



  • Whats right for you may be wrong for me and vise versa .

    对你来说是对的,对我来说可能是错的, 反之亦然。

  • A vise with two parallel iron jaws and a wide opening below .

    带有两个平行的铁夹和宽开口在下面的 夹子

  • The horn was split down the center into two halves with a hacksaw while being held in a vise .

    我把角 虎钳上用钢锯从中间锯成两半。

  • Thai type pipe wrench with double-curved handle clamped as in a vise .

    泰式双曲柄管子扳钳像被 钳子夹紧了一样。

  • Do we think the length of a skirt effects the rise and down of donjons or vise versa .

    我们认为裙子的长度,会影响城堡主楼的升降,还是 相反

  • The utility model relates to a bi-directional gad tong with a trapezoid lead screw and pertains to a machining tool used for replacing an old gad tong ( commonly known as a vise ) .

    双向梯形丝杠平口钳为一种机械加工工具,用来代替老式平口钳(俗称 虎钳)。

  • Chock work-holding for machine tools grip a piece of wood in a vise

    机床工件 夹紧用塞块

  • Impacts of Prolonged Vise Life of Fresh Cut Roses by Chinese Herbal Extract

    中药材浸提液对玫瑰切 花瓶 寿命的影响

  • The old man 's fists closed like a vise and his chest heaved with suppressed rage .

    老头儿的拳头象 虎钳 一般 了,胸膛因为满腔愤怒而起伏着。

  • The slot was like a vise holding her head in one position .

    缝像一 虎头 把她的头按在一个 固定的方位。

  • When your thumb was in the vise .

    当你的拇指在 老虎 的时候。

  • And the little tailor took the bear over to the workbench and fixed its paws firmly in the vise .

    小裁缝把熊带到工作台,把它的爪子牢牢固定在 虎头 上。

  • Vise Assembly though Data Exchange between UG NX and VRML

    通过UGNX与VRML数据交换的 虎钳装配研究

  • Clamped as in a vise .

    像被 钳子夹紧了一样。

  • The wood is held in position by a clamp . grip a piece of wood in a vise


  • To fill out UK universities application forms vise form and accommodation form is RMB400 .

    填写留学申请学校的申请表、使馆 签证表、住宿表400元一套。

  • Also new research says that it 's vise to have animals together with children to prevent allergic-and asthma-illness .

    并有新的研究表明和 宠物一起可预防孩子过敏和哮喘。

  • Fitter is the main tool for hand-held clamp fitter in Vise on the table for cutting the work methods it is the machinery of one of the important types of work .

    钳工是主要手持工具对夹紧在钳工工作台 虎钳上的 工件进行切削加工的方法,它是机械制造中的重要工种之一。

  • You could use a vise its probably a lot easier .

    你可以使用 虎钳,它可能更容易。

  • So the history of migration in a region can account for the developing of dialect partially or vise versa .

    移民史可以 用来解释方言的部分 成因反过来方言也可以为移民史 提供佐证。

  • It means the shooter put the weapon in a vise .

    这说明凶手的枪 改过

  • And the pain is like my hands are being crushed in a vise .

    好像 钳子我的手那么疼。

  • The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work .

    台钳 刻痕 虎钳 帮助它紧咬 工件。

  • Vise Versa you will not be able to see the wild life without going on land .

    老虎 一样,你将无法看到的野生动物没有正在进行的土地。

  • Banks unable to replenish capital could face a tightening regulatory vise .

    资金得不到补充的银行可能面临银行监管的 加深

  • If he made it here with the same vise .

    如果是同一 机器做的。

  • Analysis and Research on Universal Grinding Machine s Quench Spliting ; The vise ( parallel-jaw vice ) is available to all of the bench work .

    万能工具磨床钳口件淬火开裂的分析与研究所有的钳工工作都可使用 台钳(平口钳)。