vortex surface

[ˈvɔrˌtɛks ˈsɚfəs][ˈvɔ:ˌteks ˈsə:fis]


  • The experimental results showed that a little vortex in opposite direction of rotation emerged as the passage vortex existed at the root of suction surface . The vortex was induced mainly by mixing between mainstream and injecting air and resulted from formation of kidney-shaped vortex .

    结果表明,冷气射流与燃气主流的掺混以及卵型涡的形成,使得吸力 根部出现了与通道 涡旋向相反的涡系;

  • Keeping the leading edge vortex on the upper wing surface can avoid lift decreasing ;

    保持前缘 不脱离翼 有助于减少升力的下降;

  • In the blade flow passage the leakage vortex moved towards the pressure surface of the adjacent blade along the reversed rotational direction of the rotor .

    在叶片通道内,泄漏 沿着与转子旋向相反的方向朝相邻叶片的压力 移动。

  • In the study of the second leading edge problem the displacement effect of vortex sheet from the plane of symmetry is taken into account and thereby the difficulty of overlapping vortex sheet and the lifting surface is overcome .

    对于第二前缘问题,考虑了涡面离开流动对称面的位移影响,并由此克服了 面和物 重叠带来的困难。

  • Un-steady numerical results show that the trailing edge shedding vortex and suction surface shedding vortex occur in a two-dimensional compressor cascade .

    非定常计算结果表明:在二维扩压流场中存在尾缘脱落 和吸力 脱落涡两种脱落涡,它们的脱落频率随着冲角和马赫数的变化而变化。

  • In a stratified fluid the free surface restrains the development of inter-nal waves resulting in little influence on the interaction between a vortex ring and the free surface .

    在密度分层流中,自由表面的存在抑制了内波的发展,因而亦抑制了内波对自由表面的影响,使得密度分层对 环与自由 表面的相互作用影响不大。

  • Series analysis were carried through about the spray forming mechanism and its main influence factors on the atomization that interior kidney vortex gradually strengthened until the surface fracture and breakup to droplets .

    系统地数值分析了肾 随着内 的逐渐增强导致 表面断裂并破碎形成液滴的雾化机理和影响雾化效果的主要影响因素。

  • The reason of fewer sheddings of fabrics woven by vortex yarn is that the surface fibres is closed and the yarn 's surface is evener .

    分析得出落毛少的原因是 涡流纱的 表面纤维呈封闭状和纱的表面均匀度高。

  • Researches and applications of the optimum control vortex for any inclined surface impellers

    倾斜叶轮最佳控制 旋涡的研究与应用

  • Moving path lines tangential and axial average velocities of particles at the vortex surface are obtained by the photography method .

    通过摄像法得出了 旋涡 表面流体质点的运动轨迹、切向和轴向时均速度。

  • The Vortex Lattice Lifting Surface Method is adopted to analyze the hydrodynamic performance of the propeller .

    采用 环升力 方法分析螺旋桨水动力性能。

  • The integral equation satisfied boundary condition on the body surface and Kutta condition on the trailing vortex surface was discredited .

    静止坐标系上,在所有边界布置兰金源和偶极子,对满足物面边界条件和尾 库塔条件的积分方程进行数值离散。

  • The Analysis of the Vortex System for Lifting Surface Theory of Marine Propeller

    螺旋桨升力 理论的 系分析

  • It is found that the characteristics of airfoil boundary are determined by re-attached vortex on airfoil surface at low Re .

    实验发现:低雷诺数下,翼型的流动状态很复杂,附着 在确定 翼型边界层行为和失速特性中起着重要作用。

  • By using the Baldwin-Lomax turbulent model the formation of the leading edge separation bubble as well as the convection of vortex along the airfoil surface and unsteady phenomena of vortex are simulated at high angle of attack .

    应用Baldwin Lomax湍流二层代数模型模拟了大攻角时前缘分离涡的形成, 旋涡对流及其非定常现象。

  • Interactions of Three-dimensional Viscous Vortex Rings with a Free Surface

    三维 环与自由 表面的粘性相互作用

  • The drag force is generated by the fire whirl vortex acting on the liquid fuel surface which plays an important role in the initiation and decay of fire whirls .

    分析表明,旋转 涡旋作用于燃料 会产生一个向上的拖拽力,其在火旋风形成和衰减时起着重要作用。

  • Vortices structure including primary vortex shed vortex and secondary vortex forms on the airfoil surface its scale varies with time and it is absolutely unsteady .

    翼型上 表面形成了包含驻留涡、脱落涡和二次 的涡系结构,其尺度随时间不断变化,具有强烈的非定常性;

  • Induced Velocity Potential of an Arbitrary Horseshoe Vortex in the Uniform Flowfield with Free Surface

    水面下均流中空间任意方位马蹄 之诱导速度势

  • The unsteady vortex formulation is generalized to airfoil with control surface .

    将连续时间域非定常 控制方程推广到三自由度带操纵 二元机翼模型上。

  • Secondary traverse flow velocity vector plots show the scrapping of the tip leakage vortex from the suction surface of one blade across the blade pitch to the pressure surface of the adjacent blade .

    数值和实验结果均表明,端壁移动情况下间隙区域的二次流动特征是 刮削泄漏 形成和发展。

  • It can be shown that when the overlapping vortex sheet approaches close to the body surface infinitely its effect on the flow vanishes .

    分析表明,当重叠部分的 面无限接近物体(升力 表面时,涡面的作用趋于消失。

  • Preventing and Damping Effect of Vortex on Frost Deposit on Cold Wall Surface in Forced Convection

    强迫对流条件下 旋涡对冷壁 凝华结霜的滞止和延迟作用

  • Natural vortex lengths of cyclone separators based on response surface methodology

    基于响应 曲面法旋风分离器的自然 旋风

  • The secondary vortex of flow passage changes near the suction surface to away from the suction surface then the other . The incidence of leakage vortex is recurring process that from weak to strong and then from strong to weak .

    通道内的二次 则经历了靠近吸力 到远离吸力面再到靠近吸力面的过程;二次涡的 影响范围经历了从弱变强再从强到弱的周期性过程。

  • A new method for treating nonlinear trailing vortex surface is proposed in the numerical analysis and the calculated results are compared with experimental results . The comparison indicates that the method is valid .

    在理论计算中作者提出了一种非线性尾 模型处理办法,并将这种尾涡面模型下的计算结果与试验结果进行了对比,对比表明在计算中采用这种非线性尾涡面效果理想。

  • Based on the analysis of linear wave making theory the velocity potential and free surface wave profile were formulated for a 3 D bound vortex translating under the near free surface . The required numerical methods were implemented and the example computations were carried out .

    基于段 的线性兴波理论分析,给出了段 的线性兴波速度势和自由 表面波形的计算公式,提供了数值计算方法并且给出了相应的数值计算结果。

  • Prediction of rotor blade vortex interaction noise using 3 D unsteady surface pressure

    由计算的三元非定常压力数据来预估旋翼 辐射的桨 干扰噪声