


  • Spring has filled the earth with life and vitality .

    春天的大地一片 蓬勃的生意。

  • His works are full of wit and vitality .

    他的作品充满机智和 活力

  • The deepened reform has injected a flow of fresh vitality into our national economic and social development .

    深化改革为国民经济和社会发展注入了新 活力

  • The phenomenon of vitality and freshness being restored .


  • Adhere to and improve democratic centralism and enhance the Party 's vitality solidarity and unity .

    (三)坚持和健全民主集中制,增强党的 活力和团结统一。

  • Mr Li said China 's reforms had brought vitality to its economy .

    李先生说中国的改革给其经济注入了 活力

  • Without continued learning graduates will lose their intellectual vitality

    如果不继续学习,毕业生就会失去思想上的 活力

  • Imparting vitality and energy .

    给予 生命力和精力的。

  • Small touches to a room such as flowers can be what gives a house its vitality .

    房间里放些诸如鲜花之类的小点缀可以给家里 带来 生气

  • We thank vitality to the spring .

    感谢春天给了我们 活力

  • He is a man of extraordinary vitality driving ambition and political nous .

    他是一个 精力非凡、志向远大、政治上很有见识的人。

  • As spring is coming the field is filling with vitality .

    春天来了,田野充满了 生机

  • Young people full of vigour and vitality are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning .

    青年人 朝气蓬勃,好像早晨八九点钟的太阳。

  • The development of Internet brings to applied writing teaching new issues as well as vigor and vitality .

    网络的发展,给应用写作教学带来了生机和 活力,也提出了新的问题。

  • This is a season of spring as the youth we have full of vigor and vitality .

    这是一个春意盎然的季节,就像我们所拥有的青春一样,充满生机和 活力

  • Feel dalian 's vigor and vitality .

    感受到大连的生机和 活力

  • He had their own uniqueness and vitality and dissemination of a value concept .

    他有了自己的独特性和 生命力,并传播一种价值理念。

  • This experience of heightened vitality and potency fills me with joy .

    这种提高 生命力和潜能的体验使我充满了欢乐。

  • The team is bursting with vitality .

    这支球队 生气勃勃

  • She is full of youth and vitality .

    她充满了青春和 活力

  • An artificial language has no vitality .

    人为的语言缺乏 生命力

  • Used together these colours will make your interiors glow with warmth and vitality .

    这些颜色搭配使用会使你屋子里暖意融融, 充满 生机

  • Contemporary African cinema has much to offer in its vitality and freshness .

    当代非洲电影在 活力和新颖性上颇足称道。

  • I love them for their craziness and vitality .

    我爱他们的疯狂和 活力它们。

  • It is a country full of energy and vitality .

    这是一个充满了活力和 生机的国家。

  • People 's life full of vitality this energy is physical and mental development and increasing the performance .

    人的生命充满 活力,这种活力是体力与脑力不断增大和发展的表现。

  • The Gulf War has cost Iraq dearly . ; Iraq has been drained of its strength by the Gulf War . ; The Gulf War has sapped Iraqi vitality badly .

    海湾战争使伊拉克大伤 元气

  • This also indicates that his works will always maintain vigorous vitality and creativity .

    而这也意味着他的作品会将一直保持新鲜的 生命力和创造性。

  • Only in wind and thunder can the country show its vitality | alas the ten thousand horses all muted !

    九州生气恃风雷,万马齐喑究可哀。(龚自珍《 己亥杂诗》)