virtual point

[ˈvɚtʃuəl pɔɪnt][ˈvə:tjuəl pɔint]


  • The interferograms are modulated by the displacements of the virtual point sources of the reference beams due to motion of the small mirror .

    这些干涉图被由小平面反射镜运动造成的参考光 光源的位移所调制。

  • The most striking characteristic of ghost method is the virtual ghost point introduced making irregular interior point and regular interior point adopt uniform difference scheme .

    鬼点法最显著的特点是引入了 虚拟的鬼 ,使非正内点和正则内点采用了统一的差分格式。

  • Based on the virtual target point and the ellipse trajectory theory a new maneuver method in the free-flight phase is presented .

    基于 虚拟目标 和椭圆弹道理论,提出了一种在自由段机动变轨的新方法。

  • Each of the virtual devices point to a different VIO Server .

    每个 虚拟设备 指向一个不同的VIO服务器。

  • The graph has many terminals it can construct virtual source point and sink point . Then it transforms into the problem consists of dual terminal to deal with . 2 .

    对于包含多个端点的图网络,通过构造 虚拟的源 和汇点,将其转化为包含两个终端点的问题来处理。

  • Research on a New Virtual Reentry Point Perturbation Scheme

    虚拟再入 摄动制导方案应用研究

  • The main contents in this paper are : 1 . Different rotor position detecting methods of sensorless permanent magnet brushless DC motor are analysed and accurate detect of motor rotor position by the virtual neutral point back-EMF detect method is realized .

    分析各种无位置传感器无刷直流电机转子位置检测方法,采用 构建 虚拟 中点的反电势检测法实现电机转子位置准确检测;

  • This thesis first of all describes the VL 's basic conception main functions and characteristics basic principle and methods for constructing VL gives the teaching model of virtual experiments from the point of view of theory aspect .

    从理论 层面讨论了虚拟实验室的基本概念及其形式化描述,功能定位和主要特点,虚拟实验室构建的基本原则和方法,并给出了 虚拟实验的教学模型。

  • Base on the concept of Virtual Access Point we propose a VAP structure with multiple ( but limited ) air interfaces shared by multi service provider .

    基于 接入 (VAP)的概念,提出了一个多运营商共享物理AP的结构,在VAP上利用无线信道的时变特性,进行合适的调度来提高系统吞吐量。

  • Elbow Emergencies virtual throbbing academic point of view due to the deficiency caused by fright and spiritual factors can also lead to fright . Third Song Jin and Yuan period of diagnosis and treatment of palpitation palpitation Syndrome Clinical practice and theoretical innovation .

    《肘后备急方》 提出 悸学术 观点,即因虚损引起惊悸,精神因素也可导致惊悸。三是宋金元时期诊治惊悸怔忡病证临证实践与理论创新。

  • Then a scheme of limited thrust guidance with virtual reentry point compensation was put forward to eliminate planning error and the selection of shutdown parameter was analyzed briefly .

    为了消除设计偏差,提出了一种基于 虚拟再入 补偿的有限推力制导方案,并简要分析了关机点参数的选取原则。

  • Virtual Point of Intersection for Auto-body Manufacturing Quality Control

    用于车身制造质量控制的测 的研究

  • The paper introduces an efficient and reliable fiber communication system which can implement milted virtual channels point to point full duplex communication by means of a pair of fibers .

    本文介绍了一个高带宽、高效率、高可靠性的光纤通信系统实现,它可以在一对通信光纤上实现两个通信端之间的多 通道、 对点、全双工通信。

  • Biology Impedance Measurement Method Based on a Virtual Reference Point

    基于 参考 的生物阻抗测量方法

  • On the basis of introducing the dynamic load line and the current of virtual operating point the paper discusses the effect of state parameters of high-frequency tuned power amplifier on working order by several piecewise line diagrams .

    本文在引入动态负载线和 虚拟工作 电流的基础上,通过几个折线图形,讨论高频功率放大器各个状态参量对工作状态的影响。

  • First two servers problem was transformed into a single server problem by means of the methed of virtual point . Then the heuristic rules were combined with genetic algorithm and a kind of two-level genetic algorithm was pro-posed .

    首先通过 虚拟 法把双拣选台问题转化我单拣选台问题,然后将启发式规则与遗传算法相结合,提出一种两级遗传算法。

  • By introducing the virtual interception point the problem is discussed based on a two-body theory .

    通过引入 虚拟拦截 ,将实际存在各种摄动因素的固定时间拦截初始变轨问题转化到二体理论下讨论。

  • When deploying to a cloud environment it is wise to assume that you could lose a virtual instance at any point .

    当部署到一个云计算环境之后,最好做好有可能会丢失一个 虚拟实例的 准备

  • To design and control the virtual axis drill point grinding machine mathematical representation to describe the drill point configuration is badly needed .

    要设计和控制 钻尖刃磨机,首先要建立描述钻头的数学模型。

  • Theoretical Research on the Virtual Neutral Point Based Brushless DC Motor Sensorless Control Strategy

    基于 虚拟中性 的无刷直流电机无位置传感器控制关键 问题研究

  • Design Studio - The next generation catalog based virtual design software for point of sale in the furniture and tiling industry .

    设计工作室&下一代目录 虚拟设计软件的拓展 在个人以及工业上。

  • This dissertation researches the application of digitized virtual human in acupuncture point and is a important branch of VHP ( Virtual Human Project ) .

    本文所做的研究即是虚拟人体研究的一个分支,对 虚拟人体在中医针炙 穴位方面的交互式数字化进行一个初步探索性的工作。

  • Two groups experimental comparison analysis shows that this algorithm has a strong anti-interference ability high positioning accuracy and improves line extraction speed . ( 3 ) This paper introduces the matching methods of virtual point combination with line feature which gets a precision from coarse to fine .

    介绍了 虚拟 和直线相结合的由粗到精匹配算法。

  • There is a virtual static stability critical point corresponding to each instable branch contingency in branch parameter space .

    这些失稳的支路型故障都有一个对应于支路参数空间的 虚拟的静态稳定临界

  • This process allowed him to hold a virtual camera point it at the actors and see them as their CG characters in real-time and make sure he got the right shots .

    这个过程让他举行一个“ 虚拟”的摄像头,它 指向的演员,并视它为实时的企业管治,并确保他们人物,他得到了正确的投篮。

  • By introducing a virtual target point the whole motion process is divided into two parts . The first one is employed to realize tracking control and the other one is adopted to implement point stabilization .

    通过引入 虚拟目标 ,将机器人运动过程分为两个部分,分别实现轨迹跟踪和点镇定。

  • Port is a virtual switch connection point .

    端口是一个 虚拟交换机连接

  • Another demonstrating method on the conclusion of the system with three virtual hinges at infinite point being variable in geometry is brought out .

    对三 铰在无穷 远处体系为非几何不变的结论提出了另一种论证方法;