


  • Even though the mis-statement is unintentional the underwriter will still be deceived and the policy voidable .

    尽管错误的陈述是无意的,但保险人还是受到欺骗。从而保险 合同 无效

  • Legal Reform from Void Act to Ambulatory Voidable Act : On No. 35 Clause of Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law

    破产无效行为立法向 撤销 行为 立法的转变&论我国《企业破产法(试行)》第35条的 修改

  • No transaction shall be void or voidable by reason only that it is an insider dealing .

    交易不得只因它是内幕交易而属无效或 使 无效

  • Comment on Our Country 's Voidable Marriage System

    评我国的婚姻 撤销制度

  • However they are different in forms of marriage legal age for marriage disqualifying diseases for marriage and definition of consanguineous marriage void marriage and voidable marriage .

    相异之处主要为结婚形式、结婚年龄、近亲禁婚之范围、医学上不当结婚之疾病、无效婚姻、 撤销婚姻等均有不同之规范、不同之效果。

  • On the Applicable Conditions of Voidable Corporate Decisions & A Legislative Explanation Based on Judicial Application

    论公司决议 撤销的适用事由&基于司法适用 立场的立法解释

  • Domestic laws shall clearly regulate the person of showing the cancelable declaration of will as the party of Voidable right based on analyzing and introducing the systems concerning Voidable civil act .

    通过对民事法律行为可撤销制度的 借鉴和分析,提出我国法律应明确规定 撤销 的主体是 发出可撤销的意思表示的人。

  • For the void contract or voidable contract the possible remedies include restitution and paying tor the damages .

    合同无效或 撤销 有关当事人要求承担返还财产、赔偿损失等民事责任。

  • Unless a statute provides otherwise a natural person has the capacity to incur only voidable contractual duties until the beginning of the day before the person 's eighteenth birthday .

    除非制定法另有规定,自然人 年龄 尚未到达18岁生日的前一天开始 时刻的,只具有产生 撤销合同义务的 行为能力。

  • Analysing some views about the voidableness of offer and promise this dissertation draws a conclusion that the electronic contract is still voidable .

    分析比较了对电子合同要约和承诺 撤销的各种看法,并认为不应否认电子合同要约和承诺的 撤销性。

  • Voidable disposition of property

    使 无效的产权处置

  • Third the result of fraud or other causes involuntary marriage false marriage as voidable marriage other forms of defect by the correction after the registration of the marriage valid .

    其三,将因欺诈或其他原因非自愿结婚的、虚假婚姻作为 撤销婚姻;其他形式上的登记瑕疵经补正后婚姻有效。

  • It is necessary to analyze and use the experience of the main countries of the civil law system for reference . And to shift from void act legislation to voidable act legislation by the Chinese Enterprise Bankrupt Law No. 35 clause .

    有必要比较、借鉴大陆法系主要国家相关立法经验,修改我国破产法第35条之规定,实现从破产无效行为立法向 撤销行为立法的转变。

  • A voidable contract is one that a party will be entitled to rescind .


  • Voidable disposition of property Such contract is nevertheless valid once the person with the power to its disposal has ratified the contract or if the person lacking the power to dispose of it when the contract was concluded has subsequently acquired such power .

    使 无效的产权处置经权利人追认或者无处分权的人订立合同后取得处分权的,该合同有效。

  • At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void .

    按照普通法,未成年人签订的合同除有效 合同 就是 撤销 合同或无效 合同

  • Voidable disposition of property unsecured creditors ' committee

    使 无效的产权处置无抵押债权人委员会

  • Contract shall be valid and remain in force for _______ ( ____ ) years from the Date of Effectiveness . At common law contracts made with a minor that are not valid will be voidable or void .

    本合同有效期自合同生效之日起为年。按照普通法,未成年人签订的 合同除有效 合同 就是 撤销 合同或无效合同。

  • This contradiction can be solved and the parties can be protected better when such contract is provided as voidable contract .

    将以 欺诈胁迫 乘人之危订立的 劳动合同规定为 撤销 合同可以解决这一矛盾,并能够更好地保护当事人的利益。

  • In the text the writer tries to study a new direction in system development at the new situation and discuss to solve the problem that exists in the legal system and give some legislative advice to perfect the Chinese system of the void and voidable marriage .

    同时对如何解决我国目前存在的法律 冲突进行探讨,并对如何完善我国的无效婚姻与 撤销婚姻制度提出若干立法建议。

  • The common law principles in relation to voidable contracts have been modified by statues .

    普通法与 撤销合同 有关的原则已被 文法 作出 一些修改。

  • The Voidable System of Domestic Legal Civil Act

    论我国民事法律行为的 撤销制度

  • The Study of Legal Problem about the System of Void and Voidable Marriage

    无效婚姻与 撤销婚姻法律问题研究

  • It points out that to clarify contract is the basis of processing the contract problems and analyzes exhaustively the special principles and methods of contract processing during reorganization especially researches into the methods of processing the executory contracts and voidable contracts .

    指出了合同清理是处理合同问题的基础,详尽分析了重整过程中处理合同问题的特殊原则和方法,其中着重探究了待履行合同和 撤销合同的处理方法。

  • A Brief Analysis of the Effect of Voidable Contract in Scheduled Period

    简析除斥期间 撤销合同的效力

  • Voidable contract in scheduled period is not a valid contract nor are prospect valid contract and voidable contract but a relatively valid contract with incomplete validity .

    撤销合同在 斥期间,既非有效合同,亦非效力待定合同,更不是无效合同,而是一种相对有效的效力不完全的另类合同。

  • This dissertation further analyzes such cases as the shareholders ' meeting being void or voidable and the judicial remedy for non-controlling shareholders in such cases .

    本文还分析了股东会无效、 撤销等几种情况,以及在此状态下,非控制股东的司法救济措施。