wall up

[wɔl ʌp][wɔ:l ʌp]


  • According to the static analysis and the result we can find that work on the site is conservative and materials used are wasteful at the same time the frame construction before the diaphragm wall props up well .

    通过静态受力分析及计算结果来看,认为本工程的现场施工比较保守,所用的材料经计算也存在一定的浪费;通过计算也可以看出地连 前的框架结构具有很 的支撑作用。

  • Passing traffic has spattered the wall up with mud .

    过路的车辆把这 溅得 是泥。

  • They had walled up her room because of the fear that things might be infected .

    因为担心物品可能带上病菌,他们砌墙 堵死了她的屋子。

  • Most of the left side of PICA ( 77.31 % ) derived from the posterior wall of the aorta while the origin of the right side of PICA shifted from the right wall to posterior wall from up to down .

    77.31%(167/216支)左侧肋间后动脉起于胸主动脉后壁,右侧肋间后动脉起点分别位于胸主动脉后壁、右后壁和右壁,且 自上而下渐由右 向后壁移行。

  • The main building of Nanjing Railway Station is made up of concrete structure and the roof and curtain wall made up of steel structure .

    南京火车站主站房主体结构采用混凝土结构,屋盖及 幕墙支承体系采用钢结构。

  • You 're welcome that but then you put this wall up and that is an insult to me and you treat me like some kind of criminal .

    你欢迎他,但是随后你把它 起来,这对我来说是中侮辱,你对待我像对待罪犯。

  • Discusses on the vertical irregularity problems of bottom quakeproof wall brick up building

    底部抗震 砌体房屋竖向不规则问题的探讨

  • With these materials and with the aid of my trowel I began vigorously to wall up the entrance of the niche .

    我便用这些材料,再靠那把泥刀,一个劲地在壁龛入口处砌 来。

  • Ming Dynasty around the re-linking the customs Jingxing in the territory of the Great Wall of up to100 kilometers .

    明代,此四处重关连接在一起,在井陉境内的 长城 100多千米。

  • Finally I determined to wall it up in the cellar & as the monks of the middle ages are recorded to have walled up their victims .

    最后我决定像中世纪的僧侣对待他们的牺牲品那样,把尸体 在地窖的 墙壁里。

  • Wearing light armour they are capable of presenting a defensive wall made up of rows of steel pikes waiting to impale charging foes .

    他们身穿轻甲,可以用钢制枪头 组成防御敌人冲锋的 铜墙铁壁

  • Experimental Study on Seismic Behavior of Combined Wall Made up of Wall Units with Wire Mesh

    钢丝网墙片单元组合 墙体的抗震性能试验研究

  • There 's Wall up there he said .


  • The picture of the Great Wall called up happy memories of our trip last autumn .

    这幅 长城照片使我们想起上次 秋游许多美好的回忆。

  • Natural convection phase transition area from the right wall heating up circulation to the left phase change interface resulting in part is larger than the lower part of heat so the solid-liquid phase change interface forms a ladder shape .

    相变区域内自然对流从右 受热 上升环流至左侧相变界面,导致上部分换热量大于下部分,因此固-液相变界面呈梯形状。

  • On one side of the room there was a very decent brown sofa above which there was a wall mirrored up to the ceiling .

    房间的一侧放着一个相当漂亮的棕色长沙发,沙发上方有一个覆盖了 一面 的大镜子顶 天花板。

  • As you inhale push your hands and chin down while you press the back of your head into the wall and up .

    将手放在臀部两侧的地板或毯子 。吸气时,推手向下,在头向上并向后靠向 时下巴向下 收回

  • I made no doubt that I could readily displace the bricks at this point insert the corpse and wall the wall up as before so that no eye could detect anything suspicious .

    我确信我可以很容易地把这部分的砖挖开,把尸体塞进去,再像以前一样把 ,这样就没有人会发现可疑之处了。

  • It was as if a wall stood up between them and the sky a greenish-grey trembling shimmering wall .

    仿佛是一 在他们和天空之间,一堵青灰色、颤巍巍、亮闪闪的墙。

  • Layout a sanctum should a gig book case with whole wall fill up it with you slowly .

    布置一间书房,要一整 的大书柜,和你一起慢慢 装满

  • The structural shapes of the dock chamber wall are up to different projects . The structure shap adopted in the Dock Project from Nantong-Rongsheng Shipbuilding Limit Company is the sheet-pile wall with anchor rod which is a widely used in practical engineerings .

    在南通熔盛造船有限公司船坞工程中采用的是拉锚板桩墙结构形式的坞室 ,拉锚板桩墙结构形式是工程中应用比较广泛的一种挡土结构。

  • Ten of the 14 patients had a double layer nylon zipper fixed in the abdominal incision and 4 cases had the abdominal wall closed up temporarily by whole thickness through sutures .

    10例 腹部切口安装了双层尼龙拉链( 拉链技术,ZT),4例切口全层缝合暂时关闭腹腔。

  • I am ever busy building this wall all around ; and as this wall goes up into the sky day by day I lose sight of my true being in its dark shadow .

    我不停地修筑着围墙;当这 围墙 高耸入云时,我看不见我的真我,它淹没在高墙的黑影中。

  • Utilize MATLAB software to regress the carbonation depth prediction models for diaphragm wall up to the carbonation time carbon dioxide density and carbonation strength .

    利用MAT-LAB对试验数据进行回归得到 两种地下连续 碳化深度预测模型:随时间以及CO2浓度变化的预测模型和随混凝土抗压强度变化的预测模型。

  • You run the hook down and you just pull the wall up into place .

    将挂钩放下来,用拉力将 起来

  • We exert ourselves in the struggle for bringing about a safe health comfortable environment wall up the danger and prevent the professional disease .

    我们努力创造安全、卫生、舒适的劳动工作条件, 杜绝安全事故,预防职业病。

  • This article briefly analyses the causes of outside wall Leaking of buildings and its tackling measures so people can understand the outside wall blocking up the leakage butter and provide scientific basis .

    本文简要分析了建筑物外墙渗漏的原因及相应的处理措施,从而推动人们对外 渗漏的认识,为科学的渗漏提供依据。

  • The cracks in the wall show up in the sunlight .

    在太阳光照射下, 墙上的裂纹就显露 出来

  • Insulate your home . Cavity wall insulation can cut heat loss through the wall by up to 60 percent .

    房屋隔热可以利用空心 来减少热能损耗,降幅高 60%。