voluntary muscle

[ˈvɑlənˌtɛri ˈmʌsəl][ˈvɔləntəri ˈmʌsl]


  • Conclusion : The EMG biofeedback may modulate EMG signals by strengthening the voluntary regulation and weakening the non-linear facilitation of brain to unit of lower motor neuron and muscle system .

    结论肌电生物反馈中肌电变化的机理,可能与生物反馈加强了大脑的有 意识的调控作用而减弱了大脑对下运动神经元- 肌肉系统的非线性易化有关。

  • Abnormality in performing voluntary muscle movements .

    不能正常进行 肌肉的运动。

  • Methods The voluntary SFEMG and RNS at low rates were recorded successively from the same extensor digitorum communis ( EDC ) muscle on the same day in 67 patients with MG .

    方法选择67例MG患者,每例患者均在同一天的同一时段依次进行右侧伸指总 的低频RNS和 自主收缩 SFEMG检查。

  • Muscles are composed primarily of voluntary muscle fibers .

    肌肉主要是由 随意肌纤维所组成。

  • Paralysis ( palsy ): Loss or impairment of voluntary use of one or more muscles . It may be flaccid ( with loss of muscle tone ) or spastic ( stiff ) .

    瘫痪(亦称麻痹):一块或多块 随意肌 肌力丧失或减弱的症状。表现为 肌肉无力或僵硬。

  • Conclusion : EMG Biofeedback procedure using as an operant conditioning paradigm can significantly increase the voluntary EMG signal and muscle strength based on zero muscle strength in patients with long term cervical ( C1 & C5 ) SCI .

    结论:EMG生物反馈治疗能够提高陈旧性颈脊髓(C1&C5)损伤患者上肢零肌力肌肉的 自主肌电信号和 肌力

  • A clinical and ultrasounic examination was made on 120 sites of voluntary muscle from 29 cases with neuromuscular diseases including varied muscular dystrophy polymyositis diversified neuro-genic myopathy and DMD possible carrier .

    对29例神经肌肉疾病(包括多种肌营养不良,多发性肌炎,多种神经原性肌肉病变与DMD可能递体)的120处 随意肌进行了临床与超声检查。

  • In 23 ( 76.7 % ) patients had also recovery of the function of voluntary urination and 8 ( 27 % ) of them showed partial recovery of function of the detrusor muscle urethral sphincter and anal sphincter .

    23例(767%)除上述功能外尚有 主动排尿功能恢复,其中8例(27%)有 逼尿肌和尿道、肛门括约肌主动收缩功能恢复。

  • The electromyograph was used to record and test the response time of the examinees on spinal reflex intermediate reflex and voluntary muscle activities of muscle vastus medialis and gastrocnemius before right after the exercise and 4 hours after recovery .

    于运动前、运动后即刻和恢复4h采用肌电图仪分别记录受试者股内侧肌和腓肠肌的肌肉反应时,包括脊髓反射、中间反射和 自主 肌肉活动肌肉反应时。

  • And to explore the differences between zero MSG and zero voluntary muscle signal ( ZVMS ) as well as its meaning for the improvement of the muscle function .

    探讨临床检查的零肌力与零 电信号间的差别,以及对该肌肉 自主活动恢复的意义。