

vt.& vi.<口>来回摇摆

  • One of his party tricks is to waggle his ears .

    他在 社交聚会上的 绝招之一就是 晃动耳朵。

  • Summary on the Reasons & . Related Countermeasures for Vibration of Hydraulic Turbine / Generator and Waggle of Basic Shaft

    水轮机和发电机振动及主轴 摆动的原因与对策

  • According to the features of magnetic gradient fuse the interaction arose out of the waggle of magnetic gradient fuse is effectively eliminated by using multipath FTF adaptive algorithm . The result of computer simulation indicates that the algorithm is effective .

    根据磁梯度引信特点,运用多路 FTF自适应算法有效地消除了磁引信晃动引起的干扰.计算机仿真结果表明该算法具有良好的效果。

  • That supported the conclusion that the waggle dance was an illustration of altruism in the insect world .

    此次 实验支持这个结论: 蜜蜂 摇摆舞是昆虫世界里利 主义的一个例证。

  • Have a slight waggle and then set the club back of the ball again and make a forward press similar to what you would do swinging a bucket of water .

    做小幅度的 ,然后再次 把杆头置于球后,并且压迫杆身前向 倾斜

  • When they open their front door waggle a bunch of happy golden sunflowers around it ; there is no other flower so guaranteed to spark a smile .

    朋友打开前门, 看到一束幸福的金色向阳花在他面前 晃动;再没有其他的花朵能保证让他绽放微笑了。

  • He was waggling his toes in his socks

    他的脚趾在袜子 动来动去

  • Hydraulic relay valve return spring She can waggle her ears .

    液压式继动阀回动弹簧她能让耳朵 回动

  • They meet once every month at Waggle Brothers Pet Resort and Spa .

    我们每月在 兄弟宠物渡假及健身中心 聚会一次。

  • Each scout that discovers a promising site inspects it to see if it is suitably roomy and secure and then returns to the cluster to announce her find by performing a waggle dance .

    每只发现这样一个 符合 要求的地方都要检查一下以确保适于居住且安全,然后 回蜂群通过舞蹈 告知 蜂后它的发现。

  • She can waggle her ears .

    她能 耳朵 回动

  • Waggle their tails and off they go .

    它们摇着尾巴, 走掉了。