


  • A very good amateur Viola player .

    一位非常出色的业余 提琴 演奏家。

  • Why is playing the viola like peeing in your pants ?

    为什么说 提琴和尿裤子一样?

  • She plays the violin I mean the viola really well .

    她的小提琴,我是指 提琴,的确拉得很好。

  • A solitary viola plucks a lonely soft F sharp .

    一把 提琴独自 出了一个寂寞柔和的升F调。

  • What do a viola and a lawsuit have in common ?


  • Why can 't you hear a viola on a digital recording ?

    为什么你不能听到数字录制里面的 声音?

  • Viola and Jim are at a support group meeting for parents affected by Postpartum Depression .


  • Based on the investigation of the resources and ornamental characters of Viola of China the application value in landscape garden is analyzed .

    基于对我国 堇菜 植物资源及观赏特性的调查,分析了其在园林中的应用价值。

  • What 's the difference between the first and last desk of a viola section ?

    部分,第一个和最后一个 乐谱 的的区别?

  • Why is a viola solo like a bomb ?

    为什么 提琴独奏和炸弹一样?

  • The viola is a stringed instrument .


  • He 's actually specifically his own sister viola .

    她实际上是他的妹妹, 维奥拉

  • Viola : Oh mum I 'm watching an English program !


  • Jane Brownlee Violin viola vocals .

    小提琴, 提琴,女声。

  • An instrumental quartet with 2 violins and a viola and a cello .

    有两个小提琴、一 个中 提琴和一个大提琴的乐器四重奏。

  • Piano Quintet for Piano and Violin with Violin Viola and Violoncello .

    钢琴五重奏&为钢琴,双小提琴, 提琴和大提琴而作。

  • MethodsTotal flavonoids and polysaccharides in Viola tianshanica Maxim were extracted by microwave technique and determined by colorimetry .

    方法运用微波技术提取天山 堇菜总黄酮和多糖,用比色法测定总黄酮和多糖含量。

  • The string instruments in the orchestra are the violin the viola the cello and the bass .

    乐队里的弦乐乐器是小提琴、 提琴、大提琴和低音提琴。

  • Analysis of the Chemical Constituents Viola Tianshanica Maxim . and Study of the Antioxidative and Antibacterial Effects

    天山 堇菜化学成分分析及其抗氧化性和抑菌活性研究

  • He says I 'm not giving up the viola .

    他说不准我放弃 提琴

  • Why does a viola player have to be tough ?


  • I want you there Viola .

    我希望你在那, 维奥拉

  • I also learned to play the viola because the viola for a guitarist is better .

    我也曾学过拉中 提琴,中提琴的演奏对于吉他手来说相对比较容易。

  • Young Francisco taught himself to play the viola harp cornet and organ .

    弗朗西斯科年幼时自学了 提琴,竖琴,短号和管风琴。

  • She found ways to get us scholarships so that we could take violin piano and viola lessons from some of the best teachers in Philadelphia .

    她想法使我们得到了奖学金,这样我们就可以学小提琴,钢琴和 提琴而且是在费城里最好的老师的班上。

  • What 's the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a crushed viola in the road ?

    路上一直死黄鼠狼和在路上碎 提手的区别?

  • Research of Walton 's Viola Concerto and Its Interpretation

    沃尔顿 提琴协奏曲的音乐分析与演绎研究

  • All these people happen to be playing the violin viola or what have you next to you .

    这些人不只是碰巧在你 身边,演奏小提琴或 提琴

  • Other individual lessons include piano violin viola flute piano accompaniment and voice .

    这架钢琴声音不好。其他个人班包括钢琴,小提琴, 提琴,长笛,钢琴伴奏,和发声法。

  • Simply switch back to using a lower octane gasoline and viola !

    只要简单地选择重新使用较低的辛烷值汽油和 百合