war footing

[wɔr ˈfʊtɪŋ][wɔ: ˈfʊtɪŋ]


  • The army is now officially on a war footing .

    军队现在正式 准备 作战

  • The new state to be born on Saturday from a civil war that claimed over 2m lives will emerge on a war footing fragile with few working institutions and sceptics believe a strong chance of failure .

    这个上周六刚刚从导致逾200万人丧生的内战中诞生的新国家,仍将以 战争根基,十分脆弱,几乎没有行之有效的制度,而怀疑者认为,它很有可能以失败告终。

  • This however would require Mr Putin to abandon his war footing and opt for diplomacy .

    不过,这需要普京抛弃 战争 立场,选择外交途径。

  • A senior minister in the province of Sindh says his team are on a war footing .


  • The world needs to go on a war footing to bring about such technological change .

    世界需要进入 备战 状态,才能实现这样的技术变革。

  • Since the struggle in the border area is exclusively military both the party and the masses have to be placed on a war footing .

    边界的斗争,完全是军事的斗争,党和群众不得不 一齐 军事

  • So even as we aggressively pursue terrorist networks - through more targeted efforts and by building the capacity of our foreign partners - America must move off a permanent war footing .

    因此,尽管我们通过更定向的努力,通过提高盟国的能力,积极追击恐怖网络,美国必须远离长期 战争

  • The president placed the republic on a war footing .

    总统把共和国推到了 战争 边缘

  • The army were put on a war footing ie were prepared for war .

    这支军队是 战时 编制(为战争作好准备)。

  • Investors for now at least should not be on a war footing .

    至少目前而言,投资者还不应该进入 战时 状态

  • Some pacifists and all militarists deprecate social and political conflicts . Since the struggle in the border area is exclusively military both the Party and the masses have to be placed on a war footing .

    某些和平主义者和一切军国主义者都反对社会性和政治性的斗争。边界的斗争,完全是军事的斗争,党和群众不得不一齐 军事

  • The nation is on a war footing .

    全国实行 战时 体制

  • If the market is to be permanently on some kind of war footing then it makes sense for funds to stick with core holdings while moving in and out of likely winners and losers as the threat of skirmishes rises and falls .

    如果韩国股市永远处于某种 备战 状态,那么合理之举应该是,各路资金紧紧抓住核心资产,同时随着朝韩冲突的起落、在市场可能的获利者和受损者之间周旋。

  • Not only did he involve all the families in the country in this meeting but made no move to put his own people on a war footing or to enlist allies .

    他一方面把全国所有的黑帮家族都拉扯到这次会谈中来,另一方面没有采取任何行动来动员自己的人 处于 战争 状态,也没有采取行动来 招兵买马、争取同盟。

  • Even as the militants ' advance towards the capital slowed the city has been placed on a war footing .

    即便Isis向巴格达的推进速度有所放缓,但该市已经进入了 战争 状态

  • The President at last had the means to put the United States on a war footing long before the people were ready to fight .

    总统终于远在人民还没准备好作战之前就有了把美国置于 战时 体制的手段。

  • They need to make sure that they use the correct dose and for the appropriate duration and encourage their patients to take the antibiotics properly . What does the Indian government need to do on a war footing ?

    印度医生应该确保使用正确的剂量,适当的用药时限并鼓励病人按需使用抗生素。在与抗生素抗 药性斗争时,印度政府需要做哪些工作?

  • We will strengthen national defense mobilization and the reserve forces place war preparations on a regular footing and enhance border coastal and air defenses .

    加强国防动员和后备力量建设,强化日常 战备和边防海防空防管控。

  • The army is on a war footing .

    军队在 作战 情势中。

  • For the United States these new circumstances have also meant shifting away from a perpetual war footing .

    对美国而言,这些新的情况已经意味着脱离常年 征战 状态

  • International tension was high and the army was put on a war footing .

    国际紧张已经是升高的,军队处于 作战 情势中。

  • The administration is working on a war footing to restore the electricity water and gas arrangements before the IDPs can return .

    政府正在 战争的情况 恢复水、电和煤气设施,为巴基斯坦人返回 创造条件。