voice circuit

[vɔɪs ˈsɚkɪt][vɔis ˈsə:kit]

[计] 话路

  • The adoption of detector single chip voice circuit and digital display screen make the counting even more convenient .

    采用探头、单片机、 语音 电路和数字显示屏,使计数成绩更加方便;

  • Introduced the design principle and control method for a voice circuit in the training equiment .

    介绍一种 语音 电路的设计,说明了设计原理及控制方法。

  • This paper introduced the development of voice electronic recognition and presents a kind of voice recognition circuit that will alow you to control thing using up to tveivs voice commands .

    本文简介了 语言电子识别的发展状况,提供一种可接受十二个命令单词的控制 电路的原理和实验。

  • VOIP gateways are designed to convert voice from the packet domain to the circuit switched domain .

    VOIP网关设计成把 话音从包方式转换成 电路交换方式。

  • Through the study above the relevant experiences in the voice signal characteristics analysis the design of silicon micro-array acoustic sensor and hardware circuit have been accumulated . Through tested in lab the scheme has been proved to be practicable .

    通过以上的研究,在对 嗓音信号的特征分析、硅微声阵列传感单元设计以及硬件 电路设计等方面积累了相关经验,并在实验室环境下验证了该方案的可行性。

  • The design of applied system which give an alarm based on the excessive segment voice integrate circuit

    基于多段 语音 集成 的实用报警系统设计

  • Mechanism of Voice Coil for Optical Disk and Optimization of Its Magnetic Circuit

    光盘光学 头音圈机构及其 磁路优化

  • Development of a Voice Processing System Based on DSP and an Analogue Interface Circuit Receiver Module in EPON System

    基于DSP与模拟接口 电路 语音处理系统研制

  • Design of a Voice - controlling Show Circuit

    一种 语言控制 电路实验一种 声控显示 电路的设计

  • More efficient use of voice circuits ( i.e. the voice circuit is not used to carry signaling information )

    对语音电路更有效的使用(例如, 语音 电路不再用于传送信令信息)

  • The article search and bring forward the application idea about analog line combined with figure line to operate the voice and ray quote important element design circuit and analyse the circuit-operated principium .

    探索和提出了模拟电路配合数字电路进行 、光与控制的应用思想,引用了重要元器件,设计了 电路,分析了电路控制原理。

  • The wireless receival circuit receives the voice identification signal transmitted from the voice remote circuit and then control the robot by mechanic executable circuit to achieve the action of robot .

    无线接收电路接收 声音遥控 电路发送来的声音识别信号,控制机器人由机械执行电路实现机器人动作。

  • This paper designs a wireless remote robot system with voice identification and video inspect This robot control system include robot wireless communication system microwave communication system and voice remote circuit .

    本论文设计了一个集声音识别与图像监控于一体的无线遥控机器人系统。该机器人控制系统包括了机器人本体、无线通信系统、微波通信系统、 声音遥控 电路等部分。

  • This article discuss the performance of voice synthesis MSP50C32N and process of making voice data Its design circuit and software flowchart used in application example are given here .

    论述了语音合成器MSP50C32N的性能,以及 语音数据的制作过程,结合应用实例,给出了它的设计 电路及软件流程。

  • The Principle and Application Design of the Utility Program Controlled Voice Playing Circuit Board

    实用程控 语音音板的电路原理和使用

  • Design of Digital Voice Processing Software and Circuit Interface

    数字 语音处理软件及其接口 电路设计

  • The Implementation Technique in Voice Over ATM-The ATM Forum Circuit Emulation Serial Specifications

    话音ATM交换的实现&ATM论坛 电路仿真系列建议

  • The Voice Call Continuity ( VCC ) - based IP Multimedia Subsystem ( IMS ) solution can accomplish Circuit Switched ( CS ) - IMS handover and is a approach to Fixed-mobile Convergence ( FMC ) .

    基于IP多媒体子系统(IMS)的 语音呼叫连续性解决方案是实现固定移动融合(FMC)的一种方式,可以实现从 电路交换方式向IMS方式的过渡和演进。

  • This design mainly include : obstacle detection circuit obstacle ranging circuit temperature measurement circuit speed measurement circuit display circuit voice alarm circuit and so on .

    本设计包括障碍物探测电路、障碍物距离检测电路、温度检测电路、车速检测电路、显示电路、 声音提示 电路等。

  • VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol ) techniques prompt the transfer of audio service from circuit switch to package-based switch .

    VoIP( VoiceOverInternetProtocol,IP电话)技术的发展促使语音业务从物理 电路交换到数据报分组交换的转变。

  • A way of controlling the voice volume in a wide range with program-control amplifier the hardware circuit and constructing method of software are given .

    采用程控放大器对 音量进行宽范围控制,提供了具体硬件 电路并指出了软件构成方法。

  • If there is a barrier behind the backing automobile the voice record-reproducing circuit which is controlled by ultrasonic wave intelligent distance-measuring sensor can remind the driver with different sentences according to the distance between the tailstock and the barrier .

    当机动车倒车时,只要车后有障碍物存在, 语音录放 电路就能在超声波智能测距传感器的控制下,根据测量车尾与障碍物之间的距离,用不同的语句提示司机倒车。

  • Software and Hardware Design of Voice Interface Circuit Based on SPI Serial Bus

    基于SPI串行总线的 语音接口 电路的软硬件设计

  • At the same time the configuration of the circuit the drive circuits the display circuits voice prompts circuit and the circuits for measurement temperature and humidity has been designed .

    同时对系统的配置电路、驱动电路、显示控制电路、 语音提示和温湿度测量 电路进行了设计,并给出了各个模块的电路原理图。

  • Using ultrasonic wave intelligent distance-measuring sensor and voice record-reproducing circuit a voice anticollision-prompting device for backing an automobile is designed .

    利用超声波智能测距传感器及 语音录放 电路,设计了机动车倒车防撞语音提示器。

  • Because VHF voice channel is a narrow band ( 25KHz ) so in the system we design hardware circuit based on AMBE speech compression to realize low digital speech code rates .

    在系统设计的过程中,我们根据海上VHF 语音信道带宽的窄(25KHz)特点和系统的需要,设计了基于AMBE压缩算法的硬件 电路,实现了语音的低速率编码;

  • The devices that transform voice back and forth between circuit and packet forms are called Internet telephony gateways .

    在包和 电路形式之间来回变换 语音的装置叫因特网电话网关。

  • For voice services we can use VoIP and Circuit Emulation Service . These technologies are mature and vast applied .

    对于 语音,可以采用VoIP(网络电话)或者 电路仿真技术,并且这类技术已经成熟并大规模应用。

  • The experimental results show that we can recognize the voice of different commonly Chinese characters through feeling the stimulation of the electrode circuit with a finger . After a long period of training learning and memorizing the skin tactile can be identified sound effect .

    实验的结果表明,用手指感受电极 电路的刺激,可以辨析常用汉字的 语音信息,经过长期的训练,记忆,学习,就可以达到辨声的效果。