voice band

[vɔɪs bænd][vɔis bænd]

[计] 音频

  • Trumpets are the voice ofithe band .

    喇叭是一个 乐队 声音

  • Identification of the Stochastic Voice frequency Signal and the Band limited White Gaussian Noise

    随机 音频信号与 限白噪声的识别

  • Based on analyzing the structure of civil digital walkie-talkie this paper particularly introduces several key modules of the chip such as microprocessor and interface 、 voice coding / decoding module 、 base band and RF module 、 the clock signal .

    在分析民用数字对讲机基本结构的基础上,本文对芯片设计的总体框架及某些关键模块如ARM微处理器和外围接口、 语音编/解码模块、 基带和射频模块、时钟信号设计等作了详细介绍。

  • Stochastic Gradient Algorithm for Echo Canceler in Voice Band Data Transmission


  • Result characteristics of wave diagram voice broad band spectrum as well as the voice narrow band spectrum at the edit points were found .

    结果找到剪辑点痕迹特征在时域波形图、 宽带 谱图、窄带语谱图上的反映。

  • A Voice Band MOSFET C Continuous Time Lowpass Filter

    音频低通 MOSFET-C连续时间滤波器设计

  • The voice band modem is widely adopted in digital data transmission as it is convenient 、 flexible and of low cost .

    采用 调制解调器进行数字信息传输具有价格低、方便、灵活的优点,是目前广为人们采用的一种数据传输方式。

  • Voice channel is a most widely used communication media with a narrow frequency band and high ratio of signal to moise .

    语音信道是应用最为广泛的一种通信媒体。其特点是, 频带较窄,信噪比较高。

  • Super High Speed Voice Band Modulating and Demodulating Technology

    超高速 调制解调技术

  • The group voice communication is precisely a new technology and the new application which emerges under such request it uses the inexpensive internet network band width resources packs the voice signal to data package and transmit in the network .

    群组 语音通信正是在这样的要求下兴起的一门新技术和新应用,它利用廉价的Internet网络 带宽资源,把语音信号打包成数据包的形式在网络上传输。

  • Through more than a year of unremitting efforts the RF module has been able to work properly and accomplished the voice test connected to the base band board .

    经过一年多不懈的努力,现该射频模块已能正常工作,并实现了与 基带 语音模块的联试。

  • Through combining with digital voice image compressed technology and wide band computer network technology the traditional network TV monitoring image and voice can be conversed into the shared resource in computer network to achieve the aims of remote monitoring and resource sharing .

    通过跟数字 语音、图像压缩技术及 宽带计算机网络技术结合,把传统的闭路电视监控图像和语音转变成计算机网络上的共享资源,达到远程监控和资源共享的目的。

  • The debugging over phononic characteristics of the measuring system proved that using upper and lower chamber system can finish the test over sound absorption rate and voice band of the materials .

    对测量系统的声学特性初步调试表明:利用上、下两声室系统,基本能够满足材料和声子晶体平板声学系统的声吸收率 和声 禁带的测试。

  • The fundamental frequency of Panda 's voice is within 200-300 Hz the second harmonic band of it is about 400 Ha and the amplitude histogram of Panda 's bark is similar to γ - distribution .

    大熊猫 叫声旺的基颇为200~300Hz,次 频带为400Hz左右,叫声的幅度直方图似伽玛分布。

  • Technology and Development of the Superhigh Speed MODEM in the Voice Band

    超高速 MODEM的技术与发展

  • Because VHF voice channel is a narrow band ( 25KHz ) so in the system we design hardware circuit based on AMBE speech compression to realize low digital speech code rates .

    在系统设计的过程中,我们根据海上VHF 语音信道 带宽的窄(25KHz)特点和系统的需要,设计了基于AMBE压缩算法的硬件电路,实现了语音的低速率编码;

  • Using IDM we can realize high-speed digital communication on the voice band or improve the capability of a system to suppress noise .

    因此,可以实现 高速数字通信,或者提高系统的抑制干扰能力。