void act

[vɔɪd ækt][vɔid ækt]


  • The theory of void administrative act is the great improvement of administrative law particularly for the legal system in China .

    无效行政 行为理论的产生是行政法学的一大进步,在我国的行政法制建设中尤其具有现实意义。

  • This put an invalid juristic act into another effective juristic act which is the transition of null and void juristic act .

    这种把一个无效法律行为转变成另一有效法律行为,就是 无效法律 行为转换。

  • A Study of Void Bankruptcy Act

    浅析破产 无效 行为

  • Then introduces the concept of transitions of null and void juristic act and related concepts are compared and then gives a brief introduction of the origin and model legislation of transitions of null and void juristic act .

    接着介绍了 无效法律 行为转换的概念,并与相关概念进行了比较。然后对无效法律行为转换制度的起源和立法范例做了简要的介绍。

  • First from logic premise of transitions of null and void juristic act transitions of null and void juristic is one of the important ways to resurrect its existence is necessary .

    首先,从无效法律 行为 作为无效法律行为转换的逻辑前提出发,论述了 无效法律 行为转换作为无效法律 行为的重要复活途径之一,其存在是十分必要的。

  • Legal Reform from Void Act to Ambulatory Voidable Act : On No. 35 Clause of Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law

    破产 无效 行为 立法向可撤销行为立法的转变&论我国《企业破产法(试行)》第35条的修改

  • Standard for Void Criminal Procedural Act & Studying on dynamic adjustment of benefit

    认定刑事诉讼 行为 无效标准 论&以利益动态平衡为出发点的考察

  • Study on Transitions of Null and Void Juristic Act

    无效法律 行为转换之研究

  • Void act system is just one of those important methods .

    其中无效 行为制度就是 规制 当事人相关活动的一种重要方式。

  • On Difficulties and Solutions to Void Administrative Act

    无效行政 行为之困境与进路

  • The third party 's fraud which can be taken as defects of civil effect will result in a void or rescissible civil act .

    能够成为民事行为效力瑕疵的第三人欺诈将导致民事 行为 无效或者被撤销。

  • Null and void juristic act should not have expected that the legal effect of the parties . With their substantial election the parties will inevitably have resulted in violations of autonomy contrary to juristic act of self-government as a private law nature of the instrument of implementation .

    法律 行为 无效不能产生当事人预期的法律效果,如果随其大量产生,必然对当事人的意思自治造成侵犯,有违法律行为作为私法自治实现之工具的本质。

  • After a civil act has been determined to be null and void or has been rescinded the party who acquired property as a result of the act shall return it to the party who suffered a loss .

    民事行为被确认为 无效或者被撤销后,当事人因该 行为取得的财产,应当返还给受损失的一方。

  • First this paper introduces the transitions of null and void juristic act which has laws on transitions and interpretation and does the analysis of conversion agreement which is controversial .

    首先,介绍了 无效法律 行为转换有法律上的转换和解释上的转换这两种方式,并对存有争议的约定转换做了分析。

  • Therefore there is a need for relief of null and void juristic act .

    因此,就有必要对 无效法律 行为进行救济。

  • We should establish void administrative act in the legislation of administrative procedure act .

    我国的立法对 无效行政 行为 没有明确系统的规定,应在行政程序立法中确立 无效行政 行为

  • It is necessary to analyze and use the experience of the main countries of the civil law system for reference . And to shift from void act legislation to voidable act legislation by the Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law No. 35 clause .

    有必要比较、借鉴大陆法系主要国家相关立法经验,修改我国破产法第35条之规定,实现从破产 无效 行为立法向可撤销行为立法的转变。