waken up

[ˈwekən ʌp][ˈweikən ʌp]


  • As usual I got jet-legged so waken up very early around the4:00AM so I decided to go taking pictures .

    通常我有时差综合症时, 得会很早,通常早晨四点左右,所以我决定出去拍照。

  • It looks as if he have just waken up .

    好像他刚 睡醒 的。

  • After waken up the king could not recollect the wisdom .

    但是 醒来之后 怎么也想不起来那句至理名言。

  • Instead the strong squeeze of the foreign culture and the serious threat to their survival and development have waken up and enhanced their Minzu self-esteem and self-identity .

    相反,外来强势文化的挤压和其生存发展面临的严重威胁, 恰恰 不断 唤醒和增强了其民族自尊和自我认同感。

  • Once a new task arrives the related thread is waken up automatically .

    当任务达到时,线程又被自动 唤醒

  • Jenny : I was waken up by my alarm clock but it was quite dark outside .

    詹妮:我被闹钟 惊醒,但是外面天还很黑。

  • Rain stopped I go back the country found that spring had waken up widely .

    雨停了,回乡下 一趟,发觉春天已 勃然 觉醒

  • This event though a very sad one has again waken up the spirit of being a Chinese .

    这灾难是非常让人痛心的,但是它却再次 唤醒的传人的精神!

  • I will never be waken up by calls when I take a nap after lunch .

    我在睡午觉时就不会被电话 吵醒

  • Wake up ! Wake up sleeping beauty not waken up in love but in a dream of love .

    不是 唤醒,而是从梦见爱的梦中醒来。

  • Of course I am also waken up much earlier by the radio the next morning .

    当然,第二天早上我也 收音机提前

  • He hasn 't waken up to the seriousness of the situation .

    他还没有 意识 情况的严重性。

  • I felt a sharp pain in my head and the next thing I know is waken up in hospital .

    我觉得头部一阵 剧痛,等明白 过来才知道自己是在医院里。

  • Making use of Powerpoint courseware can be up and doing classroom teaching mood and can bring up and waken students learning interest and can bring up ability of students to improve teaching quality .

    使用PowerPoint课件辅助教学,可活跃课堂教学气氛,培养和 激发学生的学习兴趣,并可 培养学生的能力,提高教学的质量;

  • Chinese manufacturers have waken up to the strength of media promotion .

    中国制造商已经 认识 媒介促销的力量。

  • Raises and sits on the bed Cindy is waken up too .

    迈克尔 了,在床上坐 起来

  • He is waken up by a sound and has been leaped .

    他被 撞击声所 惊醒,一跃而起。

  • When he is waken up nobody could stop him .


  • I have a dream that one day I will live in a vital community where I will be waken up by the morning sun and anticipate a story or miracle happened to me anytime .

    我梦想有一天,把家 蓬勃着生命力的社区,每天被阳光 叫醒,随时都可能产生故事和奇迹。

  • This works is about the youthful fantasy and dreams and the long melancholy experienced when finally waken up from the fancy dream .

    这是一件关于青春的幻梦,以及对这样一个幻梦终于 醒来的悠悠惆怅的作品。