vision frequency

[ˈvɪʒən ˈfrikwənsi][ˈviʒən ˈfri:kwənsi]


  • Experimental results are given for the demonstration that compared with the traditional denoising algorithm ; this method gets the better effect both in PSNR and the vision . ( 3 ) A nonlocal means filtering method based on wavelet coefficients in the high frequency is proposed .

    大量实验证明,该算法与传统图像去噪算法相比,在峰值信噪比和 视觉上都取得较好效果。(3)提出了一种基于小波 高频的非局部均值滤波方法。

  • Furthermore based on different mask properties of the human vision system about texture edge and luminance of the color host images the selected frequency spectras are weighted adaptively .

    在此基础上,本论文研究了人类 视觉系统对彩色载体图像的纹理、边缘和亮度的 掩蔽特性与嵌入水印强度的关系,据此关系进而提出了彩色图像在超复数空间的自适应水印算法。

  • A quantization model based on human vision system ( HVS ) spatiality frequency and time frequency feature is used in coding algorithm .

    根据人类 视觉系统(HVS)的空- 和时-频特性,给出基于HVS的量化模型,以期在信噪比约束下获得最好的主观测试质量。

  • The results show that the perceived team climate for innovation should be a multidimensional psychological structure consist of vision support for innovation task orientation and interaction frequency .

    结果显示:(1)团队创新气氛是一个多纬度的心理结构,包括: 远景 目标、创新支持、任务导向和互动 频率

  • Based on the testing principle and the requirements for synchronous – control of the dynamic measurement system for MEMS microstructures a control method based on computer is proposed to automatically realize vision images or interferograms acquisition for moving device with high frequency .

    根据系统的同步控制要求,提出了MEMS微结构三维运动测量同步控制方法,实现 高频高速运动物体在运动周期内不同时刻 视觉图或干涉条纹图的自动采集。

  • Auto-focusing technology is a crucial technology in the robot vision and digital video frequency system .

    自动聚焦技术是机器人 视觉、数字 视频系统中的关键技术;

  • The computer vision measurement system is used more and more widely in industry production process . In general real-time tracking measurement is needed for industry production parameters and its measurement accuracy and velocity must be matched for the working frequency and control accuracy of control system .

    计算机 视觉测量系统在工业生产过程中应用越来越广泛,一般情况下,工业生产过程需要进行实时跟踪测量,其测量精度、测量速度必须和控制系统工作 频率、控制精度相匹配。

  • Reaction of Color Vision to Spatial Frequency and Pattern Recognition

    颜色 视觉对空间 频率反应及图形识别

  • In summary this paper studies the key technologies of human vision and proposed some salient region detection methods in spatial domain and frequency domain .

    综上所述,本文通过研究人类 视觉注意机制的相关关键技术,在空 频域提出了相应的显著区域检测方法,最后通过实验验证了方法的有效性。

  • Gabor filters is much more suitable for simulating human vision system and can achieve the localization both in the time domain and frequency domain . The principle of enhancing directional features is analyzed .

    同时利用Gabor滤波器非常适用于模拟人眼 视觉通道特性以及很好的时 局部性,分析了Gabor滤波器方向性特征增强机理。

  • Based on computer vision theory main algorithms of the technology are introduced . Combined with the research object 2D-3D move estimate theory based on video frequency is presented . At last the main applications of computer vision theory in the fields of ITS are briefly referred .

    从计算机 视觉理论出发,介绍了计算机 视觉处理技术的主要算法,结合本课题的研究对象,介绍了基于视频流的 2D-3D运动估计理论,最后简要介绍了计算机视觉技术在ITS中的主要应用。

  • RRM has a broad vision including frequency resource time resource code resource space resource and storage resource .

    无线资源的 概念是很广泛的,它包括 频率资源、时间资源、码资源、功率资源、空间资源和存储资源等。

  • For the watermark algorithm based on transform domain the sensitivity to low frequency of human vision system is thought over but many image process is for low frequency signal and little watermark in low frequency area cannot influence the image quality .

    对于基于变换域的水印算法,考虑到虽然在人的 视觉系统感觉上对低频信号比较敏感,但是许多图像处理主要是针对 低频信号的,同时低频区域嵌入少量的水印并不影响图像的质量。

  • Human vision was sensitive to both spatial and frequency domain texture analysis only based on spatial or frequency domain could not get a satisfying result .

    由于人类 视觉对空间域和 频率域都具敏感性,仅在空间域或频率域对纹理进行分析都有其不足之处。

  • Based on the vision characteristic of space frequency which changing with light and shade discuss MTF measurement of vision system .

    基于对 视觉系统定量描述其随空间 频率明暗变化的 视觉特性;探讨视觉系统MTF的测量。

  • The distinct channels with discrete frequency exist in human vision system which have different sensibility for different range of both spatial and frequency respectively .

    人眼对于 视觉信号在不同的尺度上有多个频率离散的通道,各个通道对信号的不同 频率成分有不同的敏感度, 视觉信息是这些通道信号的合成。

  • No matter what it looks like in your physical vision this empowered frequency is more available than ever before .

    无论它以什么样的物理 表现形式出现,这充满能量的 振动都比以前更加显现了。