vocational guidance

[voˈkeʃənəl ˈɡaɪdns][vəuˈkeiʃənl ˈɡaidəns]


  • Vocational guidance education development situation immediate influence university graduates'employment status .

    职业 指导教育的开展情况直接影响着高校毕业生的就业情况。

  • The Reflection on the Reform of Vocational Guidance Course in Higher Vocational College

    对高职院校 职业 指导课程改革的思考

  • Research on Vocational Guidance in the Republican Period ( 1912-1949 )

    民国 职业 指导发展研究(1912-1949)

  • The course of college vocational guidance is a general subject which combines quality education with vocational education . Meanwhile it can strengthen the employability of the college students .

    高校 职业 指导课是素质教育与职业教育相结合的公共课程,对于加强学生的就业能力具有重要意义。

  • The reason behind all this confusion is that there never has been a proper vocational guidance in our educational institution .

    所有这些迷惑背后的原因是在我们的教育机构中从来没有过合适的 职业 指导

  • The relevant departments of the People 's Government of Ningbo Municipality should offer vocational guidance to the operating divisions of the EDDZAC support and cooperate with the work of the EDDZAC .

    宁波市人民政府有关部门应当加强对开发区管委会各职能机构的 业务 指导,积极支持和配合开发区管委会的工作。

  • The Study on the Problems of Vocational Guidance System and Countermeasures in Higher Vocational Colleges

    高职院校 职业 指导体系的问题与对策研究

  • Beside the PSAT I have taken the ACT and a vocational guidance test .

    旁边的PSAT,我所采取的行为和 职业 指导的考验。

  • From the confines of cloisters they are offering spiritual insight religious history and vocational guidance on home pages featuring illuminating graphics and inspirational music .

    他们正从修道院的封闭圈内为专门登载色彩鲜明的图表和鼓舞人心的乐曲的开始页面提供着对精神世界的窥探、宗教历史和入 指南等内容。

  • The Practical Research on the Implementations of the Vocational Guidance in Junior Middle Schools at this Stage

    现阶段普通初中实施 职业 指导的实践研究

  • The curriculum pattern of the vocational guidance can be divided into the school-based and enterprise-based .

    职业 指导课程模式可以分为学校本位和企业本位两种。

  • Super 's Career Development Theory and Its Enlightenment to College Students Vocational Guidance

    Super生涯发展理论及对我国大学生 就业 指导的启示

  • Handwriting analysis is increasingly being used for vocational guidance and as an adjunct to interviews .

    笔记分析正在愈来愈多地充当 职业选才 向导并且成为面试中的一项附加测试内容。

  • Vocational guidance is designed to help students understand themselves and understand the professional social understanding and foster a correct choice entrepreneurship employment concept .

    职业 指导旨在帮助学生了解自己,了解专业,了解社会,进而树立正确的择业、创业、就业观念。

  • This thesis is to study practically the vocational guidance for general high school students .

    本文是针对普通高中学生的 职业 指导问题作一定的实践研究。

  • The writer Through Vocational institutions of higher vocational guidance of Analysis of the status quo On the higher professional colleges and universities occupation instruction .

    通过对高职院校 职业 指导工作的现状分析,提出了高职院校职业指导工作的有效开展与推动的措施。

  • An Analysis of the Construction and Teaching Reform of Course Vocational Guidance

    职业 指导》课程建设与教学改革探析

  • Developing the Counselors ' Own Advantages to Improve the Pertinence of Vocational Guidance

    发挥辅导员自身优势提升 就业 指导工作的针对性

  • Strengthen the Vocational Guidance Work in Higher Institute to Improve Student 's Full Employment

    加强高校 职业 指导工作促进大学生充分就业

  • On the Evolution of People-Post Matching in Vocational Development and the New Model of Vocational Guidance

    职业发展中的人&职匹配演化过程与 职业 指导的模式创新

  • When should vocational guidance for secondary vocational school begin ?

    中等职业学校 职业 指导应从何时开始?

  • The Research of the Current Situation and Policies of Vocational Guidance in Secondary Vocational School

    中等职业教育 职业 指导现状及对策的研究

  • The Discussion of Constructing Vocational Guidance Curriculum System in Higher Vocational College

    试论高职院校 职业 指导课程体系的构建

  • Discuss on Vocational Guidance Work for Higher Vocational Institute under the Neo-Brain-Hand-Dislocation Era

    新一轮脑体倒挂形势下的高职院校 职业 指导工作探析

  • Investigation and analysis on the specialization of vocational guidance teacher in institution of higher education

    高校 职业 指导教师专业化现状调查与分析

  • Thoughts on Vocational Guidance Work in Higher Vocational and Technical Colleges

    高职高专院校 职业 指导工作的几点思考

  • Convention concerning vocational guidance and vocational training in the development of human resources ;

    人力资源开发 职业 指导和职业训练公约;

  • On the Training of the Specialized Teaching Staff of Vocational Guidance in Higher Vocational Colleges

    高职院校 职业 指导专业化师资队伍培养研究

  • Some thoughts on the shift from the vocational guidance to the vocational coach

    关于 职业 指导转向职业辅导的思考