voice mode

[vɔɪs mod][vɔis məud]

[计] 语音方式

  • A twice modulation is designed : CVSD was adopted to realize conversion between analog and digital voice signals 2DPSK was used as the digital modulation mode .

    设计出了二次调制系统:采用连续可变斜率增量调制(CVSD)实现模拟 话音信号与数字编码的转换,采用二进制相对相移键控(2DPSK)作为数字调制 方式

  • Listening to the Voice of Wisdom : Examining the Teaching Wisdom with Another Thinking Mode

    倾听智慧的 声音&另一种 思维看教学智慧

  • Based on the practice our laboratory made on Chinese speech recognition before I determine to build a maternal care query software system that using the Q and A system of voice intelligent robot as its interactive mode on Android Platform .

    基于我所在实验室之前关于中文语音识别应用的实践,决定实现一个以 语音智能机器人问答为交互 方式基于Android智能手机平台的孕妇保健知识查询软件系统。

  • With particular applications in LAN being focused on and the background of the combination of TDM VoIP and Embedded system a novel voice data encapsulation mode is proposed according to network performance of Ethernet in this paper .

    本论文针对IP-PBX在局域网内的实际应用,以TDM、VOIP和嵌入式系统三种技术的结合应用为背景,根据以太网的传输特性,提出了一种新的 语音帧封装 模式

  • As to the human-robot interaction subsystem human-robot interactive interface and voice control mode were designed .

    对于人机交互子系统,设计了人机交互界面和 语音控制 模式

  • Analyze the voice and the data respectively . It is important to combine the failure mode and the actual examination . Judge the fault points and formulate the corresponding troubles removing methods rapidly .

    分析 语音和数据两部分,重点进行故障 现象与实际分析的结合,快速判断故障点和对应的故障排除方法。

  • The voice of IP based on open standard can provide voice telecom service with diversified mode .

    其中基于开放标准的IP电话,就能够以多种 方式给人们提供 语音通讯服务。

  • About the narrative method that includes time the voice aspect and the mode it thinks David Fincher has a way that is from simple to complex . And embodied in a specific film has a specific features .

    在叙事方法方面, 大卫·芬奇电影在时间、 语态、语 三个方面走了一种从运用简单叙事方法到不断尝试复杂叙事方法的过程,并在不同的影片中有着具体的特征。

  • Since the voice coil actuator needs a starting voltage to start working the PV and Sliding Mode controller are chosen in the process of tracking control experiments first . And the effect of control with the PV and Sliding Mode controller is not very satisfactory .

    因为 圈电机启动需要一个不为零的启动电压,所以首先选择PV和 滑模 组合控制器对控制平台进行实验,实验发现在PV和滑模联合控制的情况下,跟踪控制的效果并不令人满意。

  • To create a new document by using speech recognition use voice command mode .

    要使用语音识别来创建新文档,请使用“ 声音命令” 模式

  • At the same time when two integrated multiplex equipments are connected in civil telecommunication network or military mobile trunk communication network can achieve voice and data intercommunication through dialing voice setting voice special line and data special line mode .

    同时两台综合复分接设备同时接入公众电话网或军用的机动骨干通信网等支持七号信令的系统时,能够通过拨号话音、建立 话音专线和数据专线的 形式,实现话音和数据的互通。

  • In order to support cooperative work in enterprise environment voice tool should provide flexible floor control mode .

    为了支持企业协同工作, 语音工具应提供自由发言等灵活的发言权控制 方式

  • Voice Browser can provide people a new and easily accessible net browser mode it broadens the development of Internet .

    语音浏览器就能提供更易为人们所接受的网络浏览 模式,从而拓展了Internet的发展空间。

  • Our country has formed the financial supervision pattern of operating separately and supervising on divided business in 2003 but the voice of setting up the unifying type structure mode of financial supervision is still very high .

    我国于2003年形成了分业经营分业监管的金融监管格局,但建立统一型金融监管结构 模式 呼声还很高。

  • 729 voice encoding schemes and a range of voice packet sizes are compared . This paper provides the theoretical foundation for constructing the mobile voice communication network by IP mode under wireless environment .

    729两种语音编码方案下不同的语音数据分组长度时的效果,为在无线环境下以IP 方式构造移动 语音通信网络奠定了良好的基础。

  • If you 're trying to dictate you may be in voice command mode .

    如果您正在尝试进行听写,则可能处于 声音命令” 模式

  • Smartphone spy software Daddy 's Eye let you record voice calls and SMS in complete stealth mode .

    智能手机间谍软件“爸爸的眼睛”让你记录 语音通话和短信完全隐形 模式

  • In traditional telephone voice system the voice is broadcasted by voice-to-voice mode . The voice file corresponding to information text is recorded by man in advance .

    传统电话语音系统中采用音-音组合 方式实现 语音输出,即事先将要输出的信息用人工朗读录制成 语音文件,在用户查询时播放该语音文件。

  • Active voice is a main expression mode in modern Chinese but passive voice is assistant one .

    现代汉语的 句子以主动态 表达法为主,被动态表达 起辅助和丰富表达的 作用

  • Transport of voice over asynchronous transfer mode ( ATM ) network is now an urgent task in ATM technical development .

    分析了实现 ATM网中 话音通信的各项技术的特点。

  • The Design of Embedded Voice Dialing System Based on DSR Mode

    基于 DSR 系统的嵌入式 语音拨号系统设计

  • In voice command mode you 'll see the name of the last recognized command you said using speech recognition .

    声音命令” 模式下,将看到使用语音识别读入的上一条识别命令名称。

  • Chapter three introduce the artistic feature of in these point of view rhetoric voice characters mode of funny characters .

    第三章将从修辞、 语音、字形、 模式化逗乐人物形象等角度,对《启颜录》的艺术特征一一进行介绍。

  • In the paper we find that the business mode of those traditional fixed-line carriers will change to integrated operation mode from traditional voice operation mode .

    作者认为,未来运营商的运营模式将从 语音运营 模式转变为整合运营模式。

  • Voice over ATM is that by using the asynchronous transfer mode packaging the voice into packets to realize in transferring in ATM networks .

    话音ATM交换就是利用ATM传输 方式,将传统话音通过分组打包实现在ATM网络平台上的传输。

  • The paper introduces the theory of narrative voice to the study on the text of news analyses the present forms and states of narrative voice in the text of news . It also analyses the mode and the means of news in constructing the authority of narrative voice .

    本文将叙述学的叙述声音理论引入到新闻文本研究中,分析新闻报道中叙述 声音的存在形式和状态,以及新闻报道建构权威叙述声音的 方式、方法。

  • Undergraduate music education has long been a professional voice lessons to take one to one single teaching mode of delivery and undergraduate music colleges of education should be to foster all aspects of the quality of talent is the goal .

    本科音乐教育专业 声乐课长期以来都是采取一对一的单独教学授课 模式。而本科音乐院校应该以培养全方面教育素质人才为目标。