wall thickness

[wɔl ˈθɪknɪs][wɔ:l ˈθɪknɪs]


  • Wall thickness must be between0and100 .

    背景 厚度必须介于0与100之间。

  • When chilled water is used to cool the mould cycle time is related to wall thickness as follows .

    在冰水冷却的条件下,冷却时间与 有以下的关系。

  • External-stenting of vein grafts is a promising approach to prevent neointima hyperplasia and wall thickness of the vein grafts .

    外支架能抑制移植静脉内膜增生和 增厚,是一种很有前景的防治移植静脉再狭窄的方法。

  • Minimum wall thickness and allowable stress conforms to ANSI B16.34 .

    最小 和安全应力符合美国国家标准化组织ANSIB16.34标准。

  • Research on Welding Seam Spacing and Rod Wall Thickness Matching Characteristic of Coach Skeleton Joint

    客车骨架接头的焊缝间距与杆件 匹配特性研究

  • Gymnasts showed significant increases in transverse diameter and wall thickness of humerus ;

    体操运动员肱骨撤径和骨 厚度增长明显;

  • Chamber of aerated concrete wall thickness is three to one in five .

    气室 厚度是加气混泥土的三至五分之一。

  • Wall thickness calculations as per conditions mentioned in data sheet .

    对数据表中提到的每种情况进行 计算。

  • Non-uniform wall thickness of mold design .


  • Centrifugal casting compact structure free from pinhole porosity and slag smooth surface and even wall thickness .

    高速离心铸造,组织致密,无砂眼、夹渣,表面光滑、 均匀

  • The effect of the content of expansive additive and steel tube wall thickness on the mechanical properties of expansive concrete filled square steel tube were studied .

    实验研究了膨胀剂掺量和钢管 厚度对不同强度等级方钢管膨胀混凝土力学性能的影响。

  • The polymer cores were removed by calcination and hollow silica spheres with tailored wall thickness were produced .

    对复合微球进行热处理除去有机物中心,制备出 可剪裁的空腔硅球。

  • A scheme of different loading speeds and wall thickness was designed and simulated .

    设计不同的凸模下压速度、不同 方案并完成相应的数值模拟。

  • By adopting the structure the equal wall thickness hollow screw pump rotor saves a great deal of material ;

    本实用新型采用上述结构, 节省了大量材料;

  • The tube wall thickness distribution and the energy parameters were analyzed on the basis of simulation results .

    基于计算结果,分析了管坯 分布规律、机架力能参数分布。

  • For a given SCH the OD increases with increasing NPS while the wall thickness increases or stays constant .

    对于给定的SCH,当管道 增大或不变时,外径随NPS编号的增大而增大。

  • The regional movement and the wall thickness of the infarcted segments were abnormal .

    梗死节段室 运动及室 厚度异常。

  • To produce specialty tubing this procedure uses a drawbench to pull tubing through a die and over a mandrel allowing excellent control of the inside diameter and wall thickness .

    这一程序通过拔管机使管子经过钢型和心轴的拉制,这样管子的内径和 精密度就能控制的很好。

  • Study and Application on the Cast Material of Crack Resistance Gypsum Mould and Equal Wall Thickness of Cast Mould

    抗裂石膏型铸造材料及铸型等 研究与应用

  • The relatively increasing value of load increases with the decrease of wall thickness of aluminum tube .

    部分填充管对空铝管的弯曲载荷相对提高量随铝管 减小而增大。

  • The principle and method for measuring the wall thickness of transparent tube are presented .

    研究了基于全反射消光原理测量管状透明 体壁 的原理和方法。

  • The blades are streamlined in shape with a minimum wall thickness of0 .

    叶片为流线型,按坐标定位,最小 尺寸为0。

  • Study on Key Technique of Field Inspection System of Wall Thickness Between Adjacent Metal Holes

    相邻金属孔 间壁 现场检测系统关键技术的研究

  • Dimensions thread gaging minimum wall thickness and burst pressure material classification various quality aspects and requirements for marking identification are stipulated .

    尺寸,螺纹规,最小 和爆裂压力,材料分类,各种质量要求和所规定的标记和标识要求等。

  • Glass Tube and Its Products Outside Diameter and Wall Thickness Testing and Sub-file Equipment

    玻璃管及其制品外径和 检测分档设备

  • Effects of B ~ + Steel Wall Thickness on Mechanical Properties

    货车转向架用B~+钢 对力学性能影响的研究

  • Researchers used high-resolution ultrasound to measure carotid and aortic arterial wall thickness and brachial artery FMD .

    研究者使用高分辨率超声测量颈动脉和主动脉 厚度以及肱动脉血流调控舒张功能。

  • The Archimedes constant α is the key to die design and the premise of wall thickness uniformity .

    阿基米德螺线常数α是牛角芯模设计的关键,也是保证弯管 均匀的前提。

  • The backing of bearings with greater wall thickness is not copper-plated .

    轴承 的轴承,其背衬不镀铜。

  • Application of Control Chart in Wall Thickness Control of Injection Molded Caps

    两极控制图在注塑瓶盖 控制中的应用