war injury

[wɔr ˈɪndʒəri][wɔ: ˈindʒəri]


  • Since World War II the automobile has become common traffic facility traffic accident have become a ordinary kind of person injury accident .

    20世纪以来尤其是 二战以后,汽车成为大众的普通代步工具,交通事故逐渐成为最常见的一种人身 伤害事故。

  • Remembering the Lady of the Lamp As with natural disasters such as earthquakes war exacts a heavy psychological toll on those of its victims fortunate enough to avoid death or injury .

    战争,如同地震等其他的自然灾害一样,让那些幸免遇难的人们的心灵上也留下难以磨灭的 创伤

  • Hemorrhagic shock is a key cause of war injury leading to death and blood transfusion is the most important method to solve this problem .

    失血性休克是 战伤死亡的一个重要原因,输血是解决这一问题的最重要措施。

  • Since the World War II the exemption clause for medical injury has emerged as the times require going with the medical injury becoming a serious social problem .

    二战以来,伴随着医疗损害发展成为严重的社会问题,医疗 损害免责条款应运而生并日呈蔓延之势。

  • In the First and the Second World War ligation is the main treatment to the vascular injury the amputation rate was very high .

    第一、二次世界 大战中,血管 损伤的处理以结扎为主,截肢率很高。

  • This experiment focus on the study of the under-water blast injury material protection which to reduce the blast injury rate and adapt to the future demand of the under water war and to do some experiments for the protection suit of the blast injury .

    本研究主要为满足未来渡海 作战需求减少水下冲击伤发生率或减轻伤情的严重程度而开展水下冲击 防护的实验研究,为研制水下冲击伤防护服开展一些前期工作。

  • The maxillofacial region was exposed and not easy to be protected in usual . As a result the maxillofacial war injury was reported high incidence rate in all the past wars and the responsible research was all along an important item in the field of battle surgery .

    颌面部位置暴露,不易防护,因而颌面部 战伤在历次战争中都有较高的发生率,对颌面部战伤的研究也一直是 创伤研究中的重点问题。

  • DeBakey reported in the Second World War among the 2471 cases of arterial injury in American forces only 81 cases of arterial repair were done about half of patients limb gangrene need amputation after artery ligation .

    DeBakey等报道在第二次世界 大战,美国军队2471例动脉 损伤中仅81例做了动脉修复术。动脉结扎术后约半数病人发生肢体坏疽需要截肢术。

  • In the Vietnam War although the use of high-speed bullet caused a more serious soft tissue injury after timely debridement and repair American surgeons treated more than 7 cases of vascular injury amputation rate remained at around 13 % .

    在越南 战争,虽然使用了高速子弹造成了更严重软组织 损伤,但经过及时清创和修复术,美国外科医生治疗了7500多例血管损伤,截肢率仍保持在13%左右。

  • In war the oil box of a tank or armored vehicle would be fired and exploded when it was attacked by cannonballs . The explosion can lead to a more serious injury even fatal injury .

    战争中,坦克或装甲车在受到弹头的猛烈撞击后,很有可能再次引起油箱起火或弹药爆炸等情况,再次的爆炸可能会造成更大的 伤害,甚至是致命的伤害。

  • The staff is mainly threaten by the bullet wound in the war and antiterror conflict and the use of body armor can effectively reduced penetration injury caused by bullets .

    枪弹伤是 战争和反恐冲突中人员所面临的主要威胁,防弹衣的使用能够有效减少枪弹造成的贯穿 损伤

  • But heterogenous blood transfusion always has difficulties of blood supply and transportation and it may bring blood transfusion reaction and infectious diseases . This influences the curative effect on war injury hemorrhagic shock .

    而异体血液始终存在着血液供应与运输上的困难和异体输血有可能带来的异体输血反应、血源性疾病传报等问题,这些都影响着对 战伤失血性休克的救治效果。

  • Protective effect was observed in 10 rabbits by using self-developed eguipment and taking medicine ( War Injury Agent No1 ) .

    另10只兔在采用自制防护装具和口服 战伤1号条件下进行陆地爆炸时防护效果观察。

  • With the development of armament the explosive weapon was applied more often than ever in the war and the blast injury became the majority of war wounds .

    随着武器的发展, 战争中爆炸性武器的使用不断增多,爆炸 也逐渐成为战伤中的主要类型。

  • Hemorrhagic shock is a common shock type war injury and is also one of the leading death causes among healthy population .

    失血性休克是 创伤常见的休克类型,也是导致健康人群死亡的重要原因之一。

  • Objective : Burn-blast combined injury is a common injury in war and daily life and the serious lung injury is one of the most common causes of death during early stage .

    目的:烧冲复合伤是平、 战时常见的伤类,严重的肺 损伤是其早期死亡的主要原因之一。

  • Development of pneumatic anti-shock trousers for trauma and war injury

    战伤 创伤抗休克裤的研制

  • Bone defect is the most frequently encountered war injury cases under modern war situation .

    骨缺损是现代战争中常见的 战伤之一,其 治疗一般采用骨移植术。

  • Application of Modified Implantation of Peritoneal Dialysis Catheter to Acute Renal Failure After War Injury

    改良腹透导管植管法在 战伤后急性肾功能衰竭中应用的探讨

  • About 50 % of war injuries are blast injuries which are characterized by complicate injury condition a myriad of foreign bodies and high susceptibility to infection .

    爆炸 发生率在 战伤中约占50%左右。