visual carrier

[ˈvɪʒuəl ˈkæriɚ][ˈviʒuəl ˈkæriə]


  • Local portrait is an important part of the portrait what refers to divide by facial outside the center part of the face the trunk local body has the identifiability appearance the visual image which reappears on the material carrier under the protection of the rights .

    局部肖像是肖像的重要组成部分,指的是除以面部为中心以外的脸部的一部分、人体躯干、局部身体等具有可辨认性的外貌在物质 载体上再现的 视觉形象,受肖像权的保护。

  • Paper points out that the design is no accidental for urban visual symbols the context of the information age as a carrier of city information that the inevitable outcome of urban development .

    论文指出城市 视觉符号的设计并非偶然,作为城市信息的 载体其是信息化时代背景下视觉化城市发展的必然产物。

  • Machine vision technology refers to the machine simulation of human visual behavior . taking computer as a carrier it is also known as computer vision technology in the actual process .

    机器视觉(Machinevision)技术即指通过机器模拟人类的 视觉行为,因其在实际过程中常常以计算机作为 载体,也称为计算机视觉技术。

  • As building skin is the most direct visual carrier on esthetics building the design of artistic building skin turn into the dialogue medium between human and architecture .

    这是因为建筑表皮是 视觉美最直接的一种 载体,艺术化的建筑表皮设计成为人与建筑对话的媒介。

  • The carrier image was classified according to human visual system and the watermark signal is embedded into the carrier image by comparing the brightness and the texture of the different sub-blocks of original carrier image .

    对于 载体图像,则根据 HVS的特性对图像进行块分类,通过比较载体图像不同子块的亮度和方差来实现水印信号的嵌入与提取。

  • Visual media is an important carrier for human to get information and understand the world which includes images videos and digital geometry .

    可视媒体是人类获取信息、认识世界的重要 载体,主要包括图像、视频、数字几何等。

  • The font design is not only an important part of visual communication design but also a carrier of information transmission .

    字体设计是 视觉传达设计的重要组成部分,也是信息传播的 载体

  • The laser centerline localizer ( LCL ) is extremely precise long range visual landing aid for aircraft carrier fight operations particularly at night and in marginal weather to aid in the safe recovery of the aircraft .

    激光中线定位器( LGI)是极为精确的远距离 可视着舰系统,特别在夜间和临界天气时,能帮助飞机安全着舰。

  • The second one is based on VRML ( Virtual Reality Modeling Language ) it is a visual product structure tree aiming at product data integration access and visualization for management or marketing with product ′ s VRML files as the carrier of product data .

    基于VRML的 可视化产品结构树,以产品VRML文件为 载体组织产品数据,面向管理、服务、营销等环节的产品数据浏览与访问。

  • New media art forms to break the visual means of communication for people accustomed to and will gradually become the visual communication of the new carrier .

    新媒体的艺术形式打破了人们习以为常的视觉传达方式,并逐步成为 视觉传达新的 载体

  • The paper programs a prototype system on Bulk Carrier Automatic Stowage System by Visual Basic 6.0 and Microsoft Access .

    利用程序设计语言 VISUALBASIC与数据库丌发工具MicrosoftAccess设计了一个 散货 自动配载原型系统。

  • Visual sign is very important as a unique culture carrier .

    视觉符号作为独特的文化 载体非常重要。

  • This algorithm restricted the high-frequency noise by optimizing quantizer and improved visual quality of the carrier image .

    该算法通过量化器的优化设计来抑制嵌入信息时引入的高频噪声,从而达到改善 载体图像 视觉质量的目的。

  • The information about neurons activities of nervous system can be carried by visual cortex neurons spikes which are the carrier of neurons information .

    皮层神经元锋电位携带了丰富的神经元活动信息,是神经系统进行信息表达的 载体

  • From the visual communication angle both of the symbolic property make the Naxi pictographs have the function of the information communicating and aesthetic vision . So the Naxi pictographs are dual carrier with information and aesthetics .

    这些符号性质使得纳西象形文字在 视觉传达中既起到了信息传递的功能,也起到了视觉审美的功能,是信息和美学的双重 载体

  • The first algorithm uses the human visual model computation watermark embedment strength on the high complexity image block . After the encryption the watermark data embedded according to the different embedment strength to the carrier image .

    第一种算法是在复杂度高的图像块上利用人类 视觉模型的特点计算水印嵌入强度,将加密后水印数据按照不同的嵌入强度嵌入到 载体图像中。

  • Function is an important part of high school mathematics . As one method of function description images are the visual carrier of function nature discovery and study as well as the important tool to solve function-related issues .

    函数是高中数学的重要组成部分,函数图象作为函数的一种表示方法,是发现、研究函数性质的 直观 载体,解决函数相关问题的重要工具。

  • As the chief media for visual expression in graphic design graphics are not only the carrier of information but also an effective tool to communicate with the audience .

    图形作为平面设计进行 视觉传达的主要媒质,不仅是传达信息的 载体,同时也是与受众对象交流的工具。

  • In visual system spikes are the main carrier to take and transfer visual information . As a result the accurate detection of the spike is the premise to study the visual information processing mechanism .

    视觉系统中神经元锋电位是携带并传递信息的主要 载体,因此,锋电位的精确获取是研究视觉信息处理机制的前提。

  • This paper uses a method of stable platform to achieve visual axis stability the vibrating on visual axis brought by mobile carrier .

    针对 载体运动会给 视轴带来影响,提出利用稳定平台实现视轴的稳定。

  • This algorithm has a better visual impression the watermark can be embedded into any position of the carrier image without brightness transition the coverage area is translucent-like and carrier image content can still be roughly identified . 3 .

    算法 视觉效果较好,可以将水印嵌入 载体图像的任意位置,且不会出现亮度跳变,水印覆盖区呈半透明状,载体图像内容仍可粗略辨认。

  • Information hiding technology as an important information security technology uses the human visual masking properties and inherent redundancy of digital image signals to hide the secret information into the carrier images and then pass the secret information by transporting the carrier images publicly .

    信息隐藏技术作为信息安全的一项重要技术,它利用人类 视觉掩蔽特性和数字图像信号本身存在的冗余,将密信息隐藏在 载体图像中,然后通过载体图像的公开传输来传递秘密信息。

  • Secondly from cultural outlined with regional features visual expression refined language pay attention to the design of dynamic use of modern design of the preface to these ideas and expressional gimmick of summarizing cultural carrier symbols reconstruction and deconstruction form with characteristic of Chinese new symbols and form .

    其次从文化中概括提炼具备地域特色 视觉表达语言,关注设计前言动态运用现代设计的理念和表现手法对这些概括来的文化 载体符号进行重构和解构形成具有本土特色的新的符号和表现形式。

  • This thesis applies the theory of visual motion analysis based on optical flow to automatic flying object landing process track and recognize the target estimate the motion parameters between the aircraft carrier and the automatic flying object prepare for the landing of the flying object .

    本论文就是把基于光流场的 视觉运动分析,应用到自动飞行器着陆过程中,对目标自动检测与识别,并估计 航空 母舰与飞行器的运动参数,从而为飞行器着陆时自动导航做准备。

  • As an important research technology in multimedia information security field image hiding technology takes advantage of the redundancy of carrier image and the feature of human visual system then embeds the secret information into the carrier image .

    图像隐藏技术作为多媒体信息安全领域的一项重要研究技术,利用载体图像本身的冗余性和人眼 视觉特性,将秘密信息隐藏在 载体图像中。