virtual processing time


  • Digital oscilloscope template was built with virtual instrument technology so signal processing of wave shape display time frequency amplitude phase was implemented .

    采用 虚拟仪表技术构造数字示波模板,以完成波形等显示,及 时间、频率、幅度、相位等信号 处理

  • The complexity of model structure in Virtual Reality system causes too much polygons which damage the virtual scene roaming transform smoothly and frame processing can not be completed on time .

    虚拟现实系统中模型结构复杂,模型多边形数目太多破坏了 虚拟漫游场景变换的平滑性,使模型的帧 处理不能 及时完成。

  • The virtual simulation machining can effectively detect and eliminate errors in the program to shorten the processing time reduce waste generation to avoid duplication of work and a substantial increase in work efficiency improve processing quality reduce production costs .

    利用 虚拟仿真加工,可以有效的检测和消除程序中的错误,缩短 加工 时间,减少废品的产生,避免重复工作,大幅提高工作效率,改善加工质量,降低了生产成本。