war medicine

[wɔr ˈmɛdɪsɪn][wɔ: ˈmedisin]

[医] 军事医学

  • Before the outbreak of the Second World War which temporarily arrested the otherwise steady progress of the University there were four Faculties-Arts Engineering Medicine and Science .

    前第二次世界 大战,暂时逮捕了大学,否则稳步进展,有4个学院的爆发-艺术,工程, 医学和科学。

  • Study on Demands of High-Tech War Upon Military Preventive Medicine Personnel and Training Countermeasures

    高技术 战争对军事预防 医学人员的要求及培训对策研究

  • The third part analyzes the plague ' impact on the ancient Europe such as politics population war psychology medicine commonality sanitation etc according to the last two parts .

    第三部分在前述两节的基础上,从人口、政治、 战争、民众心态、 医学、公共卫生等方面,分析了瘟疫对古代欧洲社会发展的影响。

  • According to the calamity divining aid war described in zuozhuan the theory of yin-and-yang represents such forms as natural calamities medicine and interaction between man and nature which are significant for the historical development of the theory of yin-and-yang by military commanders .

    摘要阴阳思想在《左传》记载的灾异、占卜、 战争活动中有自然灾害、 医学、天人感应等表现形态,对于兵家阴阳思想发展历史有着重要意义。

  • The study briefly described the characteristics of the military health service in High-tech war and discussed the influences of High-Tech war on military preventive medicine personnel .

    本文概要地阐述了高技术战争卫勤保障的特点,探讨了高技术 战争对军事预防 医学人员的影响及其对培训工作的要求。

  • ' War and Medicine ' . Commissioned by the Wellcome Trust to develop new work for exhibition at the Wellcome Galleries London and The Hygene Museum Dresden .

    战争 医疗”:受英国威康信托基金会委托,为伦敦威康信托基金会和德累斯顿卫生博物馆主办的展览创作的新作品。

  • It takes the requirement that the development of health service theory on modern war with the change of the medicine mode swift progress of medical science and technology the constantly infiltration and application of information technique and modern administerial theories .

    医学模式的转变,医学科技的迅猛发展,信息技术和现代管理理论在卫勤保障领域的不断渗透和应用,促进了现代 战争卫勤保障理论的发展,为改革现行卫勤教育训练体系提供了必要条件。

  • The less obvious aspects of war and science-for example the introduction of psychoanalysis into British medicine courtesy of shellshock-are given their due as well as the central Faustian tragedy of the development of the atom bomb .

    战争和科学较不明显的方面也受到了应有的重视,例如,由于弹震症的出现将精神分析学引入英国 医学中,以及原子弹的研发(虽然是个浮士德式的悲剧)。

  • As a social factor war has promoted the development of medicine .

    战争作为一种社会因素影响着 医学的发展。

  • Development of agent for deoxidization and moistureproof and its effect on preservation of war medicine and equipments

    脱氧防潮剂研制及对 战备 药品器材的保存效果

  • After the Opium War taking western medicine as an device the Christians from British and Canada established a new age of the spread of Christianity in Taiwan and led to its rejuvenation from the state of almost extinction in 200 years .

    鸦片 战争后英国和加拿大 传教士以手术刀开创了基督教在台湾传播的新纪元,是基督教在台湾基本绝迹200年后的复兴。

  • Ironically although this war made great destruction but modern medicine developed at very fast speed during the First World War .

    具有讽刺意味的是,虽然这 战争造成了很大的破坏,但现代 医学却在“一战”期间有了飞跃发展。

  • The characteristics of internal medicine diseases of Russian army in second Chechnya War ( 1 ) The incidence of internal medicine diseases was higher than surgery diseases .

    结论一、第二次车臣 战争俄军内科疾病的特点1. 内科疾病发病率高于外科疾病。

  • Enlightenment and suggestion to our army and the future war ( 1 ) The pathogenetic regular pattern of internal medicine diseases in future war : ① The rate of depletion of numbers in internal medicine diseases will probably increase .

    对未来战争和我军的启示和建议1.未来 战争 内科疾病的发病规律:①在卫生减员中,内科疾病减员占的比例将可能更大。

  • The research on war injuries in tropical areas is an important subject to be urgently dealt with at present in Chinese military medicine .

    热带地区 创伤救治研究是当前我军军事 医学 领域亟待研究的重大课题。