visual red

[ˈvɪʒuəl rɛd][ˈviʒuəl red]

[医] 视紫质

  • A study of the visual changes of the skin color and fruit transection structure of two Chinese red skinned pear cultivars during fruit coloring process

    红色砂梨2个品种着色过程中的 外观变化及其解剖学结构观察

  • It was adapted from his 1986 novel of the same name bringing to life a visual landscape of red sorghum fields and a fiery setting sun .

    这部电影改编自莫言1986年的同名小说,它 再现了火红 斜阳下一片 高粱地的景象。

  • A speck in a visual field need not be red but it must have a colour ; it has so to speak a colour space round it .

    视域里的一个斑块,不一定是 的,但是它必定有某种颜色:可以说,它周围有一个颜色空间。

  • A comparison of the visual effectiveness of different display colours at a VDT under the condition of red illumination

    红光照明条件下VDT不同显示色的 视觉效果比较

  • The involvement of the media of TV and movie has some effect on the re-construction stage performances . So the visual culture studies access will be used to analyze and interpret the adaption of the Dream of Red Mansions in this chapter .

    这段时期电视电影媒介的介入对舞台表演的重构具有某种程度的影响, 章节还从 视觉文化研究的维度对此进行了分析和阐释。

  • The visual actions that occur are that a style is applied to indicate the node has been removed ( red strikethrough ) and the undo menu item is now enabled for this node .

    显示 效果是应用了一个样式来表明此节点已经删除( 红色的删除线),而undo菜单项现在对此节点是启用的。

  • Study on the Visual Characteristics of Red Grouper

    赤点石斑鱼 视觉特性

  • In my days as a reptile the only thing I was able to read was an article on color some research on the visual imagery of red and green in Chinese poetry .

    爬虫日子我唯一读得进眼的东西,是一篇色彩研究,关于 红绿二色在中国诗词里的 视觉意象。

  • Respectively before treatment after treatment . The trial observed the subjects ' visual analogue scale ( VAS ) ankle sprains symptom integral ( ASI ) including joint pain joint disorders index joint swelling joint red and so on and so forth .

    分别在治疗前、治疗中、治疗后观察受试者的 视觉模拟评分法(VAS)、踝关节扭伤症状积分(ASI),包括关节疼痛指数、关节障碍指数、关节肿胀、关节 红热等情况。

  • Results : The best imagine edge effect and visual sense definition for red free light picture contrast is 0.87.Grey brume is the second important parameter .

    结果:无 光像反差为0.87时影像边缘效应、 视觉清晰度最佳,灰雾为第二位。

  • Comparison of the average critical twinkle visual frequency of red yellow and green light in normal people : Those were 33.02 36.68 40.45 P < 0.01 respectively .

    (40.45±0.67± 0.27±0.43±1.51),P<0.01犦。②正常人对 、黄、绿光的平均闪烁 视频率比较:分别为33.02,P<0.01。

  • Method : We designed two kinds of visual tasks . One was two letters O and Q displaying on computer screen . The other was a red blue light device .

    方法:自行设计两种 视觉任务,一种为计算机屏幕上的O和Q字母,另一种为 蓝灯装置。

  • The D80 specialty is builds the exclusive luxurious lordly space and the visual esthetic sense for you suggestion matching all black or the red love vehicle .

    D80的专长,是为您营造专属的豪华气派空间和 视觉美感,建议搭配纯黑或 红色爱车。

  • Application of Computer Visual Technique in Measuring Parika Red Pigment

    计算机 视觉技术在辣椒 红色素测定中的应用