voice slot

[vɔɪs slɑt][vɔis slɔt]

[计] 声音时间片

  • By running this mechanism system can accurately control the cross-connection of voice data in time slot and dynamically regulate voice jitter-delay so the complexity of system and time delay of data processing are efficiently reduced .

    通过运行该机制,可以控制系统对话路进行准确地交叉连接并对 语音的时延 抖动做出动态调整,有效地降低了系统的复杂程度和数据处理的时延。

  • Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm reduces dropout rate of voice and loss rate of data packet and raise the resource utilization of the time slot and the performance of system .

    仿真结果表明,此算法降低了 语音 业务的掉 率以及数据包的丢失率,提高了 时隙资源利用率以及系统的性能。

  • This paper put forward an idea that use a voice data multiplexing equipment pulls through the EI transmission channels over the leased lines for splitting and re-used slot to provide Ethernet interface anti-polar accounting functions calling number display functions and RS232 data channel .

    提出了在租用线路上利用 语音数据复接设备通过一个E1传输通道,进行 时隙的分拆和复用,提供以太网口、有反极性计费功能和来电显示功能的电话和一个RS232的数据通道。

  • FPGA should not only implement the voice slot switch function but also communicates with the interface module caller-ID analyzing module and controlling module .

    FPGA不仅要实现 语音 时隙交换的功能,还要与接口电路模块、号码分析模块、调度控制模块进行通信。

  • The scheme proposed in this thesis predigests voice-processing policy and the mechanism designed ensures accurate and real-time connection of voice data in slot time .

    本论文提出的对 语音数据全新 封装的策略简化了系统对语音的处理,设计的交换管理机制保证了系统话路准确、及时的连接。