wall painting

[wɔl ˈpentɪŋ][wɔ:l ˈpeintiŋ]


  • The wall painting is an important form of art . Its development is closely related with the contemporary life customs religion philosophy and aesthetic ideas .

    壁画 艺术作为诸多艺术形式的重要组成部分,它的发展与不同时期的社会生活习俗、宗教、哲学思想和审美观念紧密相联。

  • Before one wall painting in Tengwang Pavilion .

    腾王阁内,一 壁画前。

  • The most common is the wall painting in contemporary household .

    最常见的就是现代家居中的 墙体 彩绘

  • Pigments and Fillers Used in Exterior Wall Latex Painting with High Properties and Their Surface Modification

    高性能 外墙乳胶 涂料颜填料及其表面改性

  • An analogy-based virtual approach for color restoration of wall painting

    基于类比的 壁画色彩虚拟复原

  • Wall painting conquers the present youth rapidly with its unique painting style and irreplaceable decorative beauty . Furthermore it becomes the new favorite in housing field .

    墙体 彩绘以其独特的绘画形式和不可替代的装饰美感迅速征服当下年青一代,从而成为家居领域的新宠。

  • The pupils created the wall painting with the aid of a local artist .

    学生们在当地艺术家的帮助下创作了这 壁画

  • The New Century Symphony of Wall and Painting


  • A third shows several naked men and women in some sort of wall painting .

    还有一张上面则是一幅画着许多裸体男女的 壁画

  • An example is the Tang Dynasty wall painting a vision of the Buddhist paradise in one of the Dunhuang grottoes .

    敦煌莫高窟中的一 唐代 壁画《西方极乐世界图》就是一例。

  • Study on the use of intervention and intonaco in the wall painting detachment

    关于 壁画揭取保护中干涉层的使用和地仗层的去留问题

  • Digital printing system applying to large-scale ceramic wall painting

    大型陶瓷 壁画电脑喷绘制作系统

  • Developing New Variety Prospering Market of Construction Internal Wall Painting

    发展新品种繁荣建筑内 涂料市场

  • The high resolution ( 2 ) will allow experts to examine details of the15th century wall painting that they otherwise could not & including traces of drawings Leonardo put down before painting .

    如此高的清晰度将允许专家们对这 十五世纪的 壁画进行任何细致研究,甚至能够看到达芬奇涂油彩之前勾勒的底稿。目前还没有其他方式可以达到这个效果。

  • BZ is also an indoor environmental toxicant which comes from furniture painting wall painting and decoration materials .

    同时苯也是一种主要的室内空气污染物,室内空气中的苯主要来源于油漆、 墙面 涂料、装饰材料等。

  • The utility model is hung on the indoor wall thus saving indoor space and also forming a dynamic wall painting with unique decorative and beautified effect .

    本实用新型挂置在屋内墙壁上,不仅节省室内空间,而且可以形如一 动感 壁画,具有独特的装饰美化效果。

  • The thesis describes systemically in threefold : the origin of acrylic painting its use and spread in China the relationship between acrylic painting and national wall painting style .

    本文系统性地阐述了丙烯画的历史源流、丙烯画在中国的传播与应用,以及丙烯画与民族 壁画风格问题。

  • Resonance Light Scattering ( RLS ) probe technique was applied in the quantitative determination of proteins in the binding media of different dyes in Dunhuang Wall Painting via the interaction between ( Bromophenol ) Blue ( BPB ) and the proteins .

    用酸性三苯甲烷染料溴酚蓝(BPB)作为共振光散射探针,对敦煌 壁画含不同颜料的胶结材料中的蛋白质含量进行了定量测定。

  • One year the emperor Liang Wudi wanted the famous painter Zhang Sengyao to do a wall painting of four dragons for a Temple .

    有一年梁武帝要当时著名的画家张僧繇为金陵(现在在江苏省南京市)的安东寺 作画,在寺庙的 墙壁四条龙。

  • To find fault in our wall painting .

    想在我们的 找碴

  • This paper tries to illustrate the form content colour composition and other aspects of wall painting and analyses the application of the new decorative language wall painting and the feature of decorative beauty it represents .

    本文力求通过对 墙体彩绘形式、内容、色彩、构图等方面的探讨,浅析 墙体 彩绘这一新装饰语言在现代家居设计中的运用以及它所表现出的装饰美特色。

  • After seeing this wall painting .

    看了这 壁画

  • Part of a wall painting here a bit of a fresco there .

    墙上这一部分是 油画,那一小部分是壁画。

  • These are the figural representations contained in ancient wall painting .

    这些都是古代 壁画中的人物画像。

  • Wall painting in the home could make up for and cover the deficiency of the spatial structure and also enhance and reflect the quality of life .

    家居中 墙体 彩绘的运用不仅可以弥补和掩盖空间结构的不足,更能提升和体现生活的品质。

  • Commercial area canteen and staff activity place should be done : finishing the floor internal wall painting and ceiling making .

    商业服务区、食堂、职工活动场所按交楼标准装修好,即地面做好、内 墙面 粉刷好、天花做好吊顶。

  • The Body Art In the Wall - painting of Kirgiz

    克孜尔 壁画中的人体艺术

  • Among different health promotion activities the list of the average cost to get one patient to seek health care service from lowest to the highest were government notice television program radio broadcasting wall painting and flyer / poster .

    在不同宣传活动中,获得一个就诊患者的平均成本从低到高依次为政府布告、电视、广播、 墙体 广告和宣传单/画。