wander from

[ˈwɑndɚ frʌm][ˈwɔndə frɔm]


  • The similar Early Paleozoic Apparent Polar Wander Paths ( APWP ) obtained from major continents favor the true polar wander hypothesis .

    世界各大陆块早 古生代视极移曲线的相似性表明这一时期发生较快的真极移。

  • With my whole heart have I sought thee : O let me not wander from thy commandments .

    我一心寻求了你。求你不要叫我 偏离你的命令。

  • They could wander where they wished and take jobs from who paid best .

    他们可以 哪儿就去哪儿,谁给的钱多就 谁干活儿。

  • Hippopotamuses never wander far from the water 's edge because their skins would soon dry out and crack if they were not kept moist .

    犀牛从不 远离水边,因为,如果它们的皮不能保持湿润,就会很快干裂。

  • And I don 't wander far from that place for a majority of my time even though I 'm an extensive global trekker .

    我不会 远离那些我大部分时间所在的地方,即使我是一位足迹 踏遍全球的旅者。

  • Don 't wander from the subject : stick to the point ie Don 't digress . In addition to the main question there are secondary matters to talk about .

    不要 离题,要针对这一问题谈。除主要问题之外,还有些次要问题讨论。

  • He was constraining his mind not to wander from the task .

    他克制着不让思想 工作时 小差

  • Villagers have also complained of elephants rhinos and buffalo destroying food crops as they wander away from the parks in search of food and water .

    村民还抱怨大象、 犀牛和水牛 野生公园跑出来寻找食物和水的 时候破坏了他们的粮食作物。

  • The Research of Wavelet Package Transform in Removing the Baseline Wander from Electrocardiogram

    小波包变换在消除心电图基线 漂移方面的研究

  • Not to wander away from me in public places ?

    别在人 的地方 离开我?

  • If multitasking makes our minds wander from the tasks we think we are getting done as we have posted in the past then why should eating be any exception ?

    我们之前的文章中曾有指出, 一心多用会让我们的思维 自己正在做的事情上分心,既然如此,吃东西也不会例外。

  • They quit their jobs leave their parents and Beijing wander from place to place earn a living from their passions find love and realize their dreams .

    他们辞掉工作,离开父母和北京, 游走 各地,凭着一腔热情自食其力,寻找爱情,实现梦想。

  • I like to wander the forests and mountains and drink from the rivers .

    我喜欢 漫步 丛林及高山, 啜饮河水。

  • They looked into each other 's eyes and one would have thought that his eyes would never wander from her face .

    他们眼对眼彼此凝视, 旁观者不禁觉得,他的目光似乎永不会 移开她的脸了。

  • Anyone who does wander into town from the airport should do so carefully .

    机场 漫步到城市,任何人都应十分小心。

  • Any individual whose brain has suffered such injuries can simply wander aimlessly away from the place where he lives with all knowledge of his past blacked out .

    一个人的大脑受到这些损伤以后就会 离开他的住所 漫无目的 四处 游荡,对自己的过去完全丧失记忆。

  • Don 't let your mind wander from the main point as issue .

    不要让你的思路 离开争论的主题。

  • B.Tom used to wander from sheds to sheds in the neighborhoods .

    汤姆原来总在我们邻里的 棚子中间转来转去的。

  • But in the US wedding photos are only slowly starting to wander from the traditional aisle . Some new at times shocking twists are being wrought on the traditional point-and-shoot .

    但在美国, 婚纱照才刚 传统习俗中慢慢走出。传统相机也开始记录一些新颖,时而令人震惊的画面。

  • Don 't wander from the subject . ; Stick to the point .


  • You may not want to wander far from your bedroom today . That 's fine .

    今天你可能不太想 离开自己的卧室,这没关系。

  • Hardy antelope wander in from the desert .

    适应力强的羚羊 沙漠 游荡 了这里。

  • Wander from a direct or straight course .


  • We don 't have to wander from one place to another or crowd in a small apartment Li said .

    “我们不再需要 一个地方 到另一个地方了,也不需要挤在一个小公寓里,”Li说。

  • For this day I go out into the world naked and alone and without your hand to guide me I will wander far from the path which leads to success and happiness .

    今天,我独自一人, 赤条条地来到这个世上,没有你的双手指引,我将 远离通向成功与幸福的道路。

  • With the increase of the inner scale from 0 to 20 mm values of the refractive index structure constant deduced from beam wander effect are larger than that from scintillation . The biggest difference is 3 times when the inner scale is 20 mm ;

    随着内尺度变大, 漂移效应测量的折射率结构常数将大于闪烁效应测量的折射率结构常数,当内尺度达到20mm时,前者的测量结果是后者的3倍;

  • He began to wander from city to city and from job to job .

    他开始 一个城市 漫游一个城市,从一个职业换到 一个职业。

  • We all wander from the right hand of god .

    我们都 离开了上帝的右手。