wait and see

[wet ənd si][weit ænd si:]


  • The only thing we can do now is wait and see what happens .

    我们现在唯一能做的便是 等待 会发生什么。

  • No decision will be made until next year so you 'll just have to wait and see .

    要到明年才能作出决定,因此你只好 了。

  • I don 't know . I 'll have to wait and see .

    我不知道,只有 等待 看看了。

  • One day I 'll show you ! You just wait and see !

    有朝一日,我会让你知道!你就 吧!

  • I prefer to wait and see how things go .

    我比较想 事情怎么发展。

  • I 'm hungry . What 's for dinner ? Wait and see .

    我饿了。晚饭吃什么? 看看

  • We 'll just have to wait and see .

    我们只能 了。

  • Great ! Han Jia you just wait and see .

    太好了!韩佳,你就 我的

  • Now you just have to wait and see .

    现在你只有 静观结果了。

  • But I 've still gotta wait and see .


  • If you don 't believe it wait and see .

    如若不信, 拭目以待

  • Don 't you think we 'd better wait and see whether or not the operation was successful ?

    你不认为我们最好是 手术是否成功吗?

  • If we give him the money now before he 's proved that he 'll be able to pay it back we may lose it completely . I think we should wait and see .

    要是我们在他证明自已有偿还能力以前就借给他钱,我们的钱就可能落空。我看还是应该 等等

  • We 'll have to wait and see if it liberalizes it so much they don 't work anymore .

    我们将不得不 等待 看看它是否放宽了那么多钱,他们不工作了。

  • We 'll wait and see . I am too tired now .

    我们 等等 吧。我现在太累了。

  • No problem ! I will not only defeat you but also your team ! Wait and see !

    没问题!我不仅会打败你,连你们美国队我也不会放过的! 走着瞧

  • Wait and see . I 'll turn the tables some day .


  • We 'll have to wait and see what happens .

    我们只好 等等 将会发生什么。

  • She is a good enough tactician to wait and see what the election brings .

    她是个很有谋略的战术家 懂得 静观选举的结果。

  • Well let 's wait and see

    那么,让我们 吧。

  • The only thing you can do is wait and see .

    你唯一可做的只有 等待 观望了。

  • You must obey the order or else let 's wait and see .


  • Now we have made our play we will have to wait and see what happens .

    我们已经想尽了办法,至于会出现什么情况我们只得 了。

  • We can not predict what will happen . We 'll just have to wait and see .

    我们不能预测会发生什么事情,那我们就只能 了。

  • I hope so . let 's wait and see .

    希望如此。我们 好了。

  • You just wait and see Dries said of Enzo 's plan .

    你就 。Dries谈到了Enzo的计划。

  • Maybe I will and maybe I won 't.We 'll just have to wait and see .

    也许我会,也许我不会。我们只能 拭目以待了。

  • But I 'm not gonna let you down darling wait and see .


  • Wait and see .

  • I don 't think my boss will let me but I 'll just have to wait and see .

    我想老板是不会让我去的,但我还是要 等等