Currently there are four theories of the more common view which are the voluntary gift gift for purpose conditional gift and unjust enrichment .
目前比较常见的有四种理论观点,即 自愿 赠与 说、目的赠与说、附条件赠与说、不当得利说。
A voluntary gift ( as of money or service or ideas ) made to some worthwhile cause .
自愿 给值得 捐献事业的 东西(如钱或服务或建议)。
If there is any opportunism during this period it will lie in failing to struggle hard and in making a voluntary gift to Chiang Kai-shek of the fruits which should go to the people .
这个时期如果有机会主义的话,那就是不力争, 自愿地把人民应得的果实 送给蒋介石。
The taxes are a voluntary gift and grant of Commons alone .
税租是 自愿 捐献的赠款,惟有下议院才能接受。
美[ˈvɑlənˌtɛri ɡɪft]英[ˈvɔləntəri ɡift]
[法] 无偿赠与