vital theory

[ˈvaɪtl ˈθiəri][ˈvaitəl ˈθiəri]


  • In this part we obtained many varied and colorful results these results have the vital significance whether in the theory or in nature .

    这一部分我们得到了许多丰富多彩的结果。这些结果无论在 理论还是实际上都有 重要的意义。

  • In recent years great progress has been achieved in the research of earnings management of listed firms in China which provides vital theory and empirical evidences to enhance corporate governance and government supervision .

    短短几年时间我国上市公司盈余管理的实证研究已取得明显进步,并获得不少具有 重要 意义的成果,对公司治理结构的完善及证券市场监管政策的改进提供了 重要 理论依据和经验证据。

  • The Banach space with the ordered structure accommodates three most basic mathematical frameworks ( the algebra topology order ) in a body there is the vital significance in the theory and the application to study for them .

    具有序结构的Banach空间,容三种最基本的数学结构(代数,拓扑,序)于一体,对它研究无论在 理论上还是应用上都有 重要的意义。

  • As a basis of counting urban population the correct urban-rural division is an important component in collecting classifying and analysing socio-economic statistics . Research on urban and rural area division method has the vital significance both in theory and practice .

    正确的城乡划分,并以此为依据统计城镇人口,是社会经济统计的重要组成部分,城乡划分方法的研究在 理论和现实两方面都具有 重要的意义。

  • Therefore exploring the causal relationship between entrepreneurial networks and entrepreneurial processes has the vital significance whether in entrepreneurial theory research or practice . First this paper reviews the results of relevant researches and conclusions at home and abroad .

    探究创业网络与创业过程及结果之间的联系,无论对于创业 理论研究还是创业实践来说,都具有 重要的意义。本文首先对国内外的相关研究进行了回顾与总概。

  • It is of vital importance to combine theory with practice in our studies .

    理论与实际相结合是我们学习中 至关重要的一件事。

  • Under this background the legal positioning of environmental non-profit organization is a vital theory question which needs resolve .

    在这个背景下,环保非营利组织的法律定位问题就成为一个 首要的亟待解决的 理论难题。本文对这个问题作了初步的探讨。

  • It was vital in both theory and practice to study how to control effectively safety risk in coal mines .

    因此研究如何有效地控制煤矿安全风险 具有 十分 重要 理论和现实 意义

  • It is vital both in theory and in practice for cluster theories to answer the basis question of the boundary of industrial cluster .

    产业集群的边界问题是产业理论必须作出回答的最基本的问题,有 重要 理论价格与现实意义。

  • From the present situation and the questions on the management research we try to find the vital significance and the theory value of the system ( not the organization ) as the logical start and then further discuss the system 's essential factor and characteristic .

    从管理学研究的现状和问题,进而论证系统(而不是组织)作为管理学逻辑起点所 具有 重要意义和 理论价值,并进一步探讨系统作为管理学逻辑起点的要素和特征等问题。

  • Thus it can be seen the research on the bank risk prevention and control of commercial housing mortgage from the legal angle has the vital practical significance and the theory value .

    由此可见,从法律的角度研究我国商品房按揭中银行风险的防控,具有 重要 理论价值和现实意义。

  • Therefore it 's of vital importance to discuss the theory of Co-occurrence analysis and its concrete application in text-knowledge mining .

    因此,探讨共现分析的 理论及其在文本知识挖掘中的具体应用有着 极其重要的 理论和实践意义。

  • This kind of theory and practice has played a certain active role in the consciousness of Chinese nation but due to its vital shortcoming the theory was eliminated in the course of the consciousness of Chinese nation at last .

    国家主义派的理论与实践对中华民族的自觉起过一定的积极作用,但其 理论本身存在 重大缺欠,又在中华民族自觉进程中被淘汰。

  • Both Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism are vital texts of postcolonial theory .

    其《东方主义》和《文化与帝国主义》是后殖民 理论 重要文本。

  • These conclusions have vital significance in theory and the practical application two aspects and are beneficial consummation and supplement for fractal theory . It can provide corresponding theory basis for other application of fractal geometry .

    这些结论在 理论和实际应用两方面都有 重要的意义,是对分形理论有益的完善和补充,也为分形几何的其他应用提供了相应的理论依据。

  • Vital energy theory is not only an important sect of TCM theory and also the theory tools of expounding the whole enginery changes in normal or diseased body .

    气化 学说是中医学基础理论的重要组成部分,是对人体正常或病态的整体机能变化进行阐述的理论工具。

  • The background and current research of Distributed Geographic Information Service are analyzed and the main problems are pointed out . Vital theory and methods based on distributed computing technology and geographic information technology are brought forward which are the base of this thesis .

    分析了分布式地理信息服务的研究背景和现状,指出了当前存在的主要问题,明确了本文的 研究范围和 基本 思路

  • At this stage of the pump design semi-empirical combination is the mainly way so the pump testing technology play a extremely vital role in pump foundation theory research and development improvement of the performance and design method of pump .

    现阶段,水泵设计主要是采用半经验半理论相结合方式,因而水泵测试技术对于研究和发展水泵的基础 理论、改进水泵的性能、完善水泵的设计方法等都有着极其 重要的作用。

  • One-unit repairable system and series repairable system are the most fundamental and vital models in the reliability theory .

    单部件可修系统和串联可修系统是可靠性 理论中最基本也是 重要的模型。

  • In order to obtain a high quality objective or optical system it is of vital importance in theory and practice of the optical design that the designing results should satisfy the evaluation of the image quality accorded with the use requirements .

    为了获得一个较理想的物镜或光学系统,从光学设计 理论和实践角度来说,设计结果体现使用要求的成象质量评价问题极为 重要

  • Something must be done to make teachers master ID theory with focus on study which makes instruction design more humanistic and has vital significance of theory and practice .

    让教师掌握以“学”为中心的ID理论,使教学设计更加人性化,具有 重要 理论和实践意义。

  • It is vital to understand five formation theory . We must understand it from the angle of world history .

    理解五形态 理论的视角 至关重要,须从世界历史的视角去理解它。

  • To explore fully quantum entanglement is vital for quantum theory especially in the field of quantum information science .

    充分探讨量子纠缠的特性在量子 理论,特别是量子信息科学中具有 十分 重要 意义

  • What are the intellectual resources you see in the existentialist feminism of Beauvoir which have stimulated your vital new insights in feminist theory ?

    您是如何利用 波伏娃存在主义女性主义的思想资源来激发您的女性主义 理论的全新思考?

  • By reviewing and concluding the vital points of the theory of the urban and the rural integration of agricultural multi-functionality of industrial convergence and of sustainable development this paper forms the knowledge of the concept features and types of modern agriculture .

    通过对城乡一体化理论、农业多功能性理论、产业融合 理论、可持续发展 理论和城市地区农业空间布局 理论 要点的回顾与总结,形成对现代都市农业概念的内涵界定及其特征和类型认识。

  • While the measurement of impedance at meridians and acupuncture points which is an crucial research direction of it is of vital importance for both theory and clinical application and to promote the study on meridians and acupuncture points .

    经络和穴位的电阻抗特性测量是生物阻抗测量的一个重要研究方向,具有 重要 理论意义和临床价值,也是深化经络研究的重要课题。

  • It has vital significance both in theory and in practice to definite the function of public order administration in new period .

    明确新时期治安管理的职能,具有 十分 重要 理论和实践意义。

  • The reasonable avoidance of public rights and benefits is a vital theory in modern law studies .

    公共权益避让是现代司法的 重要 理念,新闻传播活动中也涉及到公共权益的避让问题。

  • It 's a vital issue in theory and practice of criminal procedure whether or not it would be lawfully accepted as evidence .

    它是否具有证据能力是刑事诉讼 理论与实践中 非常 重要的问题。