5-HT(2c)受体在正常发育和斜视猫 皮层17 的表达

  • A Method of Visual Speech Feature Area Localization Based on Support Vector Machine

    基于支撑向量机的 视觉语音特征 区域定位方法

  • Painting art must be bound by its own laws its nature and inherent characteristics can not be separated from the visual language art area .

    绘画艺术必须受自身规律的约束,其本质和内在特征,离不开 视觉语言艺术的 范畴

  • Quantitative Study on Mitochondria and Synaptic Vesicle in Neuropil of Occipital Cortex of Visual Area


  • Mean Shift is a very good algorithm in visual target tracking area .

    视觉跟踪 领域,MeanShift算法是一个非常优秀的算法,是国外最近几年才发展起来的。

  • To back a car safely set up a radio and video back-sight visual system that has little visual blind area and use the vidicon focusing principle to achieve the function of warning the distance of the car that is getting too close behind .

    为使倒车安全,设置 视觉 盲区小的射频、视频汽车倒车的后视系统。且利用摄像机聚焦原理实现简单的后车距太近的告警功能。

  • There types of cells agree well with the organization of the middle temporal visual area ( MT ) of the owl monley revealed by using optical recording techniques .

    它们与最近光学记录揭示的鹰猴中颞叶 (middletemporalvisualarea,MT)的组织有很好的吻合。

  • Results Compared with groups from 1 to 3 the contents of c-fos in brain tissue including lateral geniculate body and visual area regions were obviously statistic significance ( P < 0.05 ) .

    结果(1)脑组织 不同部位(外侧膝状体、嘴侧 皮质)中c-fos在对照组、缺血组、缺血再灌注组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。

  • Methed The PRVEP induced by the chess-board model pattern reversal stimuli was recorded form the visual area of cortex .

    方法采用棋盘格模式翻转(patternreversal,PR)刺激,在大脑皮层相应 视觉 记录家兔全野模式翻转视觉诱发电位(PRVEP)。

  • Objective To analyze the protein related with ocular dominance plasticity termination in visual cortical area 17 of Long Evans rats by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry and discuss the application of proteome technology in the study of visual plasticity .

    目的利用二维电泳-质谱技术分析LONGEVANS大鼠初级 皮层中与眼优势柱终止相关的蛋白质,探索蛋白质组学技术在视觉可塑性研究中的应用。

  • We also found that in different forebrain areas the number of neurons interrelated with the change of some aspects of behaviour was not equal . The most significant difference was between the visual area and the motor area .

    又发现:与行为某一方面相关变化的神经元数量在不同脑区是不等的,最显著的差异见于皮质 与运动区:在皮质视区,大部分不是环境神经元,而是运动神经元;

  • The figure of visual field defect was obtained and the quantitative analysis result of visual defect area could be got .

    可以得到视野缺陷图,并可对 视野缺陷 面积进行定量分析。

  • During the process of airplay design the information display area should lie in visual area of pilots . Its display layout and display mode should fall in line with visual ergonomics .

    飞机信息显示区域必须限于驾驶员 视域,其显示布局及显示方式应符合视觉工效学设计原则。

  • Visual information is the basic object of study in visual communication area . As the image is one of carriers in information transmitting they have contacts between each other on movement style .

    视觉信息一直都是 视觉传达专业 领域研究的最基本对象,图像作为传达信息的载体之一,二者在运动方式上有着密不可分的联系。